Year 1 Enhanced Provision/ Continuous Provision ideasQuick View

Year 1 Enhanced Provision/ Continuous Provision ideas

<p>This resource contains 6 weeks worth of enhanced provision ideas for a Year 1 classroom. These challenges would be placed on tables inside and outside of the classroom, independently or with a TA. These challenges I would normally set up during Autumn 1 and they link to our ourselves and our pets topic. They have an animal including humans and local area theme.</p>
King Charles III Coronation - If I were a King/ Queen for a day. English Year 1 and 2 lessons.Quick View

King Charles III Coronation - If I were a King/ Queen for a day. English Year 1 and 2 lessons.

<p>This resource contains resources for a Week’s English lessons in Year 1 or Year 2.<br /> It includes a flipchart, model text, writing lines, noun word mat, adjective word mat, sentence starters, plan worksheet, video link.</p> <p>By the end of the week the children should have described what they would do if they were a king or queen for the day. This links to the King’s coronation.</p> <p>If I were a Queen OR King<br /> My name would be<br /> I would live in<br /> I would wear<br /> I would eat<br /> I would ask my servants to<br /> I would make a rule that</p>
Dogger 3 week plan, KS1, LiteracyQuick View

Dogger 3 week plan, KS1, Literacy

<p>This resource includes a 14 day plan, with a talk for writing sequence of learning. The plan begins with a teddy bears picnic and children can write simple sentences with adjectives to describe their favourite toy. They then have one week of immersing themselves in the story ‘Dogger’ and one week innovating the text, by writing about a new toy.</p>
Autumn Senses Poem Year One and Year Two.Quick View

Autumn Senses Poem Year One and Year Two.

<p>This resource contains a model Autumn senses poem, visual word mat, and two worksheets.</p> <p>Day 1: Go on an Autumn hunt and collect Autumn treasures.<br /> Day 2: Write adjectives for these Autumn treasures and put on display.<br /> Day 3: Write sentences with prepositions to describes things you can see in an Autumn woodland.<br /> Day 4: Compose a poem describing what you can see, feel, hear, smell, taste in Autumn, with adjectives and prepositons.<br /> Day 5: Edit and publish your poem on a leaf shape sheet.</p>
Year 1 Science Carnivores, Herbivores, Omnivores, Poo Investigation. Senses Investigation.Quick View

Year 1 Science Carnivores, Herbivores, Omnivores, Poo Investigation. Senses Investigation.

<p>This resource contains 3 worksheets.</p> <ul> <li>One investigation that involves children investigating animal poo to find out if it is from a carnivore, omnivore or herbivore. Children need to record their findings on this worksheet table.</li> <li>One investigation involving senses. Children need to use their senses and write down what they think the object is. Children will need blindfolds, mystery boxes, headphones e.g.</li> <li>A carnivore, omnivore, herbivore definition worksheet.</li> </ul>
Crime Scene Science Investigation KS1 and KS2. Attendance bear is missing! Whole School Science WeekQuick View

Crime Scene Science Investigation KS1 and KS2. Attendance bear is missing! Whole School Science Week

<p>This resources contains the powerpoint and worksheets you could use for a whole school STEM Science investigation. It could also be used during Science Week to develop working scientifically skills and measuring in Maths.</p> <p>The story: Attendance Ted/ bear/ a beloved school object is taken by a member of staff, leaving a crime scene filled with clues. The children need to work as a whole school to collect clues and investigate who took the bear.<br /> EYFS: Observe the crime scene and draw clues that they can see. Measure footprints by matching shoes taken by the three suspects with the footprints at the crime scene.<br /> KS1: Observe the crime scene, measure footprints using cubes/ rulers to the nearest cm, analyze fingerprints.<br /> KS2: Observe the crime scene, measure footprints using cubes/ rulers to the nearest cm, analyze fingerprints and chromatography.</p> <p>You could also invite the local police in to help the children investigate fingerprints, measure footprints, test ink on the handwritten note using chromatography and use magnifying glasses to look for clues.</p>
Cave Baby full textQuick View

Cave Baby full text

<p>I have typed out the entire text for ‘Cave Baby’ to be used in English, Reading lessons.</p>
Little Red Hen Literacy Plan Year 1 Weeks 1 and 2Quick View

Little Red Hen Literacy Plan Year 1 Weeks 1 and 2

<p>This resource consists of an 8 day plan. This includes immerse activities such as creating a text map and orally retelling the text, sequencing the text, a hook activity and also retelling the whole story by writing 2 sentences each day.<br /> It has 1 worksheet for sequencing, pictures to stick in books alongside their writing with sentence starters and a text map example.</p>
Year 1 Materials and Their Properties ScienceQuick View

Year 1 Materials and Their Properties Science

<p>This resource contains 4 worksheets for the topic - Materials and their properties.<br /> 1 - Prediction worksheet. Which material would be best for Ted’s umbrella?<br /> 2- Table for children to complete throughout the investigation.<br /> 3- To describe and sort objects based on their properties worksheet.<br /> 4 - To describe a material’s properties worksheet. With visuals.</p>
Transparent, Translucent, Opaque worksheetQuick View

Transparent, Translucent, Opaque worksheet

<p>What materials are these objects made out of?</p> <p>Are they translucent, transparent or opaque?</p> <p>Why do they need to be translucent, transparent, or opaque?</p> <p>Children need to answer these questions using the key vocabulary.<br /> Example of an answer:</p> <p>The sunglasses are translucent. They need to be translucent so only a bit of light from the sun comes through the glasses. Then the person can still see and the sun isn’t too bright. If it was opaque they wouldn’t see anything.</p>
Dress like a Scientist Day. Science Week Idea. Research a Scientist. STEM.Quick View

Dress like a Scientist Day. Science Week Idea. Research a Scientist. STEM.

<p>This is a letter to send home to parents for a ‘Dress like a Scientist’ Day.<br /> This could be an activity for Science Week or to develop children’s knowledge of famous Scientists. There is a good range of Scientists with different genders, races and backgrounds, with visual prompts for outfit ideas.</p>