Stig of the Dump Persuasive Advert Example, Feature Sheets & AnswersQuick View

Stig of the Dump Persuasive Advert Example, Feature Sheets & Answers

<p>Example persuasive advertisement based on Chapter 9 of the children’s novel <em>Stig of the Dump</em> by Clive King. This exemplar advert persuading readers to visit Stone Henge is perfect to use as a WAGOLL when studying Chapter 9 of <em>Stig of the Dump</em>.</p> <p>The model advert text comes with a feature identification worksheet, plus an answer sheet that can be uploaded for remote learning or shared in class, enabling pupils to become confident in the genre before an independent or shared writing activity.</p> <p>After identifying features, pupils plan and write their own persuasive advert based on the exemplar. The pupils can link their advert to the novel <em>Stig of the Dump</em> by persuading their readers to visit the Kent standing stones, the Medway Megaliths, and to stay in Stig’s cave hotel, giving opportunities to describe settings from chapter 9 of the book.</p> <p>The language, grammar and punctuation features in the text include:<br /> • Rule of three<br /> • Alliteration<br /> • Similes<br /> • Metaphors<br /> • Facts and statistics<br /> • Rhetorical questions<br /> • Commands (starting with imperative verbs)<br /> • Expanded noun phrases with appealing adjectives<br /> • Other appealing adjectives<br /> • Use of synonyms to avoid repetition<br /> • Apostrophes for contraction<br /> • Apostrophes for possession<br /> • Hyphens<br /> • Colons</p> <p>All resources come both as editable Word documents to easily adapt for your class and in PDF format.</p> <p>If you buy this resource and are pleased with your purchase, leave a review and receive another up to the value of this one for free. Just email <a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow"></a> with your username, the reviewed resource and the resource you would like for free.</p> <p>Other <em>Stig of the Dump</em> resources:<br /> ✦ <a href="">Complete Unit of Work</a><br /> ✦ <a href="">Reading Comprehension Tests</a></p> <p><em>Stig of the Dump</em> example texts, with feature find sheet and answers:<br /> ✦ <a href="">Example Texts BUNDLE</a><br /> ✦ <a href="">Chapter 1: Diary Entries</a><br /> ✦ <a href="">Chapter 2: Instructions</a><br /> ✦ <a href="">Chapter 3: Character Profile</a><br /> ✦ <a href="">Chapter 4: Informal Letter</a><br /> ✦ <a href="">Chapter 5: Dialogue</a><br /> ✦ <a href="">Chapter 6: Playscript</a><br /> ✦ <a href="">Chapter 7: Newspaper Report</a><br /> ✦ <a href="">Chapter 9: Persuasive Advert</a></p> <p>Visit <a href="">Helen-Teach’s Shop</a> for more resources.</p>
Stig of the Dump Character Profile Example, Feature Sheet, Answers & TemplateQuick View

