7C: Exploring Science - Muscles and BonesQuick View

7C: Exploring Science - Muscles and Bones

Explore the dynamic world of human anatomy with our “Muscles and Bones” unit, a treasure trove of resources dedicated to understanding the musculoskeletal system. This unit takes learners on an educational journey through the structures that enable movement and provide support in the human body. Key Features: Practical Demonstrations: Experience hands-on learning with our “Lung Volume Practical” and “Muscles and Moving” presentations, designed to bring theoretical knowledge to life. Informative Slideshows: Our PowerPoint presentations, including “Muscles and Breathing” and “Muscles and Blood,” illustrate the interplay between muscular activity and vital physiological processes. Flipped Learning Tasks: Engage with our “Skeleton Flipped Learning Task” to foster independent research and critical thinking outside the classroom. Structured Learning: The unit’s structure follows a logical progression from basic concepts to more complex applications, including the impact of drugs on the musculoskeletal system. Comprehensive Coverage: Gain a complete understanding of the skeletal system with our detailed “The Skeleton” presentation.
8C - Exploring Science: Breathing and RespirationQuick View

8C - Exploring Science: Breathing and Respiration

Inhale the essence of life science with our “Breathing and Respiration” unit. This educational collection is expertly designed to guide students through the vital biological processes that fuel every cell in our bodies. From the cellular level of aerobic and anaerobic respiration to the mechanical marvel of the lungs, this unit covers it all. Key Features: Engaging Presentations: Journey through topics like “Aerobic Respiration” and “Gaseous Exchange” with our visually rich PowerPoint slides. Detailed Diagrams: Understand the complexities of the alveoli and lungs through detailed diagrams, aiding in visual learning and retention. Practical Application: Conduct real-world experiments with our “Respiration Practical” to see theory in action. Assessment Preparation: Ready yourself for exams with targeted worksheets, including “PPQ Lungs” and model answers to hone your answering skills. In-depth Analysis: Dive deep into the comparison of gaseous exchange mechanisms with “Comparing Gaseous Exchange”.
BTEC Applied Psychology - Unit 4 LAAQuick View

BTEC Applied Psychology - Unit 4 LAA

Unit Overview: Forensic Psychology LAA Delve into the psychological underpinnings of criminal behaviour with our unit. This comprehensive collection of presentations is designed to explore the multifaceted nature of criminal psychology, examining theories and evidence from genetics to social learning. Key Features: Biological Perspectives: “Genetic Explanations of Crime” and “Low Gene Activity Explanation of Crime” presentations offer insights into the controversial debate on the role of genetics in criminal behaviour. Neuroscience Focus: Discover the connection between “The Amygdala and Criminal Behaviour” to understand the neurobiological factors that may influence aggression and impulsivity. Personality Theories: “Eysenck’s Criminal Personality” dives into the psychological traits that may predispose individuals to criminal activity. Cognitive Approaches: “Cognitive Explanations of Offending Behaviour” examines how cognitive processes can contribute to criminal patterns. Social Influences: Understand how “Social Learning Theory” applies to criminal behaviour, providing a lens through which to view the impact of environment and learning. Environmental Factors: “Upbringing” addresses how early life experiences can shape future behaviour, including tendencies towards criminality.
BTEC Applied Psychology - Unit 2 LABQuick View

BTEC Applied Psychology - Unit 2 LAB

Unit Overview: BTEC Applied Psychology Unit 2 - Learning Aim B Step into the role of a psychologist in training with our Learning Aim B module from BTEC Applied Psychology Unit 2, designed to equip students with the knowledge and skills to design and conduct a pilot study in psychological research. Key Features: Comprehensive Overview: Overview of Research Methods provides a broad introduction to the various approaches used in psychological investigations. Experimental Methods: Experiments delves into the design and analysis of psychological experiments, a core method of research in the field. Surveys and Interviews: Questionnaires and Interviews covers the techniques for gathering qualitative and quantitative data directly from subjects. Observational Techniques: In Observations, students learn how to objectively observe and record behaviors within a scientific framework Data Analysis: "Content and Thematic Analysis teaches the methods for analysing qualitative data to extract meaningful patterns and themes. Research Synthesis: Review and Mixed Methods encourages students to consider the value of combining various research methods to enhance the depth and breadth of their studies.
Exploring Science 8B – Plants and their ReproductionQuick View

