Quick Viewrick_wuProperties of Solids, Liquids and Gases (0)<p>A PowerPoint for <strong>Properties of Solids, Liquids and Gases</strong> aligned with the IGCSE Chemistry Curriculum</p>
Quick Viewrick_wuElectrolysis of Molten Compound (0)<p>Presentation about electrolysis of molten compound - IGCSE Chemistry.<br /> Also, it includes some REVIEWS such as:</p> <ul> <li>REDOX reaction</li> <li>Key terms for electrolysis</li> <li>Type of bondings</li> </ul>
Quick Viewrick_wuWork, Energy and Power - Lesson presentation (0)<p>A PowerPoint presentation for <strong>Work, Energy and Power</strong></p>
Quick Viewrick_wuExtraction of Metals - PowerPoint Lesson (0)<p>A lesson about <strong>Extraction of Metals</strong> aligned with the IGCSE Chemistry Curriculum</p>
Quick Viewrick_wuTypes of Angles - PowerPoint Lesson (0)<p>A PowerPoint presentation with <strong>Types of Angles</strong> aligned with the IGCSE Maths curriculum</p>
Quick Viewrick_wuTypes of triangles - PowerPoint Lesson (0)<p>A PowerPoint presentation with <strong>Types of Triangles</strong> aligned with the IGCSE Maths curriculum</p>