Spanish Subjunctive 1
<p>In this introductory course to Spanish subjunctive with over 100 slides worth of content, students can tackle perhaps one of the most difficult topics of Spanish language. This course was built to serve as a base for beginning to understand in depth the nature of the subjunctive mood, how it functions within a wider grammatical context and why, how it is formed and used, all with the goal of helping the student become a more independent and secure language user as they progress to the next step in their learning journey.</p>
<p>Students will learn what is subjunctive, they will see if the subjunctive exists in English; they will aim to gain an understanding of the difference between the indicative and the subjunctive and they will learn to conjugate the present subjunctive with tips and tricks.</p>
<p>When it comes to the use of the subjunctive mood, we cover its use within noun phrases, covering in depth topics like: verbs of emotion, verbs of influence, impersonal expression of evaluation, expressing doubt etc. Your student will acquire an extensive list of expressions, formulas and collocations, as well as practice the subjunctive within common situations.</p>
<p>What Will Your Student Learn?</p>
<p>Learn what is subjunctive and how it came to be<br />
Subjunctive in English<br />
Understand the difference between the two verb moods<br />
Learn to conjugate Spanish subjunctive with tips & tricks<br />
Learn how to use subjunctive with impersonal expressions<br />
Find out about exceptions to the rules (SOCEV)<br />
Use subjunctive to express doubts, recommendations, wishes, desires, emotions, and will (WEIRDO)<br />
Understand how negation affects the use of the subjunctive<br />
Learn to use subjunctive with the verbs PARECER & SENTIR<br />
Learn when to use subjunctive with the verbs of perception & communication<br />
Infinitive or subjunctive? Effectively recognize & manage change of the subject in the subordinate clause<br />
Acquire an extensive list of expressions, formulas & collocations<br />
Practice the subjunctive within context<br />
This material will allow you to teach the Spanish Subjunctive starting from the beginning, defining what are verbs and what is mood. Subjunctive and indicative are explained through personification and practiced in creative ways. This series of lessons has a logical, well-scaffolded flow which is easy to follow both for you and for the student.</p>