Exploring Science 8B – Plants and their Reproduction

Full unit including lesson powerpoint and appropriate resources. Additional resources can be used from ActiveTeach but are not essential. Classification Biodiversity Asexual Reproduction Flower Structure Pollination Fertilisation and Making Seeds Seed Dispersal Growth and Germination Plant Life Cycle
Exploring Science Y7 Project for 7L Sound – Independent LearningQuick View

Exploring Science Y7 Project for 7L Sound – Independent Learning

This project is designed to give students an interactive and hands-on introduction to the basic principles of sound waves, using materials they can find at home. The students will learn how different surfaces affect sound waves by experimenting with a spoon and a glass jar, and will be able to draw and label a simple sound wave. Additionally, the research and presentation aspect of the project will help students develop research, presentation, observation and measurement skills as well as their ability to communicate their findings effectively. A research project to give students before embarking upon the unit, or to run along-side the unit as independent learning. Although this was designed for those studying the Exploring Science curriculum, they can be used alongside other curriculums also. Giving the pupils this project before teaching the unit can help them gain a better understanding of the material and can help them become more engaged in the learning process. It can also help them develop critical thinking skills and can help them become more independent learners. Bundle available for Year 7– available for all units.
Exploring Science Y7 Project for 7C Muscles and bones – Independent LearningQuick View

Exploring Science Y7 Project for 7C Muscles and bones – Independent Learning

This project aims to give students a solid understanding of the skeletal and muscular systems, and how they work together to support movement and overall body function. It also help them to understand how they can take care of their bones and muscles by engaging in exercise or sports, and healthy habits, such as proper nutrition, hydration, and good posture. This project also aims to give students a solid understanding of the circulatory system, and how it works to support overall body function. The idea is to give them a sense of the importance of maintaining a healthy circulatory system and they can observe the changes in their body and the different ways to achieve it, by engaging in physical activity, healthy eating, and avoiding risk factors that can damage their circulatory system. A research project to give students before embarking upon the unit, or to run along-side the unit as independent learning. Although this was designed for those studying the Exploring Science curriculum, they can be used alongside other curriculums also. Giving the pupils this project before teaching the unit can help them gain a better understanding of the material and can help them become more engaged in the learning process. It can also help them develop critical thinking skills and can help them become more independent learners. Bundle available for Year 7– available for all units.
Exploring Science Y7  Project for 7A Cells, tissues, organs and systems – Independent LearningQuick View

Exploring Science Y7 Project for 7A Cells, tissues, organs and systems – Independent Learning

This project aims to provide students with a hands-on introduction to the basic structure and function of cells, organs, and organ systems within the human body. Through this project, students will gain a deeper understanding of the human body by researching and visualizing the different organ systems and their functions. Additionally, the research, presentation, and visual representation aspect of the project will help students develop research, presentation, and observation skills as well as their ability to communicate their findings effectively. A research project to give students before embarking upon the unit, or to run along-side the unit as independent learning. Although this was designed for those studying the Exploring Science curriculum, they can be used alongside other curriculums also. Giving the pupils this project before teaching the unit can help them gain a better understanding of the material and can help them become more engaged in the learning process. It can also help them develop critical thinking skills and can help them become more independent learners. Bundle available for Year 7– available for all units.
Exploring Science Y8 Project for 8H Rocks – Independent LearningQuick View

