Once Morris Gleitzman complete questions and activitiesQuick View

Once Morris Gleitzman complete questions and activities

<p>Here are all the questions and activities that I created and used with my Year 6 class over a whole term. Each set of questions and activities are differentiated at least two ways. Each resource is also linked to one of the KS2 reading domain skills.<br /> Hope you find them all helpful.</p>
Completed NPQSL assignmentQuick View

Completed NPQSL assignment

<p>I successfully completed and passed my NPQSL. I felt it would be helpful for people to see what the completed assignment looks like.<br /> Please use this to support your own project but do not copy my assignment.<br /> Email if you would like a copy of the appendices after purchasing.</p>
Once Morris Gleitzman Text simplifiedQuick View

Once Morris Gleitzman Text simplified

<p>I used the text Once by Morris Gleitzman with my Year 6 class this year. I had some children who were working at a Year 3/4 level and couldn’t access the text. This is a simplified version of the text broken down page by page. There are some pages not included as I read those pages to the whole class. I also have some simplified questions that I created that I can email to you if they would be helpful.</p>
Traction Man SATs style questionsQuick View

Traction Man SATs style questions

<p>These are questions based on Traction Man Meets Turbodog that I used with my Y2 class in the lead up to SATs.<br /> The questions are all in the style of Y2 SATs and there are enough sets of questions for about 4 weeks of learning.</p>
Year R Term by Term Progression MapQuick View

Year R Term by Term Progression Map

<p>I have used the new Development Matters and Birthto5Matters documents to create a term by term progression document. I will use this to help me assess my class at the end of each long term.</p> <p>I have also created ‘Common Play Behaviours’ for each area that I will have next year in my continuous provision. These statements match up closely to the progression document.</p>
Once Morris Gleitzman Y5/6 questionsQuick View

Once Morris Gleitzman Y5/6 questions

<p>These are some questions and tasks to complete with Year 5 or 6 pupils on the first few chapters of Once. Most of the tasks are differentiated with challenge 1 being the easiest. I have also uploaded a simplified version of the complete book that I gave to some of my pupils who were working at Y3/4 level so they could then still access the text. Hopefully you find them helpful, please leave a review if you do.</p>