Food domino gameQuick View

Food domino game

This game is a great group activity and my pupils really like it. I use it when teaching Echo 2 ch 2, but I have not stuck exactly to the vocab in the book.
school subjects domino gameQuick View

school subjects domino game

This could be used for year 7 when introducing school subjects and opinions or when recapping in year 9. It would link to Echo 3 ch 2 Coole Schule for a lower group or for a middle group as a starter activity.
echo 2 auf dem Mark simple treasure hunt gameQuick View

echo 2 auf dem Mark simple treasure hunt game

this is based on a template from Swanswickhall and adapted to fit Echo 2 ch 2 Auf dem Markt, it is quite easy and contains fruit and veg and some simple quantities, hope there are no spelling errors.