

<p>1-2 lessons to help to prepare students for AQA French speaking exams - new spec 2018.<br /> Pronunciation practice and print out<br /> Cross theme high grade stuctures and example answers<br /> Role Play approach<br /> Photocard approach<br /> Revision ideas<br /> Used for a range of abiltiies and both higher and foundation</p>
NEW GCSE French Pearson Edexcel Module 2 Unit 4 La Place des idolesQuick View

NEW GCSE French Pearson Edexcel Module 2 Unit 4 La Place des idoles

<p>2-4 lessons following the new GCSE Textbook but differentiated for F and H and including accompanying home made worksheets, homework, grammar intros and practice of direct object pronouns and combining tenses plus extra tasks/ videos/ games. All answers included.</p> <p>All photos/ documents and audio files from Pearson have been removed. Credit to original creators of some worksheets included/ permission granted where necessary</p> <p>Free fonts used- DJB Sand Shoes and a Fez + Caviar Dreams ( same for entire Module)</p>
NEW GCSE French Pearson Edexcel Module 2.2 L'amitié est la clé du bonheurQuick View

NEW GCSE French Pearson Edexcel Module 2.2 L'amitié est la clé du bonheur

<p>3-4 lessons following the new GCSE Textbook but differentiated for F and H and including accompanying home made worksheets, tangled translation, running translations, homework, grammar intro and practice of adjectival agreement, listening skills and translations plus extra tasks. Answers all provided and notes explain tasks.</p> <p>All photos and audio files from Pearson have been removed. Credit to original creators of some worksheets included/ permission granted.</p> <p>Free fonts used- DJB Sand Shoes and a Fez + Caviar Dreams ( same for entire Module which is to come)</p>
NEW GCSE French Pearson Edexcel Module 1 Unit 5 Qu'est-ce que tu as fait?Quick View

NEW GCSE French Pearson Edexcel Module 1 Unit 5 Qu'est-ce que tu as fait?

<p>Fulle resourced and differentiated sequence of 3-5 lessons to work alongside the new GCSE Pearson Textbook.</p> <p>Includes focus on the Perfect Tense, homework, games, a writing mat, sentence builders, exam practice and all 4 skills included.</p> <p>Fonts are Grilled Cheese and Patrick Hand if formatting is off for you.</p> <p>Images and sound files from the textbook not included as per copyright and all permissions granted where necessary/ possible.</p>
NEW GCSE French Pearson Edexcel Module 2.1  Un weekend en familleQuick View

NEW GCSE French Pearson Edexcel Module 2.1 Un weekend en famille

<p>2-3 lessons following the new GCSE Textbook but differentiated for F and H and including accompanying worksheets, homework, grammar intro and practice of reflexive verbs and possessive adjectives plus extra tasks/ Answers all provided and notes explain tasks.</p> <p>All photos and audio files from Pearson have been removed. Credit to original creators of some worksheets included/ permission granted.</p> <p>Free fonts used- DJB Sand Shoes and a Fez + Caviar Dreams ( same for entire Module which is to come)</p>
NEW GCSE French Pearson Edexcel Module 2 Unit 5 Famille, amour, gâteauQuick View

NEW GCSE French Pearson Edexcel Module 2 Unit 5 Famille, amour, gâteau

<p>2-3 lessons following the new GCSE Textbook but differentiated for F and H and including accompanying home made worksheets, homework, grammar intros and practice of adverbs with puzzles and choices of activities along with combining tenses plus extra tasks/ trapdoor speaking and games. All answers included.</p> <p>All photos/ documents and audio files from Pearson have been removed. Credit to original creators of some worksheets included/ permission granted where necessary.</p> <p>Free fonts used- DJB Sand Shoes and a Fez + Caviar Dreams ( same for entire Module)</p>
NEW GCSE French Pearson Edexcel Module 2 Unit 3 Couleur famille and PALMSQuick View

