AQA Physics Paper 1 Revision QuizQuick View

AQA Physics Paper 1 Revision Quiz

<p>This is revision quiz for AQA Physics Paper 1 - suitable for both Physics and Trilogy students.</p> <p>There are four rounds - pictures, definitions, calculations and equations.</p> <p>Aimed to fit a 50 minute lesson.<br /> There are hyperlinks so you can either mark round by round or go all the way through and mark at the end.</p>
AQA Chemistry Paper 2 quiz trilogyQuick View

AQA Chemistry Paper 2 quiz trilogy

<p>This a revision quiz for chemistry paper 2 - aimed at AQA GCSE Combined Science Trilogy Chemistry. Could be used for GSCE chemistry too - I’m planning on making a tweaked version for seps so keep an eye out for that!</p> <p>Could be done on whiteboards or in books.<br /> AImed for an hour’s lesson to prime students for mocks.</p>
Chemistry of the atmosphere revision tarsia AQA C13Quick View

Chemistry of the atmosphere revision tarsia AQA C13

<p>Revision tarsia to match AQA Kerboodle Chapter 13 - for both seps and trilogy.</p> <p>Suitable for both seps and trilogy.<br /> If you’ve not used tarsias before, they’re brilliant and I have found them particularly successful with low/mid ability boys as it has a clear start and end, also I usually run them as competitions to increase engagement,<br /> I recommend photocopying on card so that it can be used again as they do take a long time to cut out.</p>
Reactions of Alkenes - AQA C10.1Quick View

Reactions of Alkenes - AQA C10.1

<p>This is a lesson that fits with the kerboodle for AQA Chemistry GCSE.</p> <p>It is aimed at mixed ability and includes details of demos to show students.</p>
Atomic Structure Revision Tarsia (AQA C1)Quick View

Atomic Structure Revision Tarsia (AQA C1)

<p>A tarsia to revise AQA Chemistry C1 Atomic Structure (matches kerboodle C1)</p> <p>Suitable for both seps and trilogy.<br /> If you’ve not used tarsias before, they’re brilliant and I have found them particularly successful with low/mid ability boys as it has a clear start and end, also I usually run them as competitions to increase engagement,</p> <p>I recommend photocopying on card so that it can be used again as they do take a long time to cut out.</p>
Chemistry Paper 1 Revision QuizQuick View

Chemistry Paper 1 Revision Quiz

<code>Revision quiz = combined science chemistry AQA Does have a mixture of higher and foundation tier questions. (Higher tier only mostly in the calculations round). </code> <p>Answers and worked examples included.</p>
AQA Chemistry 15.8 NPK fertilisers in industryQuick View

AQA Chemistry 15.8 NPK fertilisers in industry

AQA Chemistry separate science full lesson comparing creating NPK fertilisers in the lab to NPK fertilisers in industry.<br /> Uses youtube video for students to gather information.<br /> Synoptic links to formulations and neutralisation. <br /> <br /> Handout is the flowchart of where N,P &amp; K come from that students can use to help complete their table. Follows kerboodle scheme of work
Rate of reaction revision tarsia AQA C8Quick View

Rate of reaction revision tarsia AQA C8

<p>A tarsia to revise rates of reaction (matches aqa kerboodle chapter C8). If you look at the rest of my resources, you will find the equilbrium tarsia for the rest of this chapter. Or I have a bundle with them both in together for a discount!</p> <p>Suitable for both seps and trilogy.<br /> If you’ve not used tarsias before, they’re brilliant and I have found them particularly successful with low/mid ability boys as it has a clear start and end, also I usually run them as competitions to increase engagement,<br /> I recommend photocopying on card so that it can be used again as they do take a long time to cut out.</p>
Chemical Changes  Revision tarsia AGA kerboodle C5Quick View

Chemical Changes Revision tarsia AGA kerboodle C5

<p>Tarsia to revise AQA Chemistry Kerboodle C5. Suitable for seps and trilogy.</p> <p>If you’ve not used tarsias before, they’re brilliant and I have found them particularly successful with low/mid ability boys as it has a clear start and end, also I usually run them as competitions to increase engagement,<br /> I recommend photocopying on card so that it can be used again as they do take a long time to cut out.</p>
Structure and bonding revision tarsia (AQA kerboodle C3)Quick View

Structure and bonding revision tarsia (AQA kerboodle C3)

