AQA A-Level Sociology Education Revision PostersQuick View

AQA A-Level Sociology Education Revision Posters

<p>AQA A-Level Sociology Education revision posters (.pdf) with pictures/dual-coding. Included in this pack are the following posters:</p> <ul> <li>Class Differences in Education - Internal Factors</li> <li>Class Differences in Education - External Factors</li> <li>Educational Policy and Inequality</li> <li>Ethnic Differences in Education</li> <li>Gender Differences in Education</li> <li>Role of Education<br /> See individual listings for more information about the contents of each poster.<br /> Compiled by an A/A* student of A-Level Sociology based upon the AQA A Level Sociology Book One Including AS Level: Book one (3rd Revised edition) by Hal Westergaard, Keith Trobe, Rob Webb and Annie Townend (2015). Images/icons courtesy of The Noun Project.</li> </ul>
AQA A-Level Sociology Media Revision PostersQuick View

AQA A-Level Sociology Media Revision Posters

<p>AQA A-Level Sociology Media A3/A4 revision posters (.pdf) with pictures/dual-coding. Includes:</p> <ul> <li>Globalisation and popular culture</li> <li>Media representations</li> <li>New Media</li> <li>Relationship between media and audiences</li> <li>Relationship between ownership and control</li> <li>Selection and presentation of media<br /> See individual listings for more information about the contents of each poster.<br /> Compiled by an A/A* student of A-Level Sociology. Images/icons courtesy of The Noun Project.</li> </ul>
AQA A-Level Sociology Families and Households Revision PostersQuick View

AQA A-Level Sociology Families and Households Revision Posters

<p>AQA A-Level Sociology Families and Households A3 revision posters (.pdf) with pictures/dual-coding. This pack includes the following posters:</p> <ul> <li>Changing Family Patterns</li> <li>Childhood</li> <li>Couples</li> <li>Demography</li> <li>Family and Social Policy</li> <li>Family Diversity and Life Course</li> <li>Functions of the Family<br /> See individual listings for more information about the contents of each poster.<br /> Compiled by an A/A* student of A-Level Sociology based upon the AQA A Level Sociology Book One Including AS Level: Book one (3rd Revised edition) by Hal Westergaard, Keith Trobe, Rob Webb and Annie Townend (2015). Images/icons courtesy of The Noun Project.</li> </ul>
AQA A-Level Sociology Theory and Methods Revision PostersQuick View

AQA A-Level Sociology Theory and Methods Revision Posters

<p>AQA A-Level Sociology Theory and Methods A3/A4 revision posters (.pdf). Pack includes the following posters:</p> <ul> <li>Feminism</li> <li>Functionalism</li> <li>Marxism</li> <li>Modernism, postmodernism and globalisation</li> <li>Objectivity and values</li> <li>Social action theory and methods</li> <li>Sociology and social policy</li> <li>Sociology as a science<br /> See individual listings for more information about the contents of each poster.<br /> Compiled by an A/A* student of A-Level Sociology based upon the AQA A Level Sociology: Book 2 by Hal Westergaard, Keith Trobe, Rob Webb and Annie Townend (2016). Images/icons courtesy of The Noun Project.</li> </ul>
AQA A-Level Sociology Ethnicity and Crime Revision PosterQuick View

AQA A-Level Sociology Ethnicity and Crime Revision Poster

<p>AQA A-Level Sociology Ethnicity and Crime A3 Revision Poster (.pdf) from the Crime and Deviance topic with pictures/dual-coding. Includes:</p> <ul> <li>Racism and the Criminal Justice System</li> <li>Stop and search patterns</li> <li>Police institutional racism</li> <li>Ethnicity and victimisation</li> <li>Extent and risk of victimisation</li> <li>Responses to victimisation</li> <li>Left realist explanations of ethnic differences in offending</li> <li>Neo-Marxist explanations of ethnic differences in offending<br /> Compiled by an A/A* student of A-Level Sociology based upon the AQA A Level Sociology: Book 2 by Hal Westergaard, Keith Trobe, Rob Webb and Annie Townend (2016). Images/icons courtesy of The Noun Project.</li> </ul>
AQA A-Level Sociology Crime and Deviance Revision PostersQuick View

