A Level Sociology AQA - Theories and MethodsQuick View

A Level Sociology AQA - Theories and Methods

<p>These series of summary sheets explains the key knowledge needed for A level theories topic for sociology. The document covers;</p> <ul> <li>Functionalism</li> <li>Marxism</li> <li>Feminism</li> <li>Social Action Theories</li> <li>Modernism, Post-modernism and Late-Modernity</li> <li>Sociology and Social Policy</li> <li>Sociology as a Science</li> <li>Objectivity and Values</li> </ul>
A Level Law OCR Paper 3, Society & Morality 20 Mark exemplar answersQuick View

A Level Law OCR Paper 3, Society & Morality 20 Mark exemplar answers

<p>This document contains exemplar A/A* responses of Society and Morality 20 mark essays. The questions are tied to Paper 3 of OCR A Level Law.<br /> The question titles are;</p> <ul> <li>“The law has the power to change and influence society” - Discuss the extent to which you agree with this statement (20 marks)</li> <li>“The law should enforce morality” - Discuss the extent to which you agree with this statement. (20 marks)</li> </ul>
A Level History - AQA - The Quest for Political Stability: Germany 1871-1991Quick View

A Level History - AQA - The Quest for Political Stability: Germany 1871-1991

<p>This document contains 30 pages of key information and dates relevant for a student studying the German quest for political stability from 1871-1991.<br /> The document covers the time periods listed below;</p> <ul> <li>The Bismark Era</li> <li>The Wilhelmine Era</li> <li>War, revolution and democracy</li> <li>The Nazi Experiment</li> <li>Occupation, Defeat and Divisions</li> </ul>
Tort Law A Level LawQuick View

Tort Law A Level Law

<p>These summary pages summarise the following areas of Tort Law including;<br /> Negligence<br /> Occupiers Liability Act 1957<br /> Occupiers Liability Act 1984<br /> Rylands V Fletcher<br /> Vicarious Liability<br /> Private Nuisance</p>