AQA English Language Paper 1 Revision MatQuick View

AQA English Language Paper 1 Revision Mat

One side has tips for Section A (Reading) and the reverse covers Section B (Writing)<br /> It covers the format of questions 1 to 4 and gives tips on things to focus on. The reverse side gives advice on the five question types likely to arise in the exam.
AQA GCSE Literature Trivial PursuitQuick View

AQA GCSE Literature Trivial Pursuit

This follows the same rules as the board game, except that there is no board!<br /> <br /> DO NOT PURCHASE THIS IF YOU ARE NOT COVERING ALL THE SPECIFIED TEXTS<br /> <br /> Designed for the AQA GCSE Literature syllabus and covering the following texts:<br /> The Sign of Four<br /> Animal Farm<br /> Romeo and Juliet<br /> Poetry Anthology Cluster 2: Power and Conflict<br /> Spelling Punctuation and Grammar<br /> Context (relating to the three texts and poetry anthology)<br /> <br /> I have also included a score card which students colour in as they acquire each segment. You will need to provide dice for this.
Revision Card Game - The Sign of FourQuick View

Revision Card Game - The Sign of Four

Card game using the format by lowrip1ckle for Of Mice and Men. I've adapted it for several different texts used at GCSE and find that students engage enthusiastically without realising that they are discussing/revising a text that they have studied! I've included an instruction mat which I laminated as double sided
Sign of Four Snap/Matching gameQuick View

Sign of Four Snap/Matching game

I made this to help students learn quotes. It can be used as traditional Snap! where characters are matched with quotes, or the picture cards can be used as column headers, and the quotes lined beneath them according to who said them (or who they said it to).<br /> Quotes are in black if they are spoken to a character, or blue if they are about a character.<br /> I took the pictures from the 1987 TV version starring Jeremy Brett.
AQA Power and Conflict Cluster PictionaryQuick View

AQA Power and Conflict Cluster Pictionary

Card game based upon the classic board game. 48 cards with words taken from all the poems in the cluster. This is uploaded as a Publisher file, which means that you can change any words if you think that they are too difficult for your class.<br /> I've also included a set of rules.
Journey's End Revision Card GameQuick View

Journey's End Revision Card Game

Card game using the format by lowrip1ckle for Of Mice and Men. I've adapted it for several different texts used at GCSE and find that students engage enthusiastically without realising that they are discussing/revising a text that they have studied! I've included an instruction mat which I laminated as double sided
Revision Card Game - Romeo and JulietQuick View

Revision Card Game - Romeo and Juliet

Card game using the format by lowrip1ckle for Of Mice and Men. I've adapted it for several different texts used at GCSE and find that students engage enthusiastically without realising that they are discussing/revising a text that they have studied! I've included an instruction mat which I laminated as double sided.
An Inspector Calls Revision Card GameQuick View

An Inspector Calls Revision Card Game

Card game using the format by lowrip1ckle for Of Mice and Men. I've adapted it for several different texts used at GCSE and find that students engage enthusiastically without realising that they are discussing/revising a text that they have studied! I've included an instruction mat which I laminated as double sided
Revision Card Game - Animal FarmQuick View

Revision Card Game - Animal Farm

Card game using the format by lowrip1ckle for Of Mice and Men. I've adapted it for several different texts used at GCSE and find that students engage enthusiastically without realising that they are discussing/revising a text that they have studied! I've included an instruction mat which I laminated as double sided
Reading Response activitiesQuick View

Reading Response activities

I use these with my year 7 and year 8 classes because we have fortnightly library-based lessons. They read for 20 minutes at the start of the lesson, and then use one of the worksheets as a written response to what they have read. There is some duplication of questions between the worksheets.
AQA English Literature GCSE Guess Who Revision gameQuick View

AQA English Literature GCSE Guess Who Revision game

This is the well-known game of Guess Who, adapted for the AQA English Literature GCSE .<br /> I have provided character cards for:<br /> The Sign of Four<br /> Animal Farm<br /> Romeo and Juliet<br /> I have also provided a blank set for you to adapt the game to the texts you are using yourself.
Persuasive Writing Techniques Rummy/Happy Families/Card SortQuick View

Persuasive Writing Techniques Rummy/Happy Families/Card Sort

This is a set of cards designed to help revise writing techniques.<br /> <br /> There are 12 sets of four cards (one set for each writing technique) covering:<br /> Simile, Metaphor, Onomatopoeia, Personification, Repetition, Alliteration, Oxymoron, Rule of Three, Direct Address, Imperative, Statistics and Hyperbole.<br /> <br /> Students need to either collect sets of four, or match them up. Each set comprises Feature, Definition, Example and Effect.
Animal Farm Top Trumps cardsQuick View

Animal Farm Top Trumps cards

13 (and 3 blanks) Top Trumps cards with a picture and space to complete values for the following attributes:<br /> Intelligence<br /> Power<br /> Physical Strength<br /> Bravery<br /> Loyalty<br /> Honesty