AQA A-Level Sociology Crime and Deviance Revision Posters

<p>AQA A-Level Sociology Crime and Deviance A3/A4 revision posters (.pdf) with pictures/dual-coding. Pack includes the following posters:</p> <ul> <li>Class, Power and Crime</li> <li>Ethnicity and Crime</li> <li>Functionalism, Strain and Subcultural Theories</li> <li>Gender and Crime</li> <li>Globalisation, Green Crime and State Crime</li> <li>Interactionism and Labelling Theory</li> <li>Left and Right Realism</li> <li>Media and Crime</li> <li>Punishment and Victims</li> <li>Realist Theories of Crime</li> <li>Surveillance<br /> See individual listings for more information about the contents of each poster.<br /> Compiled by an A/A* student of A-Level Sociology based upon the AQA A Level Sociology: Book 2 by Hal Westergaard, Keith Trobe, Rob Webb and Annie Townend (2016). Images/icons courtesy of The Noun Project.</li> </ul>
AQA A-Level Sociology Relationship between Media and Audiences Revision PosterQuick View

AQA A-Level Sociology Relationship between Media and Audiences Revision Poster

<p>AQA A-Level Sociology Relationship between Media and Audiences A4 revision poster (.pdf) from the Media topic with pictures/dual-coding. Includes:</p> <ul> <li>Passive audience models</li> <li>Active audience models</li> <li>The hypodermic syringe model</li> <li>The two-step flow model</li> <li>The cultural effects model (the ‘drip drip’ effect)</li> <li>Reception analysis model</li> <li>Selective filtering</li> <li>The use of gratifications model<br /> Compiled by an A/A* student of A-Level Sociology. Images/icons courtesy of The Noun Project.</li> </ul>
AQA A-Level Sociology Modernism, Postmodernism and Globalisation Revision PosterQuick View

AQA A-Level Sociology Modernism, Postmodernism and Globalisation Revision Poster

<p>AQA A-Level Sociology Modernism, Postmodernism and Globalisation A3 revision poster (.pdf) from the Theory and Methods topic with pictures/dual-coding. Includes:</p> <ul> <li>Modernism and features of modernity</li> <li>Globalisation</li> <li>Features of postmodernism</li> <li>The role of the media</li> <li>Hyper-realities and simulacra</li> <li>Late modernity and the risk society</li> <li>Marxist theories of postmodernism</li> <li>Flexible accumulation<br /> Compiled by an A/A* student of A-Level Sociology based upon the AQA A Level Sociology: Book 2 by Hal Westergaard, Keith Trobe, Rob Webb and Annie Townend (2016). Images/icons courtesy of The Noun Project.</li> </ul>
AQA A-Level Sociology Educational Policy and Inequality Revision PosterQuick View

AQA A-Level Sociology Educational Policy and Inequality Revision Poster

<p>AQA A-Level Sociology Educational Policy and Inequality A3 Revision Poster (.pdf) from the Education topic wit pictures/dual-coding. Includes:</p> <ul> <li>Selection policies</li> <li>Tripartite system</li> <li>Marketisation</li> <li>Education Reform Act 1988</li> <li>Parentocracy</li> <li>Open-enrolment</li> <li>Catchment areas</li> <li>Formula funding</li> <li>Local Education Authority (LEA)</li> <li>Dordogne Factor</li> <li>Silt shifting</li> <li>Easter Leavers</li> <li>Meritocracy</li> <li>New Labour policies 1977-2010</li> <li>Coalition/Conservative government policies from 2010</li> <li>Privatisation of education</li> <li>Globalisation</li> <li>Cola-isation</li> <li>Policy on ethnicity<br /> Compiled by an A/A* student of A-Level Sociology based upon the AQA A Level Sociology Book One Including AS Level: Book one (3rd Revised edition) by Hal Westergaard, Keith Trobe, Rob Webb and Annie Townend (2015). Images/icons courtesy of The Noun Project.</li> </ul>
AQA A-Level Sociology Feminism Revision PosterQuick View

AQA A-Level Sociology Feminism Revision Poster

<p>AQA A-Level Sociology Feminism A4 revision poster (.pdf) from the Theory and Methods topic with pictures/dual-coding. Includes:</p> <ul> <li>Liberal/reformist feminism</li> <li>Difference feminism</li> <li>Radical feminism</li> <li>Marxist feminism</li> <li>Dual-systems feminism</li> <li>21st Century feminist activist movements<br /> Compiled by an A/A* student of A-Level Sociology based upon the AQA A Level Sociology: Book 2 by Hal Westergaard, Keith Trobe, Rob Webb and Annie Townend (2016). Images/icons courtesy of The Noun Project.</li> </ul>
AQA A-Level Sociology Objectivity and Values Revision PosterQuick View

