Year 4 Whole Class Reading - Aspidochelone - Character Description
<p>Whole Class Reading PowerPoint based on the test Aspidochelone from Grammarsaurus which is a one page character descritpion text.</p>
<p>Monday - prediction and vocabulary<br />
Tuesday - retrieve and explain<br />
Wednesday - inference<br />
Thursday - summarise and sequence</p>
<p>-We do WCR for 30 mins 9-9:30.<br />
-Each day allows time for prior learning and re-reading the text. All of my PowerPoints follow the same format.<br />
-I print all questions and give out on Monday, chn stick in what they need each day, keeping their questions and text in the back of their WCR book.<br />
-Made using Twinkl Cursive Looped font.</p>
<p>Based on Year 4.</p>