Christmas LessonQuick View

Christmas Lesson

<p>Christmas lesson for KS3 students</p> <p>The lesson explores:</p> <ul> <li>How people celebrate Christmas Day</li> <li>The meaning behind popular traditions</li> <li>Biblical accounts of the Nativity</li> <li>Christmas celebrations across the world</li> </ul>
What was life like for British convicts in Australia?Quick View

What was life like for British convicts in Australia?

<p>This is a short lesson that explores the enquiry question: What was life like for British convicts in Australia?<br /> It use sources and comes with a source handout as well as a detailed lesson plan.<br /> Suitable for KS3 students</p>
A Level Essay Planning Lesson and Planning SheetQuick View

A Level Essay Planning Lesson and Planning Sheet

<p>This lesson explores how to approach and structure an A-Level essay. I used Mary Brown’s article ‘From Muddleton Manor to Clarity Cathedral’ to inform the creation of this lesson. It comes with a generic A-Level essay planning sheet to match.</p> <ul> <li>It explores what it means to set a criteria in the introduction of an essay, to substantiate the basis of a judgement.</li> <li>It explores how to use topic sentences to guide the read through the essay</li> <li>It includes an activity that gets students to base their paragraphs around a point that contributes to their argument and allows then to practice selecting appropriate evidence in a suitable quantity.</li> </ul> <p>The lesson used a question from the Edexcel A-Level course: The rise and fall of fascism in Italy, c1911–46<br /> However the lesson can quickly be adapted to any course to show students how to move from GCSE style answers to A-Level essays.</p>