Viking Vocabulary Flashcards
<p>A set of flashcards with an image/ definition of the key word to aid the learning of Vikings in History.</p>
Y5 Materials Vocabulary Flashcards
<p>A set of large flashcards to print to aid in the learning of ‘Materials’ in Y5 Primary Science.</p>
Botanical Editable Table Points Display
<p>An editable botanical themed ‘Table Points’ display to use in the classroom.</p>
Maths Numberless Worded Problems
<p>A Powerpoint with modelled numberless worded maths problems suitable to the Y5/Y6 curriculum. There are a number of problems which are modelled and a few problems that can be completed.</p>
Principles of Art and Design
<p>A poster/ crib sheet of the seven principles of Art and Design looking at the Disciplinary concepts of the Art curriculum at Primary level.</p>