Stig of the Dump Character Profile Example, Feature Sheet, Answers & Template

<p>Example character profile text based on information up to Chapter 3 from the children’s novel <em>Stig of the Dump</em> by Clive King.</p> <p>This exemplar character description of Stig is perfect to use as a WAGOLL when studying Chapter 3 of the text or beyond (not to be used before this point due to spoilers).</p> <p>The model character profile comes with a feature identification worksheet for children to fill in, plus an answer sheet that can be uploaded for remote learning or shared in class.</p> <p>After identifying the features of the text, pupils can write their own character description of Stig, Barney, Lou or any other book character, using the Character Profile Template (also included).</p> <p>The language, grammar and punctuation features to be identified in the text include:<br /> • Similes<br /> • Metaphors<br /> • Rule of three<br /> • Onomatopoeia<br /> • Alliteration<br /> • Fronted adverbials followed by commas<br /> • Synonyms to avoid repetition<br /> • Expanded noun phrases<br /> • Apostrophes for singular possession<br /> • Apostrophes for plural possession<br /> • Dashes<br /> • Brackets<br /> • Hyphens<br /> • Colons</p> <p>The resource could be used on World Book Day as an example character profile before children create their own.</p> <p>Resources come as editable Word documents and as PDFs.</p> <p>If you buy this resource and are pleased with your purchase, leave a review and receive another up to the value of this one for free. Just email <a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow"></a> with your username, the reviewed resource and the resource you would like for free.</p> <p>Other <em>Stig of the Dump</em> resources:<br /> ✦ <a href="">Complete Unit of Work</a><br /> ✦ <a href="">Reading Comprehension Tests</a></p> <p><em>Stig of the Dump</em> example texts, with feature find sheet and answers:<br /> ✦ <a href="">Example Texts BUNDLE</a><br /> ✦ <a href="">Chapter 1: Diary Entries</a><br /> ✦ <a href="">Chapter 2: Instructions</a><br /> ✦ <a href="">Chapter 4: Informal Letter</a><br /> ✦ <a href="">Chapter 5: Dialogue</a><br /> ✦ <a href="">Chapter 6: Playscript</a><br /> ✦ <a href="">Chapter 7: Newspaper Report</a><br /> ✦ <a href="">Chapter 8: Interview Article</a><br /> ✦ <a href="">Chapter 9: Persuasive Advert</a></p> <p>Visit <a href="">Helen-Teach’s Shop</a> for more resources.</p>
Stig of the Dump Reading Comprehension Tests & AnswersQuick View

Stig of the Dump Reading Comprehension Tests & Answers

<p>A set of 9 reading comprehension tests with answers for the book <em>Stig of the Dump</em> by Clive King.</p> <p>These nine SATs style assessments are ideal to use after reading each of the nine chapters of the book in guided reading or English.</p> <p>The questions cover the eight reading content domains (2a vocabulary, 2b retrieval, 2c summary, 2d inference, 2e prediction, 2f comment, 2g author choice, 2h comparison) and the six reading VIPERS domains (Vocabulary, Inference, Prediction, Explanation, Retrieval, Sequence/Summarise).</p> <p>Each test has a range of question types including:<br /> • write on the line<br /> • tick one or tick multiple<br /> • give an answer with evidence<br /> • draw lines to show<br /> • number the order<br /> • true or false<br /> • find and copy<br /> • impression with evidence</p> <p>These are ideal to confidently assess your pupils’ understanding of <em>Stig of the Dump</em> as well as familiarise your pupils with SATs style questioning.</p> <p>An answer sheet for each test is supplied.</p> <p>All documents are provided as both editable Word files and as PDFs.</p> <p>If you buy this resource and are pleased with your purchase, leave a review and receive another up to the value of this one for free. Just email <a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow"></a> with your username, the reviewed resource and the resource you would like for free.</p> <p>Other <em>Stig of the Dump</em> themed example texts with feature identification sheets and answers:<br /> ✦ <a href="">Unit of Work</a><br /> ✦ <a href="">Example Texts BUNDLE</a><br /> ✦ <a href="">Chapter 1: Diary Entries</a><br /> ✦ <a href="">Chapter 2: Instructions</a><br /> ✦ <a href="">Chapter 3: Character Profile</a><br /> ✦ <a href="">Chapter 4: Informal Letter</a><br /> ✦ <a href="">Chapter 5: Dialogue</a><br /> ✦ <a href="">Chapter 6: Playscript</a><br /> ✦ <a href="">Chapter 7: Newspaper Report</a><br /> ✦ <a href="">Chapter 8: Interview Article</a><br /> ✦ <a href="">Chapter 9: Persuasive Advert</a></p> <p>Visit <a href="">Helen-Teach’s Shop</a> for more resources.</p>
Stig of the Dump Example Diary Entries, Feature Identification & AnswersQuick View