Exploring Science Y8 Project for 8H Rocks – Independent Learning

The aim of this project is to give students a hands-on experience with the different types of rocks, and understand how they formed and the process of rock cycle. This project will allow students to observe and explore the world around them through geology and geoscience and help students to see the natural processes that shape our planet. A research project to give students before embarking upon the unit, or to run along-side the unit as independent learning. Although this was designed for those studying the Exploring Science curriculum, they can be used alongside other curriculums also. Giving the pupils this project before teaching the unit can help them gain a better understanding of the material and can help them become more engaged in the learning process. It can also help them develop critical thinking skills and can help them become more independent learners. Bundle available for Year 8– available for all units.
Exploring Science Y8 Project for 8J Light – Independent LearningQuick View

Exploring Science Y8 Project for 8J Light – Independent Learning

This project aims to provide students with a hands-on introduction to the basic principles of light by conducting experiments and observations to explore the concepts of reflection, refraction, the eye, and colour. Additionally, the experimentation, data gathering, analysis, and presentation aspects of the project will help students develop research, analytical, and presentation skills. A research project to give students before embarking upon the unit, or to run along-side the unit as independent learning. Although this was designed for those studying the Exploring Science curriculum, they can be used alongside other curriculums also. Giving the pupils this project before teaching the unit can help them gain a better understanding of the material and can help them become more engaged in the learning process. It can also help them develop critical thinking skills and can help them become more independent learners. Bundle available for Year 8– available for all units.
Exploring Science Y8 Project for 8I Fluids – Independent LearningQuick View

Exploring Science Y8 Project for 8I Fluids – Independent Learning

This project aims to provide students with a hands-on introduction to the basic principles of pressure, buoyancy, and density and how they relate to floating and sinking by conducting an experiment to observe the objects behaviour in water. Additionally, the experimentation, data gathering, analysis and presentation aspects of the project will help students develop research, analytical, and presentation skills. A research project to give students before embarking upon the unit, or to run along-side the unit as independent learning. Although this was designed for those studying the Exploring Science curriculum, they can be used alongside other curriculums also. Giving the pupils this project before teaching the unit can help them gain a better understanding of the material and can help them become more engaged in the learning process. It can also help them develop critical thinking skills and can help them become more independent learners. Bundle available for Year 8– available for all units.
Exploring Science Y8 Project for 8F The Periodic Table– Independent LearningQuick View

Exploring Science Y8 Project for 8F The Periodic Table– Independent Learning

This project is aimed to provide students a hands-on experience with the periodic table by designing and building a 3D model of it. Through this project, students can learn to identify the trends and patterns in the properties of the elements, explore the characteristics of different groups of elements and understand the organization of the elements in the table. This project can make the concept of the periodic table more concrete and interactive. A research project to give students before embarking upon the unit, or to run along-side the unit as independent learning. Although this was designed for those studying the Exploring Science curriculum, they can be used alongside other curriculums also. Giving the pupils this project before teaching the unit can help them gain a better understanding of the material and can help them become more engaged in the learning process. It can also help them develop critical thinking skills and can help them become more independent learners. Bundle available for Year 8– available for all units.
Exploring Science Y8 Project for 8G Metals and their uses – Independent LearningQuick View

Exploring Science Y8 Project for 8G Metals and their uses – Independent Learning

The aim of this project is to give students a deeper understanding of the properties and corrosion of different types of metals and how they react with different solutions, as well as to investigate their real-life applications. Furthermore, students will learn how to design and conduct an experiment to test the properties of different materials and make a clear observation on the results. A research project to give students before embarking upon the unit, or to run along-side the unit as independent learning. Although this was designed for those studying the Exploring Science curriculum, they can be used alongside other curriculums also. Giving the pupils this project before teaching the unit can help them gain a better understanding of the material and can help them become more engaged in the learning process. It can also help them develop critical thinking skills and can help them become more independent learners. Bundle available for Year 8– available for all units.
Exploring Science Y7 Project for 7H Atoms, elements and molecules – Independent LearningQuick View

Exploring Science Y7 Project for 7H Atoms, elements and molecules – Independent Learning

