Marketing Lesson on 7PsQuick View

Marketing Lesson on 7Ps

A lesson on the 3 additional Ps of process, physical environment and people. It involves two fun Kahoot quizzes and whiteboard activities.
Assembly on PeaceQuick View

Assembly on Peace

This assembly is a 15 minute assembly to make students think about peace and forgiveness, using resource videos from the BBC web site.
Assembly on Thinking Differently/Inventions/Changing you waysQuick View

Assembly on Thinking Differently/Inventions/Changing you ways

This is an assembly for a Christian school with reflection on the idea of inventions that have been developed and how students could use the bible passage from the Book of Daniel to make them think differently, act differently and perhaps change their ways. It includes notes on what was said.
Start Up Business ActivityQuick View

Start Up Business Activity

At the start of the year an activity to fill a lesson that requires students to come up with business ideas for a situation.
Production TypesQuick View

Production Types

A PowerPoint and Lesson Worksheet on production types. Includes some links to videos to help the lesson as a starter and/or plenary.
Assembly on Summer timeQuick View

Assembly on Summer time

This is an assembly with a Christian theme reflecting on the year and being thankful for all the things we look forward to in summer and all the things we are thankful for over the year. It includes links to music for entry and exit from the assembly and a guided meditation.
Exam Success/How to ReviseQuick View

Exam Success/How to Revise

An assembly for any year group about how to revise for exams and how to go about getting the most out of your revision to ensure exam success!
Remembrance AssemblyQuick View

Remembrance Assembly

<p>A short remembrance assembly with video links and poems which could be read by a student.</p>