Stig of the Dump Example Diary Entries, Feature Identification & Answers

<p>Two example diary entries from the point of view of two characters - Barney and Lou - from the children’s novel <em>Stig of the Dump</em> by Clive King.</p> <p>These exemplar diary entries are perfect to use as WAGOLLs when studying Chapter 1 of the text.</p> <p>Each model diary entry comes with a feature identification worksheet for children to complete, plus an answer sheet that can be uploaded for remote learning or shared in class. One of the worksheets contains a wider variety of features than the other to increase the challenge level, providing differentiation.</p> <p>After identifying the features of these recount texts, pupils can write their own diary entries, based on the example texts.</p> <p>The language, grammar and punctuation features to be identified in the texts include:<br /> • Similes<br /> • Rule of three<br /> • Onomatopoeia<br /> • Alliteration<br /> • Exclamatory sentences<br /> • Fronted adverbials followed by commas<br /> • Co-ordinating conjunctions<br /> • Synonyms to avoid repetition<br /> • Expanded noun phrases<br /> • Exclamation marks<br /> • Apostrophes for contraction<br /> • Apostrophes for possession<br /> • Dashes<br /> • Colons<br /> • Semi-colons<br /> • Brackets<br /> • Hyphens</p> <p>All resources come as easily editable Word documents and as PDFs.</p> <p>If you buy this resource and are pleased with your purchase, leave a review and receive another up to the value of this one for free. Just email <a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow"></a> with your username, the reviewed resource and the resource you would like for free.</p> <p>Other <em>Stig of the Dump</em> resources:<br /> ✦ <a href="">Complete Unit of Work</a><br /> ✦ <a href="">Reading Comprehension Tests</a></p> <p><em>Stig of the Dump</em> example texts, with feature find sheet and answers:<br /> ✦ <a href="">Example Texts BUNDLE</a><br /> ✦ <a href="">Chapter 2: Instructions</a><br /> ✦ <a href="">Chapter 3: Character Profile</a><br /> ✦ <a href="">Chapter 4: Informal Letter</a><br /> ✦ <a href="">Chapter 5: Dialogue</a><br /> ✦ <a href="">Chapter 6: Playscript</a><br /> ✦ <a href="">Chapter 7: Newspaper Report</a><br /> ✦ <a href="">Chapter 8: Interview Article</a><br /> ✦ <a href="">Chapter 9: Persuasive Advert</a></p> <p>Visit <a href="">Helen-Teach’s Shop</a> for more resources.</p>
Stig of the Dump Instructions Example Text, Feature Sheets & AnswersQuick View

Stig of the Dump Instructions Example Text, Feature Sheets & Answers

<p>Example instructional text based on information from Chapter 2 of the children’s novel <em>Stig of the Dump</em> by Clive King.</p> <p>This exemplar instructional text “How to Build a Fireplace” is perfect to use as a WAGOLL when studying Chapter 2 of <em>Stig of the Dump</em>.</p> <p>The model instructions come with a feature identification worksheet for children to fill in, plus answer sheet that can be uploaded for remote learning or shared in class.</p> <p>After identifying the features, pupils write their own instructions based on the example text with the help of the extract from the book (also included).</p> <p>The language, grammar and punctuation features to be identified in the text include:<br /> • Rhetorical questions<br /> • Onomatopoeia<br /> • Alliteration<br /> • Commands<br /> • Imperative verbs<br /> • Fronted adverbials followed by commas<br /> • Synonyms to avoid repetition<br /> • Expanded noun phrases<br /> • Question marks<br /> • Apostrophes for possession<br /> • Brackets<br /> • Hyphens<br /> • Colons</p> <p>If you buy this resource and are pleased with your purchase, leave a review and receive another up to the value of this one for free. Just email <a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow"></a> with your username, the reviewed resource and the resource you would like for free.</p> <p>Other <em>Stig of the Dump</em> resources:<br /> ✦ <a href="">Complete Unit of Work</a><br /> ✦ <a href="">Reading Comprehension Tests</a></p> <p><em>Stig of the Dump</em> example texts, with feature find sheet and answers:<br /> ✦ <a href="">Example Texts BUNDLE</a><br /> ✦ <a href="">Chapter 1: Diary Entries</a><br /> ✦ <a href="">Chapter 3: Character Profile</a><br /> ✦ <a href="">Chapter 4: Informal Letter</a><br /> ✦ <a href="">Chapter 5: Dialogue</a><br /> ✦ <a href="">Chapter 6: Playscript</a><br /> ✦ <a href="">Chapter 7: Newspaper Report</a><br /> ✦ <a href="">Chapter 8: Interview Article</a><br /> ✦ <a href="">Chapter 9: Persuasive Advert</a></p> <p>Visit <a href="">Helen-Teach’s Shop</a> for more resources.</p>
Stig of the Dump Informal Letter Example, Feature Identification & AnswersQuick View