AQA A-Level Sociology Objectivity and Values Revision Poster

<p>AQA A-Level Sociology Objectivity and Values A3 revision poster (.pdf) from the Theory and Methods topic with pictures/dual-coding. Includes:</p> <ul> <li>Early Positivists</li> <li>Karl Marx</li> <li>Max Weber</li> <li>Modern Positivists</li> <li>Committed Sociology</li> <li>Funding and careers</li> <li>Perspectives and methods</li> <li>Objectivity and relativism</li> <li>Relativism and postmodernism<br /> Compiled by an A/A* student of A-Level Sociology based upon the AQA A Level Sociology: Book 2 by Hal Westergaard, Keith Trobe, Rob Webb and Annie Townend (2016). Images/icons courtesy of The Noun Project.</li> </ul>
AQA A-Level Sociology Social Action Theory and Methods Revision PosterQuick View

AQA A-Level Sociology Social Action Theory and Methods Revision Poster

<p>AQA A-Level Sociology Social Action Theory and Methods A4 revision poster (.pdf) from the Theory and Methods topic with pictures/dual-coding. Includes:</p> <ul> <li>Weber and Verstehen</li> <li>Symbolic interactionism</li> <li>Labelling theory</li> <li>Ethnomedeology</li> <li>Structuration theory</li> <li>Goffman dramaturgical model</li> <li>Social action theory<br /> Compiled by an A/A* student of A-Level Sociology based upon the AQA A Level Sociology: Book 2 by Hal Westergaard, Keith Trobe, Rob Webb and Annie Townend (2016). Images/icons courtesy of The Noun Project.</li> </ul>
AQA A -Level Sociology Functionalism Revision PosterQuick View

AQA A -Level Sociology Functionalism Revision Poster

<p>AQA A-Level Sociology Functionalism A4 revision poster (.pdf) from the Theory and Methods topics with pictures/dual-coding. Includes:</p> <ul> <li>Structural approaches</li> <li>Consensus theory</li> <li>Organic analogy</li> <li>The system’s needs (AGIL)</li> <li>Durkheim</li> <li>Merton’s internal critique of Functionalism<br /> Compiled by an A/A* student of A-Level Sociology based upon the AQA A Level Sociology: Book 2 by Hal Westergaard, Keith Trobe, Rob Webb and Annie Townend (2016). Images/icons courtesy of The Noun Project.</li> </ul>
AQA A-Level Sociology Surveillance (Control, Punishment and Victims) Revision PosterQuick View

AQA A-Level Sociology Surveillance (Control, Punishment and Victims) Revision Poster

<p>AQA A-Level Sociology Surveillance A3 revision poster (.pdf) from the Control, Punishment and Victims topic within the Crime and Deviance module with pictures/dual-coding. Includes:</p> <ul> <li>Surveillance</li> <li>Panopticon</li> <li>The dispersal of discipline</li> <li>Foucault</li> <li>Synoptic surveillance</li> <li>Surveillance assemblages</li> <li>Actuarial justice and risk management</li> <li>Labelling<br /> Compiled by an A/A* student of A-Level Sociology based upon the AQA A Level Sociology: Book 2 by Hal Westergaard, Keith Trobe, Rob Webb and Annie Townend (2016). Images/icons courtesy of The Noun Project.</li> </ul>
AQA A-Level Sociology Left and Right Realism (Control, Punishment and Victims) Revision PosterQuick View

AQA A-Level Sociology Left and Right Realism (Control, Punishment and Victims) Revision Poster

<p>AQA A-Level Sociology Left and Right Realism A4 Revision Poster from the Control, Punishment and Victims topic within the Crime and Deviance module with pictures/dual-coding. Includes:</p> <ul> <li>Crime preventation</li> <li>CCTV</li> <li>Target hardening</li> <li>Situational crime preventation</li> <li>Environmental crime preventation</li> <li>Social and community crime preventation</li> <li>Perry Pre-School Project</li> <li>Displacement<br /> Compiled by an A/A* student of A-Level Sociology based upon the AQA A Level Sociology: Book 2 by Hal Westergaard, Keith Trobe, Rob Webb and Annie Townend (2016). Images/icons courtesy of The Noun Project.</li> </ul>
AQA A-Level Sociology Media and Crime Revision PosterQuick View

