GCSE Maths Formulae Sheet including all the formulae that aren't given to the students in the exams (Edexcel). One A4 sheet for Foundation, one for Higher.<br />
This resource uses some images from the Pearson produced formulae sheet (and credit to them for it), as well as additional formulae added and images created by myself.
<p>This spreadsheet is a Tracker and Question Level Analysis for the Edexcel iGCSE Maths 4MA01 June 2019 1HR and 2HR.</p>
<p>As the teacher, you enter the marks for the questions into the spreadsheet.</p>
<p>What it does/tells you:</p>
<li>It totals the marks for each paper and the overall total</li>
<li>It calculates the grades achieved by the student on each paper and the overall achieved grade</li>
<li>If you enter a target grade for the student, it informs you whether a student is below target, on target or above target</li>
<li>It highlights students that are below target for easy identification for intervention</li>
<li>Automatically highlights the question marks by a colour scale to easily identify topics of strength and weakness for students</li>
<li>Calculates average scores for each question and highlights by a colour scale to identify topics of strength and weakness a group level</li>