Edexcel A Level Politics - Key thinkers homeworkQuick View

Edexcel A Level Politics - Key thinkers homework

Homeworks for independent study of all Conservative, Liberal and Socialist key thinkers. Homeworks include: video link written information targeted questions quotations activity relating to state, society, human nature and the economy
GCSE Site study 2024 Elizabethan England - Drake's circumnavigation of the globe and voyages lessonsQuick View

GCSE Site study 2024 Elizabethan England - Drake's circumnavigation of the globe and voyages lessons

This pack contains lessons and resources Why was exploration important in the Elizabethan era? Who was involved in Elizabethan exploration? What was achieved in Elizabethan exploration? How did Drake circumnavigate the globe? 4a - Homework - Spanish Armada events Why was circumnavigating the globe such an achievement? How do I get 16/16 in my historic environment essay? 6a - Further reading homework Have a go and peer mark
AQA GCSE Migration Unit 4: Decline of empireQuick View

AQA GCSE Migration Unit 4: Decline of empire

How were British based empires lost in the middle ages? How did Britain lose its American colonies? How did Britain lose its Indian ‘Jewel in the Crown’? How did the winds of change blow across Africa? How does the Falklands war display British status?
Holocaust Year 9 KS3 History BundleQuick View

Holocaust Year 9 KS3 History Bundle

Lesson 1 - What was life like for Jewish people before 1933? Lesson 2 - What were Hitler’s aims? Lesson 3 - What was life like in ghettos? Lesson 4 - What is a concentration camp? Lesson 5 - Was there resistance to the Holocaust? Lesson 6 - Did restorative justice go far enough?
World War One SOWQuick View

World War One SOW

Lesson 1 - Why did the Great War start? Lesson 2 - Did a sandwich spark WW1? Lesson 3 - What were the trenches like? Lesson 4 - What was so controversial about the Battle of the Somme? Lesson 5 - To what extent was shellshock an issue? Lesson 6 - Why was there an Armistice? Lesson 7 - Why can wearing the poppy be seen as controversial? Homeworks included in SOW
Jack the Ripper/Victorian Britain - Year 8 lesson bundleQuick View

Jack the Ripper/Victorian Britain - Year 8 lesson bundle

L1 - Who was Queen Victoria? L2 - What made Victorian Britain stink? L3 - How effective were the government at looking after its citizens? L4 - How effective were the Victorian police force? L5 - How significant were changes to Victorian prisons? L6 - Why was JTR never caught? L7 - Why were women more vulnerable in Victorian Britain (in depth look at victims)?
Industrial Revolution Year 8 lesson bundleQuick View

Industrial Revolution Year 8 lesson bundle

L1 - What was life like before the IR? L2 - What was life like for free Black communities? L3 - How did factories create towns? L4 - What was factory life like? L5 - The transport revolution L6 - Who was the greatest inventor?
Unit 1: AQA GCSE Democracy and dictatorships Germany (Weimar)Quick View

Unit 1: AQA GCSE Democracy and dictatorships Germany (Weimar)

Lesson 1 - What was Germany like before WW1? Lesson 2 - What was the impact of the Treaty of Versailles? Lesson 3 - How politically successful was the Weimar Republic? Lesson 4 - How economically successful was the Weimar Republic? Lesson 5 - How culturally successful was the Weimar Republic? Lesson 6 - Re-cap of entire unit - Can we consider Weimar Germany to have been a Golden Age in German history?