<p>A tarsia to revise structure and bonding (matches AQA kerboodle C3).<br /> I recommend photocopying on card so it can be used again.</p> <p>If you’ve never used tarsia before, I find that students really enjoy them as a revision activity. They can work independently or in teams (in particular works well for low/mid ability boys in my experience!).<br /> I tend to run them as a competition for engagement!</p>
Equilbrium revision tarsia AQA C8Quick View

Equilbrium revision tarsia AQA C8

<p>A tarsia to revise equilibrium and Le Chatelier’s Principle. This matches the AQA C8. The other half of C8 (rates of reaction) can be found in my resources. There’s also a bundle including both tarsias for a discount!</p> <p>Suitable for both seps and trilogy.<br /> If you’ve not used tarsias before, they’re brilliant and I have found them particularly successful with low/mid ability boys as it has a clear start and end, also I usually run them as competitions to increase engagement,<br /> I recommend photocopying on card so that it can be used again as they do take a long time to cut out.</p>
AQA C1.5 History of the atomQuick View

AQA C1.5 History of the atom

History of the atom timeline full lesson<br /> <br /> Made for AQA C1.5 <br /> Year 9 mixed ability<br /> Powerpoint and information sheets.
AQA Chemistry 7.2 Uses of endothermic and exothermic reactionsQuick View

AQA Chemistry 7.2 Uses of endothermic and exothermic reactions

Design project for students to design their own self heating can/ice pack.<br /> Can be done in one lesson or over several depending on how many of the stages you would like to include.<br /> Challenging activity as it requires students to select appropriate chemicals that would work and also not explode/react with packaging. Designed as a group task to fit in one lesson - if as individuals, project would take a minimum of two.<br /> Teacher notes are included on the powerpoint.<br /> Needs CLEAPSS cards to use alongside other resources.
Rate and extent of chemical change revision AQA C8Quick View

Rate and extent of chemical change revision AQA C8

3 Resources
<p>These tarsias are designed to revise all of the C8 chapter for AQA kerboodle chemistry.</p> <p>They are also availble singly.<br /> Suitable for both seps and trilogy.</p> <p>For buying both resources together, you get an additional free resource! I’ve also included my Atomic Structure Revision Tarsia (AQA kerboodle C1)</p> <p>If you’ve not used tarsias before, they’re brilliant and I have found them particularly successful with low/mid ability boys as it has a clear start and end, also I usually run them as competitions to increase engagement,<br /> I recommend photocopying on card so that it can be used again as they do take a long time to cut out.</p>
Chemical Analysis revision AQA C13 SEPS ONLYQuick View

Chemical Analysis revision AQA C13 SEPS ONLY

<p>SEPS ONLY CONTENT revision tarsia.<br /> This is designed to match with AQA kerboodle chapter 12. This tarsia only contains the seps content. I have another resource which contains the trilogy content. You will find them both together in a bundle for the complete resource.</p> <p>If you’ve not used tarsias before, they’re brilliant and I have found them particularly successful with low/mid ability boys as it has a clear start and end, also I usually run them as competitions to increase engagement,<br /> I recommend photocopying on card so that it can be used again as they do take a long time to cut out.</p>
AQA Atomic Structure Atoms C1.1 - periodic table battleshipsQuick View

AQA Atomic Structure Atoms C1.1 - periodic table battleships

Complete lesson with templates, help sheets, game<br /> <br /> Covers lesson C1.1 AQA Atoms<br /> Learning the first 20 symbols, periodic table battleships, naming compounds<br /> <br /> Periodic table battleships<br /> The template needs to be printed twice per student (A5). To make reusable, laminate and treasury tag them together. Students can then write on them using whiteboard pen which will rub off.
AQA new spec C1.7 Isotopes lessonQuick View

AQA new spec C1.7 Isotopes lesson

Mixed ability year 9 - lesson powerpoint and tarsia activity<br /> Covers isotopes, reactivity of isotopes, density differences in compounds with isotopes, RAM calculations for stretch and challenge (start of A level)<br /> <br /> Couldn't upload tarsia as is not a supported file type - have copied and pasted in to word for convenience.<br /> <br /> Feedback much appreciated.
Using resources revision AQA Chemistry C15 seps onlyQuick View

Using resources revision AQA Chemistry C15 seps only

<p>Tarisa made to revise AQA kerboodle chapter 15. SEPS ONLY</p> <p>If you’ve not used tarsias before, they’re brilliant and I have found them particularly successful with low/mid ability boys as it has a clear start and end, also I usually run them as competitions to increase engagement,<br /> I recommend photocopying on card so that it can be used again as they do take a long time to cut out.</p>