WW1 Code-breakers LessonQuick View

WW1 Code-breakers Lesson

This lesson is to commemorate WW1 and looks at code-breaking. It is designed to run for around one hour, with an extension at the end that contains a child-friendly video about WW1. There is an exciting input to brief the children, then they are given a coded message that they have to de-code. When they de-code the coordinates for the attack, a video clip is shown to represent the target being bombed by a biplane (I couldn't find actually WW1 footage of a plane bombing a target). If anyone finds a more suitable video for this please let me know via the comments.
Differentiated KS2 Lesson on MassQuick View

Differentiated KS2 Lesson on Mass

This is a resource I found on TES and modified to make it more user friendly and appropriate to my needs. I have created a seperate flipchart that allows you to print out the activities to give to children, these can be used as challenges 1-4, so children can choose what challenge that want to do, when they complete one they can choose another. The weight cards are to be used during the input. When printing the pages for the challenges you will need to print landscape - pages have been edited to use less colour ink! Please rate and leave feedback!