Labelling Bee-BotQuick View

Labelling Bee-Bot

<p>This SMART Notebook activity helps pupils to consolidate their knowledge of what the buttons on Bee-Bot do.</p>
Exclamation Marks NotebookQuick View

Exclamation Marks Notebook

<p>This SMART Notebook file provides prompts for how to use exclamation marks as well as an interactive drag and drop activity to consolidate understanding and a quiz.</p>
Conjunctions NotebookQuick View

Conjunctions Notebook

<p>This SMART Notebook file provides an explanation of what conjunctions are as well as some interactive activities to consolidate this knowledge.</p>
Newspapers NotebookQuick View

Newspapers Notebook

<p>This SMART Notebook file provides scaffolding for teaching how to create newspapers. It features interactive label reveal activities to identify the different features of a newspaper.</p>
Money NotebookQuick View

Money Notebook

<p>This SMART Notebook file explains how to count, convert and use money (£) and solve worded problems. ClassLab activities help pupils to consolidate their understanding of money by using interactive manipulatives and features.</p>
Division NotebookQuick View

Division Notebook

<p>This SMART Notebook file gives examples, a success criteria and activities for teaching division. Hundreds, tens and ones/units are coloured to help pupils with lining up their numbers correctly.</p>
Antonyms, Synonyms and the Thesaurus NotebookQuick View

Antonyms, Synonyms and the Thesaurus Notebook

<p>This SMART Notebook file explains what antonyms and synonyms are as well as showing how to use a thesaurus. Interactive starter and plenary activities are also included to consolidate understanding.</p>
Nouns NotebookQuick View

Nouns Notebook

<p>This SMART Notebook file gives explanations about the different types of nouns as well as starter and plenary activities to consolidate understanding.</p>
SMART Notebook 20 HandbookQuick View

SMART Notebook 20 Handbook

<p>This document contains instructions on how to use the features in SMART Notebook 20 and how to get the most out of your SMART Board. It also contains suggestions of how to use the different tools to enhance your lessons and support pupil learning.</p> <p><strong>Topics covered include:</strong></p> <ul> <li>how to set page backgrounds and default fonts</li> <li>how to insert Maths symbols</li> <li>how to use measurement tool</li> <li>what the different pens do</li> <li>how to draw irregular shapes and display shape angles and lengths</li> <li>how to use the infinite cloner and dice</li> <li>how to use SMART Blocks</li> <li>how to use the Activity Builder</li> <li>how to use SMART Lab activities</li> <li>how to use personal devices with SMART Lab activities</li> <li>how to use concept maps</li> <li>how to crop images and remove background</li> <li>how to use gallery items (dice, timer, pull tab)</li> </ul>
Angles NotebookQuick View

Angles Notebook

<p>This SMART Notebook file explains the different angle types, provides opportunities to categorise different angle types, how to measure and draw angles and how to calculate angles in triangles. ClassLab activities help pupils to consolidate their understanding about angle types.</p>
Playscript NotebookQuick View

Playscript Notebook

<p>This SMART Notebook file provides scaffolding for teaching how to plan, set out and write a playscript and includes an interactive reveal activity to identify playscript features.</p>
English Starters NotebookQuick View

English Starters Notebook

<p>This SMART Notebook file contains a range of interactive, independent and shared starter activities for Years 3-6 English.</p>
Multiplication NotebookQuick View

Multiplication Notebook

<p>This SMART Notebook file gives examples (formal, grid and partitioning), a success criteria and activities for teaching multiplication. Hundreds, tens and ones/units are coloured to help pupils with lining up their numbers correctly.</p>
Shapes NotebookQuick View

Shapes Notebook

<p>This SMART Notebook file explains how to categorise 2D and 3D shapes as well as how to calculate the area and perimeter of shapes. Finding lines of symmetry and drawing reflections is also included in this file. ClassLab activities help pupils to consolidate their understanding about how to sort 2D and 3D shapes as well as drag and drop activity.</p>
ApostrophesQuick View


<p>This SMART Notebook file provides an explanation of how the apostrophe is used as well as some starter and plenary activities to consolidate this knowledge.</p>
Place Value NotebookQuick View

Place Value Notebook

<p>This SMART Notebook file explains place value in whole numbers with up to 4-digits. Examples and activities help to pupils to consolidate their learning.</p>
Adverbs NotebookQuick View

Adverbs Notebook

<p>This SMART Notebook file provides an explanation of what adverbs are as well as some activities to consolidate this knowledge.</p>
Recounts NotebookQuick View

Recounts Notebook

<p>This SMART Notebook file provides scaffolding for teaching how to plan, set out and write a recount.</p>