NEW GCSE French Pearson Edexcel Module 2 Unit 3 Couleur famille and PALMS

<p>3-4 lessons following the new GCSE Textbook but differentiated for F and H and including accompanying worksheets, homework, grammar practice of adjectival word order and practice of descriptiosn/ avoir and etre plus extra speaking tasks/ Answers all provided and notes explain where to find or how to deliver tasks.</p> <p>2nd lesson is a fully resourced PALMS photo description lesson but incorporating the resources from the textbook too.</p> <p>All photos and audio files from Pearson have been removed. Credit to original creators of some worksheets included/ permission granted.</p> <p>Free fonts used- DJB Sand Shoes and a Fez + Caviar Dreams ( same for entire Module which is to come)</p>
NEW FRENCH GCSE 2024 Entire Module 2 Mon Clan, Ma TribuQuick View

NEW FRENCH GCSE 2024 Entire Module 2 Mon Clan, Ma Tribu

6 Resources
<p>Saves £3 for the bundle<br /> Fully resourced, differentiated, adapted and enhanced sequence of 16-20 lessons for the new French GCSE. Includes;</p> <ul> <li>Outline of the new course - pupil friendly</li> <li>2-3 main lessons per unit to cover a full half term</li> <li>differentiated print outs each lesson<br /> -homeworks incorporated</li> <li>explicit grammar teaching and practice</li> <li>separate worksheets</li> <li>recall tasks</li> <li>engaging videos to support cultural aspects</li> <li>trapdoor/ varied speaking activities</li> <li>All answers for peer and self marking</li> <li>Practice for new exam skills - Photocard, PALMS lesson, writing skills and translation- uses new Mark schemes</li> <li>Starter, mini plenaries and plenary throughout</li> <li>Phonics focuses</li> </ul> <p>Does not include sound files or Pearson/ Edexcel textbook images/ texts due to copy right. See notes in ppt to know where to find textbook resources All other resources are my own or permissions granted.</p> <p>Fonts used are easily found and downloaded for free if you don’t already have them- DJB Sand shoes and a fez/ Caviar Dreams</p>
NEW GCSE French Pearson Edexcel Module 2.0 Culture  Libre d'etre moiQuick View

NEW GCSE French Pearson Edexcel Module 2.0 Culture Libre d'etre moi

<p>1-2 lessons following the new GCSE Textbook but differentiated for F and H and including accompanying worksheets, homework, grammar intro and practice of emphatic pronouns plus extra tasks/ links for cultural info for this theme and topic of identity and culture of celebs in la Francophonie. Answers all provided and notes explain tasks.</p> <p>Triangle Dominoes is a Tarsia but printable from hidden slide.</p> <p>All photos and audio files from Pearson have been removed. Credit to original creators of some worksheets included/ permission granted.</p> <p>Free fonts used- DJB Sand Shoes and a Fez + Caviar Dreams ( same for entire Module which is to come)</p>
NEW GCSE French Pearson Edexcel Module 1 Unit 2 Tu as une vie active?Quick View

NEW GCSE French Pearson Edexcel Module 1 Unit 2 Tu as une vie active?

<p>2-3 lessons following the new GCSE Textbook but differentiated for F and H and including homework, grammar and extra tasks for this theme and topic of heaolthy and active lifestyles. Includes homework, sports recap practice and extra speed translations sheet. Also includes a large sentence builder word mat. All answers included too.</p> <p>All photos and audio files from Pearson have been removed. Credit to original creators of some worksheets included/ permission granted.</p> <p>Fonts used- Patrick Hand and Grilled Cheese</p>
NEW GCSE French Pearson Edexcel Module 1 Unit 4 Qu'est-ce qu'on va faire?Quick View

NEW GCSE French Pearson Edexcel Module 1 Unit 4 Qu'est-ce qu'on va faire?

