Tess of the d'Urbervilles - Quote BankQuick View

Tess of the d'Urbervilles - Quote Bank

<p>Quote Bank and Critical Readings for ‘Tess of the d’Urbervilles’ by Thomas Hardy.<br /> Contains 204 key quotes, categorised by the following themes:</p> <p>Injustice, Inevitability and Fate (Including Foreshadowing)<br /> Nature and Modernity (Including Environment / Setting)<br /> Standards and Class / Victorian Society<br /> Religion (and Omens / the Supernatural)<br /> Women and Femininity (and associated traits)<br /> Men and Masculinity (and associated traits)<br /> Relationships (Positive &amp; Negative) (Including Familial)<br /> Loss (Including, the impacts of death, abandonment, Tess’ rape and a loss of autonomy)<br /> Thomas Hardy (Intrusive Narrator)<br /> Tropes of Victorian Literature (Including Gothic)</p> <p>Created for A Level English Literature (Edexcel)</p>
Wuthering Heights - Quote BankQuick View

Wuthering Heights - Quote Bank

<p>Quote Bank and Critical Readings for ‘Wuthering Heights’ by Emily Bronte.<br /> Contains 260 key quotes, categorised by the following themes:</p> <p>Love and Passion<br /> Nature and Setting<br /> Social Class / Hierarchies / Standards<br /> The Supernatural (Including Religion and Death)<br /> Women and Femininity (and associated traits)<br /> Men and Masculinity (and associated traits)<br /> Relationships (Positive &amp; Negative) (Including Family)<br /> Hatred and Violence<br /> Narrators (Narratorial Voice of Nelly Dean &amp; Lockwood)<br /> Tropes of Victorian Literature (Gothic, refs. to Hysteria, etc)</p> <p>Created for A Level English Literature (Edexcel)</p>
King Lear - Quote Bank & Critical ReadingsQuick View

King Lear - Quote Bank & Critical Readings

<p>Quote Bank and Critical Readings for ‘King Lear’ by William Shakespeare.<br /> Contains 250 key quotes, categorised by the following themes:</p> <p>Stagecraft &amp; Directions (Inc. Setting, Sound, Lighting, Costume, etc)<br /> Age and Madness<br /> Order and Authority (Including Power)<br /> Villainy (Including Cruelty, Manipulation and Deception)<br /> Goodness and Loyalty<br /> Nature / Natural vs Unnatural (Including Legitimacy)<br /> Family Relationships<br /> Fortune and The Supernatural (Including Pre-Christian refs. and Stars)<br /> Foolery<br /> Sight and Blindness</p> <p>Also, roughly 65 critical readings for ‘King Lear’</p> <p>Created for A Level English Literature (Edexcel)</p>
Drama BundleQuick View

Drama Bundle

2 Resources
<p>Quote Banks for ‘King Lear’ (William Shakespeare) and ‘A Streetcar Named Desire’ (Tennessee Williams).</p> <p>These plays are both featured in Edexcel A Level English Literature.</p> <p>Perfect for English and Drama students!</p>
A Streetcar Named Desire - Quote BankQuick View

A Streetcar Named Desire - Quote Bank

<p>Quote bank for ‘A Streetcar Named Desire’ by Tennessee Williams.<br /> Contains nearly 250 key quotes, in chronological order.</p> <p>Each quote is categorised by the following themes:</p> <p>Fantasy and Disillusion (Including Deception)<br /> Stagecraft (Set, Music and South Effects, Costume, Colour, etc)<br /> Social Standards / Class<br /> Old South vs New South (Including Past vs Future)<br /> Women and Femininity<br /> Men and Masculinity (Including Primitivity)<br /> Relationships<br /> Madness and Hysteria (Including a loss of self-control)<br /> Sexuality, Passion and Desire</p> <p>Created for A Level English Literature.<br /> 13 pages.</p>