<p>A scaffold/guidance lessons for the OCR A Level 30 mark interpretations essay. Our school does USA Civil Rights for this unit but the lesson could be adapted to suit any module.</p>
<p>Homeworks for independent study of all Conservative, Liberal and Socialist key thinkers.<br />
Homeworks include:</p>
<li>video link</li>
<li>written information</li>
<li>targeted questions</li>
<li>quotations activity relating to state, society, human nature and the economy</li>
<p>This pack contains lessons and resources</p>
<li>Why was exploration important in the Elizabethan era?</li>
<li>Who was involved in Elizabethan exploration?</li>
<li>What was achieved in Elizabethan exploration?</li>
<li>How did Drake circumnavigate the globe?<br />
4a - Homework - Spanish Armada events</li>
<li>Why was circumnavigating the globe such an achievement?</li>
<li>How do I get 16/16 in my historic environment essay?<br />
6a - Further reading homework</li>
<li>Have a go and peer mark</li>
<p>L1 - Who was Queen Victoria?<br />
L2 - What made Victorian Britain stink?<br />
L3 - How effective were the government at looking after its citizens?<br />
L4 - How effective were the Victorian police force?<br />
L5 - How significant were changes to Victorian prisons?<br />
L6 - Why was JTR never caught?<br />
L7 - Why were women more vulnerable in Victorian Britain (in depth look at victims)?</p>
<p>Lesson 1 - What was life like for Jewish people before 1933?<br />
Lesson 2 - What were Hitler’s aims?<br />
Lesson 3 - What was life like in ghettos?<br />
Lesson 4 - What is a concentration camp?<br />
Lesson 5 - Was there resistance to the Holocaust?<br />
Lesson 6 - Did restorative justice go far enough?</p>
<p>To go with the orange AQA textbook.</p>
<li>Course intro</li>
<li>Causes of migration</li>
<li>Colonial migration</li>
<li>Religion in Early Modern period</li>
<li>British empire in the 19th century</li>
<li>Internal migration in the 19th century</li>
<p>Lesson 1 - Why did the Great War start?<br />
Lesson 2 - Did a sandwich spark WW1?<br />
Lesson 3 - What were the trenches like?<br />
Lesson 4 - What was so controversial about the Battle of the Somme?<br />
Lesson 5 - To what extent was shellshock an issue?<br />
Lesson 6 - Why was there an Armistice?<br />
Lesson 7 - Why can wearing the poppy be seen as controversial?<br />
Homeworks included in SOW</p>
<p>L1 - What was life like before the IR?<br />
L2 - What was life like for free Black communities?<br />
L3 - How did factories create towns?<br />
L4 - What was factory life like?<br />
L5 - The transport revolution<br />
L6 - Who was the greatest inventor?</p>
<li>How were British based empires lost in the middle ages?</li>
<li>How did Britain lose its American colonies?</li>
<li>How did Britain lose its Indian ‘Jewel in the Crown’?</li>
<li>How did the winds of change blow across Africa?</li>
<li>How does the Falklands war display British status?</li>
<p>Lesson 1 - What was Germany like before WW1?<br />
Lesson 2 - What was the impact of the Treaty of Versailles?<br />
Lesson 3 - How politically successful was the Weimar Republic?<br />
Lesson 4 - How economically successful was the Weimar Republic?<br />
Lesson 5 - How culturally successful was the Weimar Republic?<br />
Lesson 6 - Re-cap of entire unit - Can we consider Weimar Germany to have been a Golden Age in German history?</p>