SPAG Workbook - Ultimate guide to Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar KS3 and KS4Quick View

SPAG Workbook - Ultimate guide to Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar KS3 and KS4

The booklet breaks SPAG down into small elements and tackles each one at a time. <br /> It contains the following: <br /> <br /> - Word categories and 3 texts to use to practice locating words and their effects<br /> - Top 10 spellings for each different school subject ( History, ICT, Business, Art, English, Maths)<br /> - Dirty Thirty spelling list with tasks to practice<br /> - Basic grammar rules with test paragraphs<br /> - Paragraphs missing punctuation to correct, along with incorrect grammar and spellings<br /> - How to create an extended metaphor<br /> - 100 Ambitious words and tasks including how to use them<br /> - 5 senses tasks and words linked to each<br /> - A comprehensive list of all language devices and examples of each with tasks<br /> <br /> The booklet is not aimed at one particular Key Stage, this is for any student who needs to be reminded of the basic SPAG rules for assessments, exams or coursework pieces - suited to KS2, KS3, KS4 and English A Level students!
AQA Language Paper Writing Resources Description and NarrativeQuick View

AQA Language Paper Writing Resources Description and Narrative

These resources are designed to inspire and encourage students to use ambitious vocabulary, whilst also visually stimulating them with fascinating images to describe, by considering both elements of the panoramic view, whilst also interweaving zoomed, closer perspectives in their writing. <br /> There are a series of 5 images, all of which are surrounded with differentiated vocabulary for a range of different ability students, this vocabulary is able to be further differentiated for a range of levels, students and word categories. <br /> These images are paired with a PowerPoint, that breaks down higher level grammatical techniques, for example, using a comma to isolate certain words, correct use of semi-colon and dashes (among other techniques); this exposes students to ambitious examples, whilst also enabling them to create, their own, based on the images and lexis provided. <br /> This series of lessons allows for individual, paired and group work at the discretion of the teacher based on knowledge of preferred teaching and learning methods with certain groups. <br /> <br /> PowerPoint and resources are able to last between 3 and 4 lessons, depending on pace and student understanding.
4 Week Scheme AQA English Language PapersQuick View

4 Week Scheme AQA English Language Papers

<p>This is a 4 week scheme consisting of 2x Language Paper 1 and 2x Language Paper 2 sources and exams to teach. Each week will cover 1 of the papers - the scheme comes complete with extracts, meticulous powerpoints that take students through question by question, and mark schemes complete within the powerpoints for students to visualise and understand what the examiner expects from them.</p> <p>Each question has a strong planning strategy attached to the powerpoint to go through - this will ensure students are utilising the correct skills for each question.</p>
Modern War and Conflict Poem (Out of the Blue) Exploration and AnalysisQuick View

Modern War and Conflict Poem (Out of the Blue) Exploration and Analysis

This is a series of three/four consecutive lessons on poetry for the War and Conflict thematic cluster. <br /> The lessons centre around one poem - Simon Armitage's 'Out of the Blue.'<br /> This poem breaks away from the WW1 poetry, offering students a modern poem, centralising war and conflict in terms of the 9/11 disaster and the attacks that occurred in New York on September 11th. <br /> The lesson considers higher level poetic techniques, including the consideration of Armitage's structural effects and exploration of other sophisticated features - this can be differentiated to accommodate both middle and lower ability students, also. <br /> After a series of mini tasks and questions throughout the first couple of lessons, this mini scheme reminds students of the skills required inside a poetic, analytical response, and allows students to write up all of their findings to produce a GCSE style response.
AQA LanguagePaper 1Quick View

AQA LanguagePaper 1

This unit of work explores AQA Language Paper 1. The PowerPoint breaks down each question in turn, and provides a walking. talking, mock style response that teachers can talk students through their thought process in exam conditions. <br /> This allows students and teachers to work together to create responses for each question. This unit also includes student responses to each question, and the marks that they received - this enables students to visually see what AQA are looking for, to ensure full marks for each question. <br /> Includes both PowerPoint and Inserts of short story required to answer exam questions.
Dickens' A Christmas Carol Full Scheme complete with ResourcesQuick View

