Classroom ToolQuick View

Classroom Tool

A multi-use classroom tool built primarily using VBA in MS-Excel and a bit of Javascript that does the following: Real time clock display, ideal if there isn’t a clock in your room! Countdown Timer. Can be set to change colour when approaching the end of the countdown. Random Student Selector. Enter students names and pick one at random. Can be set to remove students from list after selection or to keep the full list (so a student can be selected more than once) Random Student Grouping. Enter student names and the program will generate random groups. You can either specify the number of groups or the number of students in a group. Random Number Generator. Simply display a random number (maximum number can be set) Blockbuster Game Board. A 5x4 “Blockbuster Style” game board. Letters for the game board can be specified by the user and each “cell” can cycle through 6 different colours which allows up to 5 teams to play a game The resource is free to use and share but if you like it and find it useful, please consider buying me a coffee - donations can be sent to my paypal account, If you have any suggestions for improvement or find a problem with the classroom tool, please send a message to and I will see if I can make the improvement or solve the problem. NOTE: All files need to be in the same folder. To add your own logo to the clock display, replace the “logo.png” file with your logo. As always with computer software, you use the program at your own risk!