This project aims to give students a solid understanding of the structure and properties of atoms, elements, and molecules, and how they combine to form compounds and interact in chemical reactions. Through their research, experiments, simulations, and class discussion, students will be able to understand the fundamental building blocks of matter and the ways in which they interact and combine to form the substances that make up our world. This project also aims to give students a deeper understanding of the chemistry behind many everyday phenomena and the chemical reactions that are essential to many industries. A research project to give students before embarking upon the unit, or to run along-side the unit as independent learning. Although this was designed for those studying the Exploring Science curriculum, they can be used alongside other curriculums also. Giving the pupils this project before teaching the unit can help them gain a better understanding of the material and can help them become more engaged in the learning process. It can also help them develop critical thinking skills and can help them become more independent learners. Bundle available for Year 7– available for all units.
Exploring Science Y7 Project for 7E Mixtures and separation – Independent LearningQuick View

Exploring Science Y7 Project for 7E Mixtures and separation – Independent Learning

This project aims to give students a solid understanding of the properties of mixtures, solutions and the methods of separating them. Through their research, experiments and observation, students will be able to understand the principle and practical applications of evaporation, chromatography and distillation, which are widely used in chemistry and the industry. The goal of this project is to help students become familiar with those techniques and understand how they work, while giving them a hands-on experience of the separation process. A research project to give students before embarking upon the unit, or to run along-side the unit as independent learning. Although this was designed for those studying the Exploring Science curriculum, they can be used alongside other curriculums also. Giving the pupils this project before teaching the unit can help them gain a better understanding of the material and can help them become more engaged in the learning process. It can also help them develop critical thinking skills and can help them become more independent learners. Bundle available for Year 7– available for all units.
Exploring Science Y7 Project for 7F Acids and alkalis – Independent LearningQuick View

Exploring Science Y7 Project for 7F Acids and alkalis – Independent Learning

This project aims to give students a solid understanding of the properties of acids and alkalis and their chemical reactions, as well as their practical applications in everyday life. They will also gain an understanding of the pH scale, which is an important concept in the field of chemistry and related sciences. Through the research, experiments, and class discussion, students will be able to understand the properties of acids and alkalis, and how they interact with each other, and how they are used in everyday life. A research project to give students before embarking upon the unit, or to run along-side the unit as independent learning. Although this was designed for those studying the Exploring Science curriculum, they can be used alongside other curriculums also. Giving the pupils this project before teaching the unit can help them gain a better understanding of the material and can help them become more engaged in the learning process. It can also help them develop critical thinking skills and can help them become more independent learners. Bundle available for Year 7– available for all units.
Exploring Science Y7 Project for 7G The particle model – Independent LearningQuick View

Exploring Science Y7 Project for 7G The particle model – Independent Learning

This project aims to give students a solid understanding of the particle model of matter and the properties of particles, and how it relates to the behaviour of matter on a macroscopic level. Through their research, experiments, simulations, and class discussion, students will be able to understand the underlying structure and properties of atoms and molecules, the behaviour of particles in different states of matter, the changes of state and the relationship between the behaviour of particles and the macroscopic properties of matter. A research project to give students before embarking upon the unit, or to run along-side the unit as independent learning. Although this was designed for those studying the Exploring Science curriculum, they can be used alongside other curriculums also. Giving the pupils this project before teaching the unit can help them gain a better understanding of the material and can help them become more engaged in the learning process. It can also help them develop critical thinking skills and can help them become more independent learners. Bundle available for Year 7– available for all units.
Exploring Science Y7 Project for 7I Energy – Independent LearningQuick View

Exploring Science Y7 Project for 7I Energy – Independent Learning

This project aims to give students a solid understanding of the different forms of energy, how energy is obtained from food, how energy is transferred and stored, and the different types of energy resources, and their environmental impact. Through their research, experiments, observations, and class discussion, students will be able to understand the importance of energy conservation, and the impact of different energy sources on the environment. A research project to give students before embarking upon the unit, or to run along-side the unit as independent learning. Although this was designed for those studying the Exploring Science curriculum, they can be used alongside other curriculums also. Giving the pupils this project before teaching the unit can help them gain a better understanding of the material and can help them become more engaged in the learning process. It can also help them develop critical thinking skills and can help them become more independent learners. Bundle available for Year 7– available for all units.