LKS2 Art Mosaic planning
<p>A 6/7 weeks worth of Art lessons based on mosaics.</p>
<p>Suitable for KS2.</p>
<p>Compares modern and Roman mosaics using the artist Dionne Ible. Children will create a mosaic design using small squares of coloured paper (you could use tiles if you have the resources)</p>
<p>Learning intentions:<br />
1- compare modern and Roman mosaics moodboard<br />
2 - Learn mosaic techniques<br />
3 - Apply mosaic techniques<br />
4 - Plan a mosaic<br />
5/6 - Create a mosaic<br />
7- Evaluate mosaic design</p>
<p>(font used is Letter Join Plus 40)</p>
neutral conjunctions display
<p>neutral burlap conjunctions display<br />
Includes FANBOYS and ISAWAWABUB conjunctions</p>
Beowulf VIPERS guided reading
<p>12 VIPERS guided reading lessons based on Beowulf (Usborne Young Reading version).</p>
<p>Suitable for year3/4. Or can easily be adapted for UKS2.</p>
<p>The lessons focus on the first 3 chapters. SEN and challenge resources for each lesson.</p>
LKS2 Reading/SPAG starters
<p>5 reading comprehension and SPAG starter activites suitable for LKS2.</p>
<li>retrieval questions</li>
<li>inference questions</li>
<li>correct the spelling mistakes</li>
<li>Read and draw a picture based on a description</li>
<li>Read and draw a picture based on a description</li>
<p>Worksheets are ready to print and hand out as morning starters or could be used as an extension task for early finishers.</p>
VIPERS reading display
<p>Neutral green VIPERS reading display for your classroom.</p>
<p>Clear and easy to read with simple images to remind children what each reading skill involves.</p>