<p>Bundle includes</p>
<li>Media Unit (Stand by Me)</li>
<li>Drama Unit (A Midsummer Night’s Dream)</li>
<li>Prose Fiction Unit (Love in Colour - Short story)</li>
<p>A unit to introduce S1 classes to listening assessment and skills.<br />
Unit includes:</p>
<li>Practice assessments</li>
<li>Examples of questions</li>
<li>Slides talking through pupils how to be active listeners and take notes.</li>
<li>A final assessment</li>
<p>Aimed at a S3 class looking to bank National 4.</p>
<p>I usually complete this after doing persuasive writing and before moving onto another short text (either prior to timetable change or just after).</p>
<p>Slides include setting on success criteria, going over the N4 standards and an opportunity for reflection.</p>
<p>A unit to help scaffold and support pupils through the new standards for National 4 Added Value Unit.</p>
<p>I gave a National 5 style essay question and then gave students a choice from the three texts we’d studied that year.</p>
<p>Set includes:</p>
<li>Slides taking pupils through success criteria, structure, writing/talking skills and group discussion.</li>
<li>Group discussion checklist</li>
<li>Scaffold for Talk and Essay</li>
<li>Example talk slides</li>
<li>Planning sheet (will need adapted based on what texts you’ve done)</li>
<p>For the Talk Unit/Element of Higher English (SQA)</p>
<p>I teach this as a revision tactic so each pupil chooses one of the themes and poems we’ve studied and then gives a talk.</p>
<p>Unit includes</p>
<li>Slides for introducing task and breaking it down for them</li>
<li>Model presentation</li>
<p><strong>Disclaimer - this unit is a mixture of my own creation and resources from my department.</strong><br />
Unit aimed as a film study for the 1986 film directed by Rob Reiner. S3 are 13/14</p>
<p>Unit includes</p>
<li>Recap of media techniques</li>
<li>Narrative study - The Hero’s Journey</li>
<li>Essay based on character - aimed for National 5</li>
<li>Characterisation, Themes and key sequences worksheets.</li>
<p>National 5 Critical Essay Unit</p>
<li>Aimed for “Animal Farm” by George Orwell</li>
<p>Unit includes</p>
<li>Essay plan template</li>
<li>Completed essay plans</li>
<li>Worksheet for each chapter - including tasks and understanding questions.</li>
<li>Recap plot sheet</li>
<p>Essay writing Unit aimed at S3s/Year 10s - Based on Babalola’s retelling of the Nigerian myth Ituen & Attem. From her book “Love in Colour”</p>
<li>Copy of the original story</li>
<li>Analysing language worksheet</li>
<li>Research task on author</li>
<li>Discussion Questions</li>
<li>Creative writing plan</li>
<li>Quote helpsheet</li>
<li>Powerpoint for whole unit</li>
<li>Essay slides</li>
<p>Aimed at S3 Scottish Curriculum/ Year 10 in England</p>
<p>Unit includes</p>
<li>Understanding questions</li>
<li>Essay scaffold</li>
<li>Extension Tasks</li>
<li>Love quotes</li>
<li>Essay based on theme of love - practice for National 5.</li>
<p>Aimed at a National 5 class. For the Scottish Set Text section<br />
<li>Each poem (with and without annotations)</li>
<li>Understanding questions</li>
<li>Analysis questions</li>
<li>Past Paper questions</li>
<li>Question formulas</li>
<li>Poetic technique definitions and examples from the poems.</li>
<li>Revision ideas.</li>
<p>Talk Unit aimed at National 3 candidates (either S2 or S3)</p>
<p>Pupils get to be creative about what their perfect day would look like. They can also research different events and cultures.</p>
<p>Unit includes</p>
<li>Planning sheet</li>
<li>Discussion tasks to establish success criteria and audience rules.</li>
<li>Explanations of the question types</li>
<li>Examples (at least 10 for each)</li>
<li>A glossary</li>
<li>Revision suggestions</li>
<p>Unit includes</p>
<li>Essay plan worksheet</li>
<li>Persuasive technique worksheet</li>
<li>Slides which take them step by step through the writing process.</li>
<p>Unit is for S2 (Scottish) and is for David Almond’s novel “Skellig”</p>
<p>Unit includes</p>
<li>Worksheets for chunks for the plot (i.e. chapters 13-16)</li>
<li>Plot summary sheet</li>
<li>Poster assessment using annotations.</li>
<p>Complete Unit for S1 (Scotland) or Year 8/9 (England & Wales)<br />
For a mixed ability class, creative writing task/outcome.</p>
<p>For Ben Miller’s novel “The Boy Who Made the World Disappear”</p>
<p>Unit includes</p>
<li>Understanding worksheets</li>
<li>Tasks for every couple of chapters</li>
<li>Recap of writing techniques.</li>
<li>Story planning sheet.</li>
<p>S2 unit analysing the poems “Dulce et Decorum Est” and “Athem for Doomed Youth” by Wilfred Owen</p>
<p>Unit includes</p>
<li>Copies of the poems</li>
<li>Annotations on the slides</li>
<li>Group discussion questions</li>
<li>Analysis questions.</li>
<p>S2 Unit (scotland) ending with a group discussion about which is better; homeschooling or public schools.</p>
<p>Follows on from my Skellig unit - some links to the characters.</p>
<p>Unit includes</p>
<li>Research sheet</li>
<li>Question preparation</li>
<li>Dream school day plan</li>
<p>Resources for a large scheme of work/time with S1.</p>
<li>Drama (Private Peaceful)</li>
<li>Group Discussion (Room 101)</li>
<li>Prose (Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone)</li>
<li>Solo Talk (Famous Scot)</li>
<li>Writing (Discursive Essay on School Uniform</li>
<li>Media (Maleficent)</li>
<li>Poetry (Robert Burns)</li>
<p>Worked aimed at mixed ability S2 - aims to give them an experience of different text types.</p>
<li>Media (The Addams Family 1991)</li>
<li>Prose (“Skellig” by David Almond)</li>
<li>Poetry (“Dulce et Decorum Est” and “Anthem for Doomed Youth” by Wilfred Owen)</li>