<p>Two work booklets that cover the teaching content for Unit 6. Can be adapted to your needs. Tasks are broken down and differentiated based on pass, merit and distinction with a checklist at the bottom</p>
<p>Activity booklet for teaching content for Unit 1 Enterprise in the Business World. Contains all the assessment criteria for pass, merit and distinction.</p>
<p>A range of work booklets for the preparation for students in their unit 9 exam for level 2 first award business course. It can be used as revision or weekly lesson activities.</p>
<p>In this workbook students will be looking at what makes businesses successful and have the opportunity to develop your own business ideas in to a business plan proposal. It can be used for lesson activities, structure for their coursework or as home learning. Contains a range of activities related to the assessment criteria for unit 1 Enterprise in the Business World</p>
<p>A starter and main worksheet for aims and objectives lesson. A good resource for Btec Tech award in Enterprise learning aim A. Starter recaps on the different types of aims a business might have e.g., financial, growth and social.</p>
<p>Unit 11 workbook Building Successful Business Teams. In this unit students will have the opportunity to investigate what makes teams work effectively, what skills and attributes leaders need to be successful and demonstrate their own team working skills. It has activities and can be used for activities or home learning.</p>