<p>Fully resourced and differentiated sequence of 3-5 lessons for new GCSE Pearson textbook to teach unit 4 - near future tense but a bit more in depth!. Lesson 3 focuses on role play and exam writing style overlap question specifically which included mark schemes and peer marking activities.<br /> Homework, Quizlet links-(please copy and don’t play ours) ,worksheets and grammar activities attached. To go alongside the new Pearson Edexcel textbook.</p> <p>Images, sound files and Pearson worksheets not included as per copyright, permissions where possible for all resources granted!</p>
NEW GCSE French Pearson Edexcel Module 1 Unit 6 Tu a participé?Quick View

NEW GCSE French Pearson Edexcel Module 1 Unit 6 Tu a participé?

<p>Sequence of 2-3 lessons to follow along with the new French Pearson Edexcel GCSE Textbook.<br /> Fully resourced, differentiated and includes extra activities to focus on asking questions. I also made a sentence builder writing mat for this unit and included some re-call tasks from prior learning.</p> <p>Audio files and textbook sheets etc not included as per copyright.</p> <p>Fonts used are Grilled Cheese and Patrick Hand. Homework and Quizlet links included- please feel free to copy from the Quizlet set but don’t use ours for sharing.</p>
NEW GCSE French Pearson Edexcel Module 1 Unit 3 Qu'est-ce que tu regardes?Quick View

NEW GCSE French Pearson Edexcel Module 1 Unit 3 Qu'est-ce que tu regardes?

<p>2-3 lessons following the new GCSE Textbook but differentiated for F and H and including homework, grammar and extra tasks for this theme and topic of TV. Includes code breaker, trap door speaking, round room readying, wordsearches, asking questions and role play exam practice. Also includes a large sentence builder word mat. All answers included too.</p> <p>All photos and audio files from Pearson have been removed. Credit to original creators of some worksheets included/ permission granted.</p> <p>Fonts used- Patrick Hand and Grilled Cheese</p>
NEW FRENCH GCSE 2024 Entire Module 1 Tu as du temps  à perdre?Quick View

NEW FRENCH GCSE 2024 Entire Module 1 Tu as du temps à perdre?

7 Resources
<p>Saves £5 for the bundle<br /> Fully resourced, differentiated, adapted and enhanced sequence of 16-20 lessons for the new French GCSE. Includes;</p> <ul> <li>Outline of the new course - pupil friendly</li> <li>2-3 main lessons per unit to cover a full half term</li> <li>print outs each lesson<br /> -homeworks incorporated</li> <li>explicit grammar teaching and practice</li> <li>separate worksheets</li> <li>recall tasks</li> <li>engaging videos to support cultural aspects</li> <li>trapdoor speaking activities</li> <li>All answers for peer and self marking</li> <li>Practice for new exam skills - Role Play, writing skills and translation- uses new Mark schemes</li> <li>Starter, mini plenaries and plenary</li> <li>Phonics focuses</li> </ul> <p>Does not include sound files or Pearson/ Edexcel textbook images/ texts due to copy right. See notes in ppt to know where to find textbook resources All other resources are my own or permissions granted.</p> <p>Fonts used are easily found and downloaded for free if you don’t already have them- Patrick Hand and Grilled cheese are used throughout.</p>
NEW GCSE French Pearson Edexcel Module 1 Unit 1 Ma Vie En LigneQuick View

NEW GCSE French Pearson Edexcel Module 1 Unit 1 Ma Vie En Ligne

<p>Fully resourced and differentiated sequence of lessons to accompany the online text book.<br /> 2-3 lessons for module 1 unit 1- new French GCSE course, Describes new exams and skills, includes Present tense practice and extra made resources.</p> <p>Includes Trapdoor, grammar homework, translations and song lyric task from Youtube.</p> <p>Sound files and textbook copyright things not included.<br /> I have planned the entire module so will continue to upload.</p> <p>Fonts used- Patrick Hand and Grilled Cheese</p>
NEW GCSE French Pearson Edexcel Module 1 IntroQuick View

NEW GCSE French Pearson Edexcel Module 1 Intro

<p>First 2-3 lessons to introduce new French GCSE course, Describes new exams and skills, includes module overview, skill setting, follows new Pearson Edexcel Textbook and gives all answers. Also includes One pen 1 die activity for both F and H.</p> <p>Fonts used- Patrick Hand and Grilled Cheese</p> <p>Sound files and textbook copyright things not included.</p>
French and Spanish pyramid literacy cards- VCOPQuick View

