<p>All there is to know from year 7 to end of GCSE & IGCSE<br />
from basics of multiplying and dividing same bases with an index to positive indices to fractional indices and negative indices</p>
<p>This resources is particularly interesting for visual learners with color association and some other useful resource which can be printed from ppt, with extensions for fast learners to calculate HCF and LCM with venn diagrams</p>
<p>Standard Form with all operations (± x /)<br />
Most importantly how to spot when numbers are and are NOT in correct form to be standard form and converting them to STANDARD FORM</p>
<p>This resource is for teaching a lesson on Solving quadratic and cubic graphs Graphically ( I-GCSE grade 9+), which comes with a ppt and attached work-sheets for over at least two lessons.</p>
<p>Reverse Percentage change & Compound Percentage Change with multiplier Method, (appologies for hand written notes, just delete before presenting.)</p>
<p>Comparing Fractions with different denominators<br />
With shading diagrams<br />
moving on to extended work without diagrams and would you rather questions</p>