Pre-Assessment Questions for Number - Multiplication and Division - Year 3
<p>This is a document with pre-assessment questions for multiplication and division.<br />
Pre-assessment questions can be given at the start of a new module of learning before anything has been taught. Give the class the corresponding 6 questions, they have 5 minutes to complete (it does not matter if they do not finish). I always tell my class that is is to show me what I have to teach them, so they do not become worried and if you start using these at the start of every new module, they get used to them. I also get the children to quickly self or peer mark these in class before we start the teaching part of the lesson.<br />
Q1-2 is aimed at lower ability, Q3-4 at middle and Q5-6 at higher ability. It is a great way to differentiate the lesson tasks and shows you what the children can do before you teach them. You can even use these again at the end of the module, to show progress.<br />
This particular document is aimed at Year 3.</p>