French and Spanish pyramid literacy cards- VCOP

<p>Great for differentiation and can be used at any secondary level. For use in a similar way to language mats but in the style of primary, literacy focus VCOP pyramids. There are 4 categories in each set; ‘sentence openers’, ‘justifications’, ‘connectives’ and contrasting’ and ‘opinions’ with simple terms at the top becoming more complex further down. Great for independent writing and speaking activities or for extra support.</p>
Speaking Mock Feedback Variety Sequence FrenchQuick View

Speaking Mock Feedback Variety Sequence French

<p>A sequence of lessons to feedback/ feed forward after KS4 mock speaking exams. Contains a variety of independent, pair and group work addressing misconceptions, common errors, question words, adapting existing texts, mark schemes and improving the variety of language.</p> <p>Differentiated match ups, worksheets, card chop included along with translation game.</p> <p>I left the grade boundaries and Role Plays we used but of course, this would need to be adapted.</p>


<p>A bank of approximately 80 plenary slides and ideas to quickly pop into lessons to aid learning reflection. Mostly made by myself but some tweaked and adapted from a variety of teacher sharing platforms. The majority of slides are for French, some in Spanish but easily adaptable for all languages.<br /> Usable for all Key stages.</p> <p>Instructions in notes for some activities.</p>
3-4 lessons, Perfect Tense, ENTIRELY STUDENT LEDQuick View

3-4 lessons, Perfect Tense, ENTIRELY STUDENT LED

<p>This pack provides resources to get students to teach themselves the perfect past tense in French. Students are divided into teams of 4 and assigned roles. They then have 3 lessons to research, teach themselves and prepare resources to practice and test the perfect tense. At the end of the sequence of lessons, I invite non MFL speaker VIPS (SLT members) to come and be students as each group presents their understanding. Pack includes, all instructions step by step on ppt, peer assessment forms, self assessment forms (related to role) and evidence of work done tracker sheet. Students must also assign themselves homework. I offer a differing amount of hint tokens depending on the class, the only way the teacher can help is by using a hint token. Students have produced incredible resources in this task and really enjoy taking responsibility for their own learning. There is a test at the end. Great for busy KS4 KS5 periods and to encourage independent learning.</p>
(European) Week of Languages Whole School BundleQuick View

(European) Week of Languages Whole School Bundle

<p>Rather than celebrate just one European Day of Languages, this bundle provides resources and a program to celebrate all languages across the whole school for one week. The aim was to make pupils become more aware of our global community, the words they use and develop their enthusiasm for MFL.</p> <p>The pack includes:</p> <p><strong>1. A tutor time activity for each day;</strong><br /> a. Where do languages come from?<br /> b. Two whole class reading activities about the benefits and successes of languages learners<br /> c. Why studying languages is good for your brain and your achievements.<br /> d. An end of week quiz (adapted from TES user<br /> **2. Why Study Languages? Assembly (Adapted from TES user louisahoff- free) **<br /> <strong>3. A differentiated starter/plenary activity for 19 different subjects suitable for ks3, ks4 and ks5 “Match up the word to its language origin” + a bonus activity or video - approx 10mins per subject.</strong> Pupils really enjoyed studying the entymology of words!<br /> <strong>4. A few register slides for pupils to answer in one of many languages for all lessons.</strong><br /> <strong>5. Two slides used to promote the week with all activities happening around school listed for parents and tutor time the week before</strong> Our D&amp; T dept. created a signpost of distances of some European capital cities, the canteen themed a meal for a country each day and all staff were encouraged to talk about their experiences of travel languages during the week.<br /> <strong>6. A crossword treasure hunt template for pupils to find out information from various teachers</strong> Use any online crossword creator to create your own questions and solutions for your school.<br /> <strong>7. Various posters and display ideas</strong><br /> **8. A slide to promote a European Food Festival. **</p>