AQA A-Level Sociology Media and Crime Revision Poster

<p>AQA A-Level Sociology Media and Crime A4 revision poster (.pdf) from the Crime and Deviance topic with pictures/dual-coding. Includes:</p> <ul> <li>Media representations of crime</li> <li>News value and crime coverage</li> <li>Media as a cause of crime</li> <li>Moral panics</li> <li>Mods and Rockers</li> <li>Global cyber-crime</li> <li>The media, relative deprivation and crime<br /> Compiled by an A/A* student of A-Level Sociology based upon the AQA A Level Sociology: Book 2 by Hal Westergaard, Keith Trobe, Rob Webb and Annie Townend (2016). Images/icons courtesy of The Noun Project.</li> </ul>
AQA A-Level Sociology Selection and Presentation of the News Revision PosterQuick View

AQA A-Level Sociology Selection and Presentation of the News Revision Poster

<p>AQA A-Level Sociology Selection and Presentation of the News A4 revision poster (.pdf) from the Media topic with pictures/dual-coding. Includes:</p> <ul> <li>The social construction of the news</li> <li>Influence of the owners</li> <li>Making a profit</li> <li>Impact of globalisation, new technology and citizen journalism</li> <li>Organisational constraints</li> <li>Agenda setting and gatekeeping</li> <li>Inaccurate and false reporting and the creation of moral panics</li> <li>News value<br /> Compiled by an A/A* student of A-Level Sociology. Images/icons courtesy of The Noun Project.</li> </ul>
AQA A-Level Sociology Relationship between Ownership and Control Revision PosterQuick View

AQA A-Level Sociology Relationship between Ownership and Control Revision Poster

<p>AQA A-Level Sociology Relationship between Ownership and Control A3 Revision Poster (.pdf) from the Media topic with pictures/dual-coding. Includes:</p> <ul> <li>Hegemonic/Neo-Marxist approach</li> <li>Features of media ownership</li> <li>Traditional Marxist perspective</li> <li>Pluralist theory<br /> Compiled by an A/A* student of A-Level Sociology. Images/icons courtesy of The Noun Project.</li> </ul>
AQA A-Level Sociology Media Representations Revision PosterQuick View

AQA A-Level Sociology Media Representations Revision Poster

<p>AQA A-Level Sociology Media Representations A3 revision poster (.pdf) from the Media topic with pictures/dual-coding. Includes:</p> <ul> <li>Social class</li> <li>Ethnicity</li> <li>Gender</li> <li>Disability</li> <li>Age</li> <li>Sexuality<br /> Compiled by an A/A* student of A-Level Sociology. Images/icons courtesy of The Noun Project.</li> </ul>
AQA A-Level Sociology and Social Policy Revision PosterQuick View

AQA A-Level Sociology and Social Policy Revision Poster

<p>AQA A-Level Sociology and Social Policy A3 revision poster (.pdf) from the Theory and Methods topic with pictures/dual-coding. Includes:</p> <ul> <li>Influence of sociology on social policy</li> <li>Social democratic perspective on social policy</li> <li>Feminist perspective on social policy and sociology</li> <li>Marxist perspective on social policy</li> <li>New Right perspective on social policy</li> <li>Positivist and functionalist perspective on social policy<br /> Compiled by an A/A* student of A-Level Sociology based upon the AQA A Level Sociology: Book 2 by Hal Westergaard, Keith Trobe, Rob Webb and Annie Townend (2016). Images/icons courtesy of The Noun Project.</li> </ul>
AQA A-Level Sociology Role of Education Revision PosterQuick View

AQA A-Level Sociology Role of Education Revision Poster

<p>AQA A-Level Sociology Role of Education A3 Revision Poster (.pdf) from the Education topic wit pictures/dual-coding. Includes:</p> <ul> <li>The consensus Functionalist approach</li> <li>Anomie</li> <li>Focal socialising agency</li> <li>Neoliberlism and the New Right perspective</li> <li>The Marxist perspective</li> <li>The correspondence principle</li> <li>The state apparatus</li> <li>Learning to Labour - Paul Willis (1977)</li> <li>Fordism<br /> Compiled by an A/A* student of A-Level Sociology based upon the AQA A Level Sociology Book One Including AS Level: Book one (3rd Revised edition) by Hal Westergaard, Keith Trobe, Rob Webb and Annie Townend (2015). Images/icons courtesy of The Noun Project.</li> </ul>