Iliad Book IV - Handout and AnswersQuick View

Iliad Book IV - Handout and Answers

<p>The handout includes three sections with exercises based on the 4th book of the Iliad - suitable for worksheet or as a quiz. The answers are provided in the bundle.<br /> The tasks: Multiples Choice Questions/ True or False/ Table - match the epithet/description to the charachter [relevant to book 4]</p>
Women in Ancient GreeceQuick View

Women in Ancient Greece

<p>PowerPoint- Lesson - Women in Ancient Greece</p> <p>*Separate handout available - Pandora and the Jar [can be used as a primary source analysis/ task handout/ case study]</p>
Death and the Afterlife in Ancient GreeceQuick View

Death and the Afterlife in Ancient Greece

<p>PowerPoint &amp; Worksheet</p> <p>Powerpoint includes:</p> <ul> <li>Anicent Greek views on the soul - psyche</li> <li>Views on Death / the Moirai / Fate</li> <li>The journey to the underworld</li> <li>topography of the underworld</li> </ul> <p>The worksheet: Task - text- students have to complete it, using missing words [based on the information provided in the powerpoint]</p>
History IGCSE/GCSE: Origins and Course of the First World War (1905-18)Quick View

History IGCSE/GCSE: Origins and Course of the First World War (1905-18)

<p>Complete bundle of lessons based on Origins and Course of the First World War (1905-18)</p> <p>Includes:<br /> Chapter 1: Tha Alliance System and International Rivalry, 1905-14<br /> 1.1<br /> 1.2<br /> 1.3<br /> Chapter 2: The Growth of Tension in Europe, 1905-14<br /> 2.1<br /> 2.2<br /> 2.3<br /> Crosswords [2 versions- differentiated]<br /> Chapter 3: The Schlieffen Plan and Deadlock on the Western Front<br /> 3.3<br /> 3.4<br /> Trenches<br /> Weapons<br /> Somme<br /> Project/ Assessment<br /> Chapter 4: The War at Sea and Gallopoli<br /> 4.1<br /> 4.2<br /> 4.3<br /> Chapter 5: The Defeat of Germany<br /> 5.1<br /> 5.2<br /> 5.3</p>
IGCSE/GCSE History: Germany: Development of Dictatorship, 1918-45Quick View

IGCSE/GCSE History: Germany: Development of Dictatorship, 1918-45

<p>Complete bundle of handouts based on IGCSE/GCSE History: Germany: Development of Dictatorship, 1918-45</p> <p>Includes handouts, notes and tasks for all of the following:</p> <p>Chpater 1: The establishment of the Weimar Republic and its Early Problems<br /> Chapter 2: The recovery of Germany, 1924-29<br /> Chapter 3: The rise of Hitler and the Nazis to January 1933<br /> Chapter 4: Nazi Germany 1933-39<br /> Chapter 5: Germany and the occupied territories during the Second World War</p>
IB History SL + HL: Topic 11: Causes and Effects of 20th Century Wars [WWI & WII]Quick View

IB History SL + HL: Topic 11: Causes and Effects of 20th Century Wars [WWI & WII]

<p>Complete Lessons Bundle based on: Topic 11: Causes and Effects of 20th c. Wars</p> <p>Includes Material for WWI + WWII<br /> [** Spanish and Chinese Civil Wars offered in a separate bundle]</p> <p>Includes:</p> <p>IB history introduction [powerpoint]<br /> Introduction - causes, practices and effects [powerpoint]</p> <p>The First World War</p> <ul> <li>Long-Term Causes of WWI [powerpoint]</li> <li>Short- Term Causes of WWI [x2 powerpoints + handout with task and question]</li> <li>Nature and Practice of WWI [x2 powerpoints + handout with debate task - can be used as basis for assessment/essay]</li> <li>Effects and Results of WWI [powerpoint]</li> <li>TofV [primary source handout]</li> </ul> <p>The Second World War</p> <ul> <li>Origins and Causes of WWII [x2 powerpoints]</li> <li>Appeasement [debate handout- can be used as basis for assessment/essay]</li> <li>Nature and Practice of WWII [x3 powerpoints]<br /> -Effects and Results of WWII [x2 powerpoints + handout with task]</li> </ul>
IB History HL- Paper 3: Imperial Russia, Revolution and the Establishment of the Soviet UnionQuick View

