Sentence stems for oracy discussions and debatesQuick View

Sentence stems for oracy discussions and debates

<p>Thank you for looking at this resource!</p> <p>Print this as a large poster for your classroom or use them as a paired or individual resource to structure debates. Give your students a helping hand when contributing in class with sentence stems that help them to think from different perspectives and put their points across clearly and politely.</p> <p>Available as a PDF, PNG and JPEG using my fonts and as an editable PowerPoint slide where you can add in your own fonts and change any pharses. Please note that the PowerPoint version is in Arial font and not the fonts I used in the posters for copyright reasons.</p>
Sentence Stems for oracy, debates and discussionsQuick View

Sentence Stems for oracy, debates and discussions

<p>Help students to put their points across clearly and politely with this resource! Print it as a poster or individual resource to help structure debates.</p> <p>Available as a PNG, JPEG, PDF and editable PowerPoint. Please note that the font in the PowerPoint is Arial so that it can be edited with your own fonts and words.</p> <p>Thank you for checking out this resource!</p>