Year 4 Maths Success Criteria - Number, Place Value, Calculations, SSM and FractionsQuick View

Year 4 Maths Success Criteria - Number, Place Value, Calculations, SSM and Fractions

<p>A bank of Year 4 maths success criterias to be used in the lesson. Success criteria include pictures, steps/methods and examples for children to use when working independently, with a friend/peer or with a teacher/adult.<br /> Maths topics covered include:</p> <ul> <li>negative numbers</li> <li>roman numerals</li> <li>ordering numbers</li> <li>rounding to the nearest 10</li> <li>rounding to the nearest 100</li> <li>rounding to the nearest 1000</li> <li>column addition</li> <li>column subtraction</li> <li>inverse operations</li> <li>short multiplication</li> <li>division - bus stop method</li> <li>factors</li> <li>adding fractions with the same denominator</li> <li>subtracting fractions with the same denominator</li> <li>converting fractions to decimals and vice versa</li> <li>ordering fractions</li> <li>comparing fractions using &lt;,&gt; and =</li> <li>equivalent fractions</li> <li>fractions of number</li> <li>fractions of shape</li> <li>rounding decimals to the nearest whole number</li> <li>comparing decimals using &lt;,&gt; and =</li> <li>angles</li> <li>converting length</li> <li>pictograms</li> </ul>
Year 4 English Writing Success CriteriaQuick View

Year 4 English Writing Success Criteria

<p>A bank of Year 4 English writing success criterias to be used in the lesson. Success criteria explanations and examples for children to use when working independently, with a friend/peer or with a teacher/adult.<br /> Maths topics covered include:</p> <ul> <li>adverbials</li> <li>character description - differentiated LA/MA &amp; MA/HA</li> <li>setting description</li> <li>direct speech - differentiated LA/MA &amp; MA/HA</li> <li>prefixes</li> <li>sentence structures</li> <li>subordinating conjunctions</li> <li>bullet points</li> <li>apostrophes</li> <li>homophones</li> </ul>
Wild West Adventure Short Story NarrativeQuick View

Wild West Adventure Short Story Narrative

<p>Short Wild West adventure story that can be used when identifying features of a narrative or to model writing a short story with distinct beginning, middle and end. Opening includes setting description, dialogue and character description. Short story includes grammar concepts: adverbials, collective nouns, prefixes, similes, paragraphs, direct speech, different sentence structures and ambitious adjectives &amp; verbs.</p>
KS1 and KS2 Science Working Scientifically StatementsQuick View

KS1 and KS2 Science Working Scientifically Statements

<p>Working scientifically statements (with visuals) for KS1 and KS2 to be used in the back of books. Refers to the skills pupils should be able to do at the end of each year. Taken from National Curriculum working scientifically statements and differentiated for each year group.</p>
KS2 English Writing WW1 Soldier Informal Letter ExampleQuick View

KS2 English Writing WW1 Soldier Informal Letter Example

<p>WW1 informal letter written in the role of a soldier from the trenches. This can be used when identifying features of an informal letter with distinct topics for each paragraph.</p> <p>Informal letter includes features: address, date, greeting, opening (introduction), paragraphs, informal language (chatty style), contractions, parenthesis, dashes, closing.</p>
KS2 English Sci-Fi Short StoryQuick View

KS2 English Sci-Fi Short Story

Short Sci-Fi story that can be used when identifying features of a narrative or to model writing a short story. Includes a number of punctuation including semi-colons, colons, ellipsis, speech marks and exclamation mark. Also includes: fronted adverbials, expanding noun phrases, similes, paragraphs and ambitious adjectives &amp; verbs.
Viking Adventure Story OpeningQuick View

Viking Adventure Story Opening

Short Viking adventure story that can be used when identifying features of a narrative or to model writing an opening with setting description, dialogue and character description. Includes: adverbials, collective nouns, prefixes, similes, direct speech, different sentence structures and ambitious adjectives &amp; verbs.
Year 6 Maths Success Criteria - Number,  Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division & FractionsQuick View

Year 6 Maths Success Criteria - Number, Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division & Fractions

<p>A bank of Year 6 maths success criterias to be used in the lesson as support tool. Success criteria include pictures, steps/methods and examples for children to use when working independently, with a friend/peer or with a teacher/adult.</p> <p>Maths topics covered include:<br /> reading and writing numbers<br /> negative numbers<br /> roman numerals<br /> ordering numbers<br /> rounding whole numbers<br /> column addition<br /> column subtraction<br /> short multiplication - whole numbers<br /> short multiplication - decimals<br /> multiplication of decimals - money and measures context<br /> long multiplication<br /> division - bus stop method<br /> dividing by 10, 100 and 1000 (2 methods)<br /> multiplying by 10, 100 and 1000 (2 methods)<br /> factors, multiples and prime numbers<br /> adding and subtracting fractions with the same denominator<br /> adding and subtracting fractions with the different denominators (2 methods)<br /> converting fractions to decimals and vice versa<br /> ordering fractions<br /> comparing fractions using &lt;,&gt; and =<br /> equivalent fractions<br /> multiplying fractions<br /> dividing fractions<br /> fractions improper fractions to mixed numbers and vice versa<br /> fractions of number<br /> fractions of shape<br /> percentage of number<br /> fractions, decimals and percentages</p>
Island Setting DescriptionQuick View

Island Setting Description

Island setting description using personification, fronted adverbials, short sentences, onomatopoeia and ambitious punctuation.
Year 4 Maths Assessment 1 - Place ValueQuick View

Year 4 Maths Assessment 1 - Place Value

<p>Place value assessment that covers the following statements:<br /> • I can find 1000 more or less than a given number.<br /> • I can count backwards through zero to include negative numbers.<br /> • I can read Roman numerals to 100 (I to C).<br /> • I can identify, represent and estimate numbers using different representations.<br /> • I can order numbers beyond 1000.<br /> • I can recognise the place value of each digit in a four-digit whole number.<br /> • I can round any number to the nearest 10, 100 and 1,000.</p>