Maths Flipchart Pieces (ActivInspire)
<p>Here in one ActivInspire flipchart are the essential models and images for teaching maths at primary level.</p>
<p>Teachers are short of time! Searching Google image every time you need something for your flipchart takes ages…so use this instead.</p>
<p>It’s full of powerful models and images - you can either copy/paste whole slides or drag around pieces you want and copy/paste into your lessons.</p>
<p>This flipchart ‘kit of parts’ includes, for example:</p>
<p>Money, numicon, dienes, 100-square, Gattengo charts, 2D & 3D shapes, squared paper, number lines, part-whole models, bar models, ten frames, place value charts, Venn diagrams and much more! It also includes many of the images shared freely by White Rose Maths.</p>