<p>This file contains the beginning of the chapter 1 of George Orwell’s novel, <em>1984</em> with reading questions, vocab and grammar exercises. One is a translation exercise from French to English.<br />
The vocabulary is sometimes translated in French.</p>
<p>Here is a Powerpoint presentation about Thanksgiving. It tells about its origins (historical aspects with the pilgrims, the 1st settlements …), how it used to be celebrated and how it is today.</p>
<p>This file contains the whole short story entitled Legend of the Sugar Girl written by the Canadian author Joseph Boyden.<br />
This story explains and shows the effects of residential schools on First Nations People in their early life, but also the consequences in their adult life.<br />
Many words are translated (sometimes in French or explained in English)<br />
There are some follow-up activities (to check the understanding and to work on the vocab)</p>
<p>Here is a text telling about Sitting Bull. It is to practice the reading comprehension. It is composed of a text, questions about it and some vocab activities.</p>
<p>I rewrote the whole text and adapted it for English learners. It is easier to read and thus to understand, especially as some words are translated (one is translated from English to French, but not the others)<br />
I have also added some vocab and ’ reading comprehension’ exercises.</p>
<p>Here’s a worksheet I made on the Landlady by Roald Dahl.<br />
It contains some pre-reading activities ( including some to get to know the two main characters and some to discuss and/or write about the story) followed by the whole text (none of the words are translated)</p>
<p>This Powerpoint file explains what the totem poles are, what the animals and other natural elements symbolize (a total of 12 animals from the turtle to the raven ). The purpose was to make children draw their own totem pole.</p>
<p>Native Americans: Introduction.<br />
It is a powerpoint document to tell about the origins of Indigenous peoples in North America, their way of life in the past (housing, tribes and buffalo hunt…) and their culture.</p>
<p>This worksheet contains an extract of the chapter III of 12 Years A Slave, with comprehension questions, as well as vocab and grammar exercises.<br />
This excerpt is very interesting to study as it clearly shows how people were treated at that time, and it is a key moment in the account as the author and main character wakes up and realizes he has been locked up and has become a slave.</p>
<p>Here is the worksheet I made while working on the theme of utopia/dystopia. It is a worksheet on the song entitled Feel Good Inc. by Gorillaz. I strongly recommend studying the video clip at the same time as the study of the song.</p>
<p>Here is a worksheet I made while working on the topic of Bullying. It is the worksheet that contains the lyrics of the song entitled Beautiful by Christina Aguilera, with some activities. There also are some grammar exercises (modal)<br />
I strongly recommend showing the last music video of Beautiful released in 2022 ( focusing on social media )</p>
<p>Here is a worksheet to make the students work on the song ‘If I were a Boy’ by Beyonce. It includes listening activities on the song, and vocabulary exercices as well as some translations (from French to English) and a grammar lesson on the 1st and 2nd conditionals (followed by some practise with exercices)</p>
<p>Here is an activity sheet based on the song by Queen, Bohemian Rhapsody. This resource has been used in my classroom (French audience) . It includes: a short introduction about the band and the song, followed by listening activities, then vocabulary and grammar exercices (Translation exercice from French to English).</p>
<p>Here is a resource to help study one of Queen’s most famous songs: Bohemian Rhapsody. The resource contains a short introduction, followed by various listening activities and some vocabulary and grammar exercices (French to English)</p>
<p>Here is a resource to be used if you want to work on the song by John Lennon, ‘Imagine’. I used it as an introduction to work and teach dystopia in class. There are two pre-listening activities, to work on the vocab and grammar by adding information about the song, before some listening activities and basic questions about the meaning of the song.</p>
<p>Here is a worksheet on the song by Coolio, 'Gangsta’s Paradise. It consists in an introduction of the artist and the song, a set of listening activities. Then, there are some extra activities: vocabulary ones (plus translation exercice from French to English) and some questions related to the meaning of the song.</p>
<p>Here is a worksheet on the song by Rag’n’Bone, entitled ‘Human’. It consists in sutdying the song by doing some listening activities, before working on the vocabulary (just one exercice) and the meaning of the song.</p>