Stig of the Dump Informal Letter Example, Feature Identification & Answers

<p>An example informal letter from the point of view of Barney from the children’s novel <em>Stig of the Dump</em> by Clive King.</p> <p>This exemplar informal letter is perfect to use as a WAGOLL when studying Chapter 4.</p> <p>The model informal letter comes with a feature identification worksheet, plus answer sheet that can be uploaded for remote learning or shared in class. The worksheets can be easily adjusted to match the ability of your class and provide differentiation.</p> <p>After identifying the features, pupils can write their own informal letter from Barney or Lou’s point of view, based on the example text.</p> <p>The language, grammar and punctuation features to be identified in the text include:<br /> • Rule of three<br /> • Repetition for effect<br /> • Alliteration<br /> • Onomatopoeia<br /> • Similes<br /> • Metaphors<br /> • Exclamatory sentences<br /> • Questions<br /> • Fronted adverbials followed by a comma<br /> • Co-ordinating conjunctions<br /> • Subordinating conjunctions<br /> • Expanded noun phrases<br /> • Use of synonyms to avoid repetition<br /> • Apostrophes for contraction<br /> • Apostrophes for double contractions<br /> • Apostrophes for singular possession<br /> • Apostrophes for plural possession<br /> • Apostrophes for joint possession<br /> • Hyphens<br /> • Colons<br /> • Brackets<br /> • Dashes</p> <p>All resources come as easily editable Word documents and as PDFs.</p> <p>If you buy this resource and are pleased with your purchase, leave a review and receive another up to the value of this one for free. Just email <a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow"></a> with your username, the reviewed resource and the resource you would like for free.</p> <p>Other <em>Stig of the Dump</em> resources:<br /> ✦ <a href="">Complete Unit of Work</a><br /> ✦ <a href="">Reading Comprehension Tests</a></p> <p><em>Stig of the Dump</em> example texts, with feature find sheet and answers:<br /> ✦ <a href="">Example Texts BUNDLE</a><br /> ✦ <a href="">Chapter 1: Diary Entries</a><br /> ✦ <a href="">Chapter 2: Instructions</a><br /> ✦ <a href="">Chapter 3: Character Profile</a><br /> ✦ <a href="">Chapter 5: Dialogue</a><br /> ✦ <a href="">Chapter 6: Playscript</a><br /> ✦ <a href="">Chapter 7: Newspaper Report</a><br /> ✦ <a href="">Chapter 8: Interview Article</a><br /> ✦ <a href="">Chapter 9: Persuasive Advert</a></p> <p>Visit <a href="">Helen-Teach’s Shop</a> for more resources.</p>
Stig of the Dump Dialogue Writing Example with Feature Identification, Answers & ExtractQuick View

Stig of the Dump Dialogue Writing Example with Feature Identification, Answers & Extract

