AQA A Level Sociology revision plans: Beliefs in SocietyQuick View

AQA A Level Sociology revision plans: Beliefs in Society

Revisions plans summarising key content, studies and studies and names for the whole of the Beliefs in Society unit. Each plan has summaries mainly taken from Webb and Westergaard and Browne textbooks. Key names and key terms are highlighted, topics include: -Ideology and science Organisations, movements and members Religion and social change Religion in a global context Religion renewal and choice Secularisation Theories of religon
Types of families and family diversity AQAQuick View

Types of families and family diversity AQA

This lesson forms part of an introduction the the Families Unit. This lesson covers: Types of families in society Patterns in family diversity Family diversity - Rapoport and Rapoport and Hareven 3 mark exam question with teacher response
AQA A Level Sociology revision plansQuick View

AQA A Level Sociology revision plans

4 Resources
This bundle includes revisions plans summarising key content, studies and studies and names. Each plan has summaries mainly taken from Webb and Westergaard and Browne textbooks. Key names and key terms are highlighted. This bundle covers the the following units: Families and Households Education Crime and Deviance Beliefs in Society
AQA A Level Sociology revision plans: Families and HouseholdsQuick View

AQA A Level Sociology revision plans: Families and Households

Revisions plans summarising key content, studies and studies and names for the whole of the Families and Households unit. Each plan has summaries mainly taken from Webb and Westergaard and Browne textbooks. Key names and key terms are highlighted, topics include: -Theoretical views Marraige and divorce Roles and relationships Social policy Demography Family Diversity Childhood
AQA A Level Sociology revision plans: Crime and DevianceQuick View

AQA A Level Sociology revision plans: Crime and Deviance

Revisions plans summarising key content, studies and studies and names for the whole of the Families and Households unit. Each plan has summaries mainly taken from Webb and Westergaard and Browne textbooks. Key names and key terms are highlighted, topics include: Functionalist, strain and subcultures Interaction and labelling Class, power and crime Realist theories of crime Gender, crime and justice Ethnicity, crime and justice Crime and the media Globalisation, green crime, human rights and state crime Control, punishments and victims
AQA A Level Sociology revision plans: EducationQuick View

AQA A Level Sociology revision plans: Education

Revisions plans summarising key content, studies and studies and names for the whole of the Education unit. Each plan has summaries mainly taken from Webb and Westergaard and Browne textbooks. Key names and key terms are highlighted, topics include: Theoretical views Social policy Social class Ethnicity EGender
Social policy/history of education AQA SociologyQuick View

Social policy/history of education AQA Sociology

This lesson explores the history of the education system and social policies that have been implemented from 1870-2010, including: The Forster Act The Butler Act - Tripartite system/11+ exam 3 mark question with teacher response Comprehensive system Education Reform Act 1988 - marketisation of education, Ball, Bowe and Gewirtz, parentocracy 1997 Labour 2010 Coalition government 12 mark question with a plan and model answer
Ethnicity and education: internal and external factors AQA sociologyQuick View

Ethnicity and education: internal and external factors AQA sociology

This lesson explores the patterns within ethnicity and achievement in schools and the sociological explanations for the patterns, including: Statistics and trends External factors: racism in society, material deprivation, cultural differences, attitudes and values Teacher labelling based on ethnicity Fuller: rejecting negative labels Ethnocentric curriculum 4 mark exam question with model answer
Gender and Education: internal and external factors AQA SociologyQuick View

Gender and Education: internal and external factors AQA Sociology

This lesson explores the difference in attainment on boys and girls in the education system and examines the reasons for these patterns, including: Statistics and trends External factors: impact on feminism, changing job opportunities, Internal factors: social policy/national curriculum, feminisation of the education system, role models, shortage of male teachers, peer pressure, crisis of masculinity 4 mark question with model answer
Internal factors: Labelling, streaming and subcultures AQA Sociology of EducationQuick View

Internal factors: Labelling, streaming and subcultures AQA Sociology of Education

This lesson explores internal factors that contribute to the underachievement of the working-class in the education system, including: Labelling theory - Becker’s ‘ideal pupil’ Self-fulfilling prophecy Setting and streaming - advantages and disadvantages Rosenthal and Jacobson - Pygmalion in the classroom Subcultures - pro-school and anti-school Paul Willis - Learning to labour Ball - Beachside comprehensive
External factors: material and cultural deprivation AQA Sociology of EducationQuick View

External factors: material and cultural deprivation AQA Sociology of Education

This lesson explore the external factors that lead to the underachievement of the working-class, including: Statistic Material deprivation - housing, diet and health, the ‘cost of free schooling’ Halsey, Heath and Ridge Cultural deprivation and cultural capital Sugaman’s subcultural values Berstien’s speech codes 4 mark exam question with model answer
Gender and education: subject choice AQA sociologyQuick View

Gender and education: subject choice AQA sociology

This lesson explores the difference in subject choice by gender and the reasons for this, including: Data on subject choice Gender role socialisation Gendered subject image Gender domains Peer pressure Single sex schools 4 mark questions with model answer 12 mark question with plan
Functionalist views on Education AQA SociologyQuick View

Functionalist views on Education AQA Sociology

This lesson covers the Functionalist approach to the education system: Role and purpose of education Social control The organic analogy Durkheim - social solidarity, society in miniature, skills for work Parsons - Meritocracy, role allocation 4 mark question (with item) and teacher response
Functions of the familyQuick View

Functions of the family

This lesson explores the functionalist approach to the family: Expressive and intrumental roles Murdock - four functions of the family Parsons - two functions 4 mark question with teacher response
Feminism and the FamilyQuick View

Feminism and the Family

This lesson explores feminist views on the family: Gender divide at home and canalisation Delphy and Leonard 3 mark question with teacher response
Introduction to Education Unit AQA sociologyQuick View

Introduction to Education Unit AQA sociology

This lesson is the first lesson in the Education Unit and serves as introduction of what students can expect and covers: Social issues in school - discussion opportunity The purpose of school Types of school Advantages and disadvantages of different schools 3 mark question with teacher response
Marxist views on Education AQA SociologyQuick View

Marxist views on Education AQA Sociology

This lesson explores the Marxist view on the education system, including: Recap on Marxist views The hidden curriculum Bowles and Gintis - the correspondence principle Myth of meritocracy 12 mark question with plan, sentence starters and model answer
Measuring Crime and Deviance AQA sociologyQuick View

Measuring Crime and Deviance AQA sociology

This lesson explores how crime is measured, including: Defining anti-social behaviour Dark figure of crime Victim surveys Self-report studies The social construction of official statistics 4 mark question with model answer