<p>This is a particularly tricky topic, difficult concepts and many things to get confused; my students found the revision resource a handy way to comprehend all the different parts.</p>
<p>Cognitive Load Theory (CLT) has been described as the single most important thing for teachers to know.</p>
<p>However; How does CLT impact Teaching & Learning? What does it mean for the Curriculum? What is ‘slow’ teaching and what makes teaching efficient and learning effective so you can achieve ‘mastery’ or fluency? What is deliberate practice? What is essential knowledge or ‘powerful’ knowledge?</p>
<p>I’ve been teaching for over 25 years and I am now changing what I am doing in the classroom, re-evaluating the elements that make up a successful lesson and starting again.</p>
<p>This mindmap helped me piece together some of the theory and the literature.</p>
<p>The answers to all these questions is not all here, not in the necessary detail, but how they are connected is.</p>
<p>I hope it helps.</p>
My students find these sheets really useful: For each unit they have all the learning objectives covered, including all formulas and key words in a friendly visual format.
Summary of the formulas that students need to remember and the ones given on the equation sheet, helpful aid so that they focus on knowing when to use them and to rearrange them.
<p>The first of two A3 concept maps that summarise the ideas behind effective teaching, direct instruction and other key elements that arise from Cognitive Load Theory.</p>
My students really appreciate these; they find them inspirational to make their own posters, to colour in and some use them as a revision guide for their own flash cards or mind maps.
<p>All 21 AQA Synergy Required Practicals in 6 x A3 Placemats.<br />
Easy references to put on a wall or table surface or for students to take home and revise from. 15% of the new examination will test understanding if these skills and concepts.</p>
<p>Technical Literacy is as important as Literacy in being able to access and answer GCSE questions - my students find this placemat, as well as my 21 equations Formula placemat, really useful.</p>
<p>Covering the key questions and skills that may be asked for: 11. Analysis and purification of water samples; 12. Measuring population size and using sampling techniques to investigate the effect of a factor on the distribution of a species; 13. Stretch tests; 14. Investigating force and acceleration, and; 15. Investigating different components.</p>
<p>Covering the key questions and skills that may be asked for: 1. Measuring Density; 2. Calculating Specific Heat Capacity, and; 3 Looking at Cells</p>