<p>Example text demonstrating dialogue writing with direct speech based on the novel <em>Stig of the Dump</em> by Clive King. It is based on Chapter 5 of the novel, when Barney speaks to the Snargets in Stig’s cave, but in the example, Stig has the ability to speak English and joins in the conversation. A writing feature identification worksheet, answer sheet and extract from <em>Stig of the Dump</em> are included.</p> <p>Use the WAGOLL before pupils write their own versions or continue the model text.</p> <p>This can be used when studying the novel <em>Stig of the Dump</em> or during a stand-alone lesson.</p> <p>All documents provided as Word and PDFs.</p> <p>The model text contains the following features:<br /> • Actual words spoken with inverted commas on either side<br /> • Reporting clause separated from words spoken with a comma, question mark or exclamation mark<br /> • Variety of speech verbs<br /> • Adverbs to show how the words were spoken<br /> • Actions of the characters<br /> • New paragraph every time the speaker changes.<br /> • Feelings of characters shown through action<br /> • Sentence spoken but split into two by the reporting clause<br /> • Two or more sentences spoken at once with reporting clause at the beginning/end<br /> • Two sentences spoken at once and split into two by the reporting clause</p> <p>If you buy this resource and are pleased with your purchase, leave a review and receive another up to the value of this one for free. Just email <a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow"></a> with your username, the reviewed resource and the resource you would like for free.</p> <p>Other <em>Stig of the Dump</em> resources:<br /> ✦ <a href="">Complete Unit of Work</a><br /> ✦ <a href="">Reading Comprehension Tests</a></p> <p><em>Stig of the Dump</em> example texts, with feature find sheet and answers:<br /> ✦ <a href="">Example Texts BUNDLE</a><br /> ✦ <a href="">Chapter 1: Diary Entries</a><br /> ✦ <a href="">Chapter 2: Instructions</a><br /> ✦ <a href="">Chapter 3: Character Profile</a><br /> ✦ <a href="">Chapter 4: Informal Letter</a><br /> ✦ <a href="">Chapter 6: Playscript</a><br /> ✦ <a href="">Chapter 7: Newspaper Report</a><br /> ✦ <a href="">Chapter 8: Interview Article</a><br /> ✦ <a href="">Chapter 9: Persuasive Advert</a></p> <p>Visit <a href="">Helen-Teach’s Shop</a> for more resources.</p>
Stig of the Dump Newspaper Report Example, Feature Sheets, Answers, Template and PlanningQuick View

Stig of the Dump Newspaper Report Example, Feature Sheets, Answers, Template and Planning

<p>An example newspaper report based on Chapter 7 of the children’s novel <em>Stig of the Dump</em> by Clive King.</p> <p>This exemplar newspaper article is perfect to use as a WAGOLL when studying Chapter 7 of <em>Stig of the Dump</em>.</p> <p>The model newspaper report comes with a feature identification worksheet, plus an answer sheet that can be uploaded for remote learning or shared in class, enabling pupils to become confident in the genre before an independent or shared writing activity.</p> <p>Planning sheet and newspaper report templates have also been included.</p> <p>After identifying features, pupils write their own newspaper report based on the example text by either re-writing the model text, choosing a different event from <em>Stig of the Dump</em> to report or inventing their own adventure for Barney, Lou and Stig.</p> <p>The language, grammar and punctuation features in the text include:<br /> • Headline in the present tense<br /> • Byline<br /> • Date<br /> • Introductory paragraph containing the 4 Ws (who, what, where, when)<br /> • Quotes, with inverted commas<br /> • Photograph with caption<br /> • Passive voice<br /> • Alliteration<br /> • Past tense<br /> • Third person<br /> • Relative clauses<br /> • Fronted adverbials<br /> • Present perfect tense</p> <p>All resources come both as editable Word documents to easily adapt for your class and in PDF format.</p> <p>If you buy this resource and are pleased with your purchase, leave a review and receive another up to the value of this one for free. Just email <a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow"></a> with your username, the reviewed resource and the resource you would like for free.</p> <p>Other <em>Stig of the Dump</em> resources:<br /> ✦ <a href="">Complete Unit of Work</a><br /> ✦ <a href="">Reading Comprehension Tests</a></p> <p><em>Stig of the Dump</em> example texts, with feature find sheet and answers:<br /> ✦ <a href="">Example Texts BUNDLE</a><br /> ✦ <a href="">Chapter 1: Diary Entries</a><br /> ✦ <a href="">Chapter 2: Instructions</a><br /> ✦ <a href="">Chapter 3: Character Profile</a><br /> ✦ <a href="">Chapter 4: Informal Letter</a><br /> ✦ <a href="">Chapter 5: Dialogue</a><br /> ✦ <a href="">Chapter 6: Playscript</a><br /> ✦ <a href="">Chapter 8: Interview Article</a><br /> ✦ <a href="">Chapter 9: Persuasive Advert</a></p> <p>Visit <a href="">Helen-Teach’s Shop</a> for more resources.</p>
Stig of the Dump Playscript Example, Feature Sheets, Answers & ExtractQuick View

