Heart structure Cross section LabelQuick View

Heart structure Cross section Label

<p>Cross section of human heart labelling exercise. Power point so can be edited to suit individual teachers and for ASN pupils. Conatins both labels of all valves and without depending on preference comes with answers for teacher.</p>
Heart structure revisionQuick View

Heart structure revision

<p>For best result and sustainability print and laminate the playing cards.<br /> Pupils can either be set up into small teams or go head to head in a game.<br /> In the style of battleships, pupils will each have to call out grid combinations (e.g. B4) in turns and tell the other pupil what the structure within the box is for 1 point. If the pupil wants to gain more points during their turn they will have to state the function and any other facts around that structure (e.g. receives deoxygenated blood from the right atrium +1 point, pumps blood to the pulmonary artery +1 point, contains tricuspid valves which stop backflow of blood into the right atrium +2 points etc.<br /> To improve engagement it is best to give the pupils a time limit in which to gain as many points as possible.<br /> This works well with revision lessons or carousel activities.</p> <p>My class really enjoyed this!</p>