IB History HL- Paper 3: Imperial Russia, Revolution and the Establishment of the Soviet Union

<p>Complete bundle of powerpoints and handouts based on:</p> <p>History IB Diploma Paper 3: Imperial Russia, Revolution and the Establishment of the Soviet Union (1855-1924) (second edition)</p> <p>Contents:</p> <p>Introduction – Paper 3 and content [handout]<br /> Introduction- Background to the period<br /> 2.1-2.2 powerpoint<br /> 2.3 powepoint and handout<br /> 3.1 powerpoint<br /> 3.2 powerpoint<br /> 4.1 powerpoint<br /> 4.2 handout<br /> 4.3 powerpoint<br /> 5.1 + 5.2 powerpoint<br /> 5.3 + 5.4 powerpoint<br /> 6.1 powerpoint<br /> 6.2 + 6.3 / 6.2 handout powerpoint<br /> 6.4 powerpoint<br /> 7.1 powerpoint<br /> 7.2 powerpoint<br /> 7.3-7.4 powerpoint</p>
Cults- Religious StudiesQuick View

Cults- Religious Studies

<p>Cults - Handout with Notes and Questions<br /> Based on Netflix documentary Cults: Explained / available for free on youtube</p> <ul> <li>Characterics/ Practices/ Types of Cults</li> <li>Discussion</li> </ul>
Judaism- HolocaustQuick View

Judaism- Holocaust

<p>Powerpoint - Where was God during the Holocaust?<br /> Background/context<br /> WWII and the ‘Final Solution’<br /> Youtube video- information about the Holocaust<br /> Discussion - Was the Holocaust God’s doing, or did he stand aside and allow it to happen?</p>
Rastafari - RSQuick View

Rastafari - RS

<p>Powerpoint and Worksheet [crossword + answers]<br /> Powerpoint includes:</p> <ul> <li>context</li> <li>Marcus Garvey</li> <li>Zion - Africa- Ras Tafari</li> <li>Haile Selassie (1982-1975)</li> <li>Rastafari and Music</li> </ul>
Wicca- Religious StudiesQuick View

Wicca- Religious Studies

<p>Powerpoint includes:<br /> Origins<br /> Beliefs<br /> Youtube video- discussion<br /> Rituals<br /> youtube video</p>
Religious Studies - The Reformation - Christianity IIQuick View

Religious Studies - The Reformation - Christianity II

<p>powerpoint includes:</p> <ul> <li>youtube video</li> <li>the church in the Middle Ages</li> <li>The indulgences</li> <li>Martin Luther and the 95 Theses</li> <li>Demands of the Reformers/ Printing Press</li> <li>Effects of the Reformation</li> </ul>
Christianity introduction - Religious StudiesQuick View

Christianity introduction - Religious Studies

<p>Powerpoint includes information/ overview:</p> <ul> <li>the coming of the Messiah [Jesus of Nazareth]</li> <li>Early Christians</li> <li>The Trinity</li> <li>The example of Arianism</li> <li>Discussion: Is it possible to be a Christian without also being a member of the Church?</li> </ul>
Ancient Greek Theatre- TragedyQuick View

Ancient Greek Theatre- Tragedy

<p>Handout with Notes: Tragic Drama/ The Stage, Actors, technology/ Aeschylus, Sophocles, Euripides/Themes [includes videos to youtube links and short questions]</p>
Ancient Greek DeitiesQuick View

Ancient Greek Deities

<p>Powerpoint and handout:<br /> Powerpoint includes:</p> <ul> <li>The Moirai [Fates]</li> <li>The Charites [Graces]</li> <li>The Muses</li> </ul> <p>The Handout includes a series of tasks based on the powerpoint</p>
Ancient Greek GodsQuick View

Ancient Greek Gods

<p>Powerpoint, Worksheet and Assessment</p> <p>Powerpoint includes- information on Zeus, Hera, Athena, Poseidon, Demeter and Persephone, Hades, Apollo, Artemis, Hermes, Ares, Aphrodite and Hephaestus</p> <p>Worksheet: Crossword [answers provided]</p> <p>Assessment: Project - instructions and markscheme</p>