Stig of the Dump Playscript Example, Feature Sheets, Answers & Extract

<p>Example playscript based on Chapter 6 of the children’s novel <em>Stig of the Dump</em> by Clive King.</p> <p>This exemplar playscript is perfect to use as a WAGOLL when studying Chapter 6 of <em>Stig of the Dump</em> when Barney and Stig stop the thieves.</p> <p>The model playscript comes with a feature identification worksheet for children to complete, plus an answer sheet that can be uploaded for remote learning or shared in class.</p> <p>After identifying the features, pupils can write their own playscript using an extract from the book (also included) by either re-writing the model text or continuing the script provided.</p> <p>The language, grammar and punctuation features in the text include:<br /> • List of characters’ names, using commas to separate each item in the list<br /> • Setting the scene, written in the present tense<br /> • Stage directions<br /> • Character names written down the left-hand side of the page, followed by a colon before each line of speech<br /> • Speech – actual words spoken after a character’s name (no inverted commas)<br /> • Character directions within speech, inside brackets<br /> • Character directions not within speech, inside brackets<br /> • Colloquial language (informal language): apostrophes for contraction<br /> • Colloquial language (informal language): informal words/phrases<br /> • Non-standard English</p> <p>If you buy this resource and are pleased with your purchase, leave a review and receive another up to the value of this one for free. Just email <a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow"></a> with your username, the reviewed resource and the resource you would like for free.</p> <p>Other <em>Stig of the Dump</em> resources:<br /> ✦ <a href="">Complete Unit of Work</a><br /> ✦ <a href="">Reading Comprehension Tests</a></p> <p><em>Stig of the Dump</em> example texts, with feature find sheet and answers:<br /> ✦ <a href="">Example Texts BUNDLE</a><br /> ✦ <a href="">Chapter 1: Diary Entries</a><br /> ✦ <a href="">Chapter 2: Instructions</a><br /> ✦ <a href="">Chapter 3: Character Profile</a><br /> ✦ <a href="">Chapter 4: Informal Letter</a><br /> ✦ <a href="">Chapter 5: Dialogue</a><br /> ✦ <a href="">Chapter 7: Newspaper Report</a><br /> ✦ <a href="">Chapter 8: Interview Article</a><br /> ✦ <a href="">Chapter 9: Persuasive Advert</a></p> <p>Visit <a href="">Helen-Teach’s Shop</a> for more resources.</p>
Stig of the Dump Interview Article Example, Feature Sheets, Answers and Template and PlanningQuick View

Stig of the Dump Interview Article Example, Feature Sheets, Answers and Template and Planning

<p>Example interview article based on Chapter 8 of the children’s novel <em>Stig of the Dump</em> by Clive King. This exemplar interview write up with Barney’s sister Lou is perfect to use as a WAGOLL when studying Chapter 8 of <em>Stig of the Dump</em>.</p> <p>The model interview article comes with a feature identification worksheet, plus an answer sheet that can be uploaded for remote learning or shared in class, enabling pupils to become confident in the genre before an independent or shared writing activity. A planning sheet and interview article template have also been included.</p> <p>After identifying features, pupils plan and then write their own interview article based on the example text by continuing the interview with Lou, or writing an interview for Barney or Stig. This provides the perfect opportunity for the children to role play before they write.</p> <p>The language, grammar and punctuation features in the text include:<br /> • Repetition for effect <br /> • Onomatopoeia <br /> • Alliteration <br /> • Similes<br /> • Metaphors <br /> • Idioms <br /> • Show don’t tell <br /> • Commands <br /> • Questions <br /> • Fronted adverbials followed by a comma <br /> • Synonyms to avoid repetition <br /> • Expanded noun phrases<br /> • Apostrophes for contraction <br /> • Apostrophes for possession <br /> • Brackets <br /> • Colons<br /> • Semi-colons<br /> • Dashes<br /> • Hyphens</p> <p>All resources come both as editable Word documents to easily adapt for your class and in PDF format.</p> <p>If you buy this resource and are pleased with your purchase, leave a review and receive another up to the value of this one for free. Just email <a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow"></a> with your username, the reviewed resource and the resource you would like for free.</p> <p>Other <em>Stig of the Dump</em> resources:<br /> ✦ <a href="">Complete Unit of Work</a><br /> ✦ <a href="">Reading Comprehension Tests</a></p> <p><em>Stig of the Dump</em> example texts, with feature find sheet and answers:<br /> ✦ <a href="">Example Texts BUNDLE</a><br /> ✦ <a href="">Chapter 1: Diary Entries</a><br /> ✦ <a href="">Chapter 2: Instructions</a><br /> ✦ <a href="">Chapter 3: Character Profile</a><br /> ✦ <a href="">Chapter 4: Informal Letter</a><br /> ✦ <a href="">Chapter 5: Dialogue</a><br /> ✦ <a href="">Chapter 6: Playscript</a><br /> ✦ <a href="">Chapter 7: Newspaper Report</a><br /> ✦ <a href="">Chapter 9: Persuasive Advert</a></p> <p>Visit <a href="">Helen-Teach’s Shop</a> for more resources.</p>
Stig of the Dump Example Texts BUNDLE with Feature Identification and AnswersQuick View

