Chinese Lanterns Count and Match ActivityQuick View

Chinese Lanterns Count and Match Activity

<p>Chinese Lanterns Count and Match Activity</p> <p>Includes:</p> <ul> <li>Chinese Lanterns numbers 0-10</li> <li>Chinese Lanterns representations 0-10</li> <li>Picture cards for the table</li> <li>Sign for the table</li> </ul>
Chinese New Year CVC wordsQuick View

Chinese New Year CVC words

<p>Chinese New Year CVC Words</p> <p>Includes Set 1 sounds from RWI and diagraphs (th,ng)</p> <p>Includes:</p> <ul> <li>10 CVC money cards</li> <li>Picture cards for the table</li> <li>Sign</li> </ul>
Emotional Regulation PosterQuick View

Emotional Regulation Poster

<p>I feel … Emotional regulation poster</p> <p>Designed for children who struggle to understand the emotion they are feeling and why. Children can then point to their body.</p> <p>3 options -</p> <ul> <li>boy</li> <li>girl</li> <li>stickman</li> </ul>