Dickens' A Christmas Carol Full Scheme complete with Resources

This resource is aimed at Secondary school students, at higher KS3 (Year 9) and KS4 GCSE students taking their English Literature GCSE. <br /> The 'A Christmas Carol' scheme was created by myself for my Academy, and is continously, and successfully used throughout the department. <br /> The scheme is engaging, and includes a great range of tasks and teaching strategies - from kinesthetic activities, to group and paired activities - something for every type of classroom and adaptable for different types of learners, too. This also includes two mock assessment questions, complete with scaffolding activities.<br /> It incorporates all of the Assessment Objectives, emphasising their importance to the students, and holding these at the heartof their learning.
Stand Alone Description Lesson with Template ResourceQuick View

Stand Alone Description Lesson with Template Resource

This lesson walks students through creating a descriptive writing piece based on nature - particularly an Enchanted Forest. I used my students' ideas about the magical forest imagery from Shakespeare's 'A Midsummer Night's Dream' in order to create the vocabulary and stand alone examples scattered throughout the PowerPoint. <br /> <br /> There are a series of images on the PowerPoint that students may select as stimulus for their piece - this gives students more of a choice and enables unique and independent responses that the students feel ownership over.<br /> <br /> There are small tasks and challenge tasks scattered throughout, all building up to creating the larger, more detailed GCSE style response. The word document also included, is an A3 sheet with the template of a tree, inside which, students can write up their final description in best. This can then be decorated and coloured in other lessons afterwards, and maybe used to create a creative writing display! Enjoy!
Romeo and Juliet Mini Unit Thematic Exploration (Love) 6 LessonsQuick View

Romeo and Juliet Mini Unit Thematic Exploration (Love) 6 Lessons

This resource was created by myself, specifically in relation to KS3 classes, however, this can be adapted for KS4 use and can also be amended to suit different ability students, with a variation of task styles in mind. <br /> This resource is one single PowerPoint, that includes a series of 6 lessons, that centralizes the key theme of Love, and the sub-themes of love in Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet. The sub-themes include Unrequited Love, Romantic Love and Family Honour. <br /> The PowerPoint includes Success Criteria, and reflection activities to allow students to reflect on their work and amend accordingly. <br /> There is no printing necessary with this small unit of work, as all content is explored through the slides of the PowerPoint.
William Blake's 'London' Power and Conflict PoetryQuick View

William Blake's 'London' Power and Conflict Poetry

This PowerPoint presentation takes students on a journey through the contextual elements of the poem, Blake's life and how he came to create a poetic critique of 18th Century London. <br /> This lesson also talks students through the French Revolution, and how Blake alludes to this throughout his poem - allowing the students to create a broad range of contextual paragraphs in relation to the language used throughout the poem. <br /> As well as allowing students to focus on context, this presentation also breaks down the language used in particular stanzas in the poem, providing students with in depth annotations, whilst modeling to them which sections of language to look at, and how to break language down and apply this to detailed paragraphs. <br /> Suitable for both KS3 and KS4 poetry lessons - pitched to mid ability students, so the lesson is able to be differentiated both up and down in terms of ability.
AQA Language Paper 1 Walking Talking Mock Exam (1 week of lessons)Quick View

AQA Language Paper 1 Walking Talking Mock Exam (1 week of lessons)

<p>This is a language paper 1 walking, talking mock exam. This comes complete with powerpoint that meticulously guides students through each question on the exam, strategies in order to plan correctly and scaffolds to guide their response and ensure they stretch and challenge to achieve upper band responses.</p>
Introductory Scheme to AQA Language Skills - Adventure ThemeQuick View

Introductory Scheme to AQA Language Skills - Adventure Theme

<p>This is a full teaching scheme designed to last 7 weeks. This scheme introduces and develops students’ knowledge on the key skills required for the AQA Language Papers. The primary focus is Language Paper 1, however there are a number of skills that are extremely useful for Language Paper 2, also.</p> <p>This scheme is perfect for Year 9 and Year 10 classes that need an introduction to, and a subsequent development of skills required for both AQA Language papers.</p> <p>All resources and extracts used are included in the scheme and all powerpoint lessons included, too. The scheme is based on the theme of Adventure and allows students to explore numerous different extracts that replicate the fictional extracts they will be faced with in Language Paper 1.</p>