Stig of the Dump Example Texts BUNDLE with Feature Identification and Answers

9 Resources
<p>This <em>Stig of the Dump</em> themed bundle contains 9 example texts from a variety of genres to be used as models for writing.</p> <p>Each WAGOLL text corresponds to a different chapter of Clive King’s novel <em>Stig of the Dump</em> covering a range of fiction and non-fiction writing:</p> <p>• Chapter 1: Diary entries<br /> • Chapter 2: Instructions<br /> • Chapter 3: Character profile<br /> • Chapter 4: Informal letter<br /> • Chapter 5: Dialogue<br /> • Chapter 6: Playscript<br /> • Chapter 7: Newspaper report<br /> • Chapter 8: Interview article<br /> • Chapter 9: Persuasive advert</p> <p>Each exemplar text comes with a feature identification sheet with answers. Templates, planning grids and extracts are also included with many of the example texts.</p> <p>All resources come both as editable Word documents to easily adapt for your class and in PDF format.</p> <p>If you buy this resource and are pleased with your purchase, leave a review and receive another up to the value of this one for free. Just email <a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow"></a> with your username, the reviewed resource and the resource you would like for free.</p> <p>Other <em>Stig of the Dump</em> resources:<br /> ✦ <a href="">Complete Unit of Work</a><br /> ✦ <a href="">Reading Comprehension Tests</a></p> <p>You may also be interested in:<br /> ✦ <a href="">The Iron Man Literary Devices Differentiated Activities</a><br /> ✦ <a href="">Oranges in No Man’s Land Example Diary Text with Feature Identification &amp; Answers</a><br /> ✦ <a href="">Letter to an Ogre Example Persuasive Text, Feature Identification &amp; Answers</a><br /> ✦ <a href="">Stone Age Boy Example Diary Text with Feature Identification &amp; Answers</a><br /> ✦ <a href="">The Twits Example Diary Text with Feature Identification &amp; Templates</a><br /> ✦ <a href="">How To Train Your Dragon Example Diary Text with Feature Identification &amp; Templates</a><br /> ✦ <a href="">Unicorn Persuasive Letter Example, Feature Identification &amp; Answers</a></p> <p>Visit <a href="">Helen-Teach’s Shop</a> for more resources.</p>
Non-Fiction Text Types Card SortQuick View

