Human resources/recruitment business studies bookletQuick View

Human resources/recruitment business studies booklet

I made this human resources/recruitment booklet for my year 9 business studies group. It contains some videos, questions, a word search and various other tasks. It can be completed electronically or printed and filled in by hand. It is on word and so can be adapted if needed.
Unit 8 Introduction to human resources OCR Cambridge technical powerpoints and assignmentQuick View

Unit 8 Introduction to human resources OCR Cambridge technical powerpoints and assignment

Simple powerpoints and an assignment brief for unit 8 I changed the model assignment to fit with a local hotel. This can be changed to a hotel local to you. The assignment brief has been checked and approved by an external moderator. The powerpoints and simple and include the relevant headings. My students have all got distinctions in this unit. It will work best if you have a local hotel that will provide you with some information.
Work booklet for a whole term for year 9 business studiesQuick View

Work booklet for a whole term for year 9 business studies

I created this booklet for year 9 business studies. It is easy to follow and can be adapted if needed. There are also some links to video clips. I am going to have students completing some practical tasks alongside this booklet but that isn’t essential. It includes - Introduction, good/services, business ownership, invention and innovation, stakeholders, 4ps of marketing, adding value, logos, product ideas, market research, cost plus pricing, cash flow and customer service. There are some spaces for teacher comments and marks.