Harris Burdick - Writing Stimulus
<p>I’ve put together a range of slides with talking prompts and visual aids to help support a short of lessons exploring the Harris Burdick stories.</p>
<p>The resources were created for a Year 6 class, however, it could easily be developed to be used with any KS2 class.</p>
<p>Lesson 1: focuses on what the story could be</p>
<p>Lesson 2: challenges the writers to write in the first person</p>
<p>Lesson 3: challenges the writers to write in the third person</p>
<p>Lesson 4: includes a short iPad photography class built around creating ‘Harris Burdick’ inspired stories,</p>
<p>Lesson 5-6: challenges the writers to write their own Harris Burdick story, using their iPad photos as insperation.</p>
<p>I’ve used this resource with a few Year 6 classes and the final results are always pretty creative. Hopefully, it will be for your students too.</p>