<p>Based on Activate 1 content.</p>
<p>Physics module:<br />
LO: To describe how forces deform objects.<br />
To explain how solid surfaces provide support.<br />
To understand Hooke’s Law.</p>
<p>A two part activity.<br />
Two A3 Keyword treasure hunt activities.<br />
Based on the Activate 1 KS3 book.<br />
Covers 13 definitions of the topic.<br />
Definitions of keywords can be cut out (provided in this resource) and hidden around the classroom, or hidden in a playground.<br />
Dependant on students being taught, they can either take their sheet to the found definition to fill in their sheet. Or, in my case, I implement the rule that their worksheet cannot leave their desk, and the keyword cannot leave its hiding place. This has encouraged some very creative loopholes discovered by pupils which is great to get them working in teams and to problem solve to try and find easier ways.</p>