Non-Fiction Text Types Card Sort

<p>A card sort to match the six main non-fiction text types with text examples, features and purpose of the non-fiction text genres.</p> <p>Suitable as a paired or small group activity to be completed as a lesson starter or plenary.</p> <p>Non-fiction example WAGOLL texts:<br /> ✦ Instructional texts: <a href=";q=instructions&amp;shop=Helen-Teach">instructions</a>, <a href=";q=recipes&amp;shop=Helen-Teach">recipes</a><br /> ✦ Recount texts: <a href=";q=diary&amp;shop=Helen-Teach">diaries</a>, <a href=";q=newspaper&amp;shop=Helen-Teach">newspaper reports</a>, <a href=";q=biography&amp;shop=Helen-Teach">biographies</a><br /> ✦ Information texts: <a href=";q=non-chronological%20report&amp;shop=Helen-Teach">non-chronological reports</a><br /> ✦ Explanation texts: <a href=";q=explanation&amp;shop=Helen-Teach">explanations</a><br /> ✦ Persuasive texts: <a href=";q=persuasive&amp;shop=Helen-Teach">persuasive letters</a>, <a href=";q=advert&amp;shop=Helen-Teach">adverts</a></p> <p>You may also be interested in:<br /> ✦ <a href="">The Iron Man Literary Devices Differentiated Activities</a><br /> ✦ <a href="">Oranges in No Man’s Land Example Diary Text with Feature Identification &amp; Answers</a><br /> ✦ <a href="">Letter to an Ogre Example Persuasive Text, Feature Identification &amp; Answers</a><br /> ✦ <a href="">Stone Age Boy Example Diary Text with Feature Identification &amp; Answers</a><br /> ✦ <a href="">The Twits Example Diary Text with Feature Identification &amp; Templates</a><br /> ✦ <a href="">How To Train Your Dragon Example Diary Text with Feature Identification &amp; Templates</a><br /> ✦ <a href="">Unicorn Persuasive Letter Example, Feature Identification &amp; Answers</a></p> <p>Visit <a href="">Helen-Teach’s Shop</a> for more resources.</p>
Literary Devices: Rhetorical Question StemsQuick View

Literary Devices: Rhetorical Question Stems

<p>A collection of rhetorical question sentence starters to be used as a handout or poster. These sentence stems provide scaffolding to help pupils write rhetorical questions.</p> <p>A rhetorical question is a question asked in order to create a dramatic effect or to make a point rather than to get an answer. It is a literary device often used to persuade the audience.</p> <p>This vocabulary bank is particularly useful for planning and completing persuasive writing texts, such as adverts, debates, speeches and persuasive letters. Rhetorical questions can also be found in other text types such as instructions, diaries and stories.</p> <p>This document contains examples of rhetorical question sentence stems. The rhetorical question stem list can be used to help to understand this literary device, to identify rhetorical questions within texts and to use rhetorical questions in writing.</p> <p>Other rhetorical question resources:<br /> Activities<br /> ✦ <a href="">The Iron Man Literary Devices</a><br /> Letter writing example text packs<br /> ✦ <a href="">Letter to an Ogre</a><br /> ✦ <a href="">Unicorn Letter</a><br /> ✦ <a href="">A Dangerous Game Letter</a><br /> ✦ <a href="">The Firework-Maker’s Daughter Letter</a><br /> Instructions example text packs<br /> ✦ <a href="">How to Catch an Ogre Instructions</a><br /> ✦ <a href="">Unicorn Instructions</a><br /> ✦ <a href="">Stig of the Dump Instructions</a><br /> Adverts example text packs<br /> ✦ <a href="">Stig of the Dump Advert</a><br /> Recounts example text packs<br /> ✦ <a href="">Ogre Recount</a><br /> ✦ <a href="">The Iron Man Hogarth’s Diary</a><br /> ✦ <a href="">The Hodgeheg Diary</a><br /> ✦ <a href="">The Nowhere Emporium Diary</a><br /> ✦ <a href="">The Butterfly Lion Diary</a><br /> ✦ <a href="">The Boy at the Back of the Class Diary</a><br /> ✦ <a href="">Charlotte’s Web Diary</a><br /> ✦ <a href="">Harry Potter Diary</a><br /> ✦ <a href="">The Boy Who Grew Dragons Diary</a><br /> ✦ <a href="">Journey Diary</a><br /> ✦ <a href="">A Dangerous Game Diary</a></p> <p>Other popular resources:<br /> ✦ <a href="">The Iron Man Complete Unit of Work | Four Weeks | Year 3/4</a><br /> ✦ <a href="">Stig of the Dump Complete Unit of Work | Six Weeks | Year 3/4</a></p> <p>For more resources, visit <a href="">Helen-Teach’s shop</a>.</p>