Summary and Analysis of the Poem 'The Gift of India' written by Sarojini NaiduQuick View

Summary and Analysis of the Poem 'The Gift of India' written by Sarojini Naidu

<p>Summary and Analysis of ‘The Gift of India’ written by Sarojni Naidu. Sarojni Naidu, the Nightangle of India, speaks patriotism and tries to arouse a sense of pride in the hearts of Indians. The 'Gift of India’ written in 1915 celebrates the victory of the soldiers who fought bravely for the britishers in World War 2. She tries to account the death of these people and also tries to bring out the agony of loosing her sons through Mother India who is the speaker in the poem. The poem is set on the background of World War 2 (1914-1918) where Indian soldiers almost 1 million in number served for the britishers. India served aganist Germany on the western front from the side of the Allied forces. Through this poem Naidu tries to evoke the sense of a patriotism and love for the people who laid down their lives for the sake of the war which was not even theirs . Through the mouthpiece of mother India Naidu tries to bring out the horrors of the war and also the need to remember to pay homage to the martyed soldiers who sacrified there life is on a foreign land. - Sarojni Naidu talks about the gifts that India gave in plenty to the britishers in the form of Raiments, grains or gold. India was at that time was known as the Golden Bird full of riches in the form of men, material and money. Britishers took advantage of colonising the nation and thereby plundering its resources. Naidu tends to sarcastically present the greed and selfishness of the Britishers and the devotion .</p>