USSR control of Eastern Europe by 1948 Teaching Pack
<p>Informative and complete teaching pack for USSR’s control of Eastern Europe by 1948 post-WWII<br />
package include a powerpoint teaching slide and a supplementary worksheet<br />
IGCSE History Core Content 4: Who was to blame for the Cold War<br />
Lesson 4 - How did the USSR gain control of Eastern Europe by 1948?<br />
Learning Objectives</p>
<li>To recap on the contrasting ideologies between US and USSR</li>
<li>To describe the ‘iron curtain’ speech and explain its importance</li>
<li>To evaluate Soviet expansion in Eastern Europe</li>
<li>To understand the objectives and nature of ‘cominform’</li>
<li>High Achievers should be able to analyse historical source and answer exam style questions.</li>