Der Körper - ArbeitsblattQuick View

Der Körper - Arbeitsblatt

<p>Worksheet on “Der Körper” introducing words such as Der Kopf, Die Schulter, Die Finger…</p> <p>The words the students have to fill in are in a box at the bottom of the worksheet.</p> <p>I recommend listening to the song and demonstrating the movements first and then asking the students to fill in the worksheet.</p> <p>Solutions attached + music recommendation</p>
Deutsche Musik "Introduction"Quick View

Deutsche Musik "Introduction"

<p>Introduction to German music with information about various artists + song examples.</p> <p>Perfect for a lesson before the holidays with a focus on culture!</p> <p>Extended Task: Choose one of the songs and translate it with the students.</p> <p>Make a poll with their favourite songs</p>
Nikolaus-Tag in DeutschlandQuick View

Nikolaus-Tag in Deutschland

<p>A presentation about the Nikolaus-Tag in Germany.</p> <p>Lots of visual aid used to share and tell the story of Sankt Nikolaus / Saint Nicholas</p>
SPEAKING: "Meine Sommerferien" - Character CardsQuick View

SPEAKING: "Meine Sommerferien" - Character Cards

<p>Character Cards for students to practice their past tense with holiday related vocabulary.</p> <p>Students have information about their character, e.g.</p> <p>Where they went<br /> For how long<br /> How they got there<br /> Activities</p> <p>They simply have to put the information in the past tense.</p>
Lesson on Future Tense + Summer HolidaysQuick View

Lesson on Future Tense + Summer Holidays

<p>Complete lesson introducing the future tense in German</p> <ol> <li>Starter: Vocabulary for summer activities / food / places + weather</li> <li>Listening on “My plans for the summer”</li> <li>Grammar Point</li> <li>Translation Exercise</li> <li>Dialog</li> <li>Writing in partner work</li> </ol>
Easy German Listening Comprehension for BeginnersQuick View

Easy German Listening Comprehension for Beginners

<p>Easy German Listening Comprehension:</p> <ul> <li>including transcript for the teacher</li> <li>including audio file</li> <li>including comprehension questions</li> </ul> <p>The listening comprehension covers topics such as family, breakfast food, pets and hobbies</p>
Was hast du in den Sommerferien gemacht? Reading + WritingQuick View

Was hast du in den Sommerferien gemacht? Reading + Writing

<p>Material consisting on:</p> <p>Reading Comprehension: Was hast du in den letzten Sommerferien gemacht? + Comprehension Questions.</p> <p>Writing task: Was hast du in den Sommerferien gemacht?</p> <p>Including Vocabulary support + example sentences.</p>