Debate motionsQuick View

Debate motions

<p>Included in the resource are a series of debate motions suitable for student debates. Bullet point prompts for/against the motion to support students as they begin the brainstorm phase.</p>
Creative Writing Fairytale genreQuick View

Creative Writing Fairytale genre

<p>This visually pleasing resource details the elements and language features of the fairytale genre. The lesson includes guided activities for students and is suitable for a mixed ability classroom. Homework/project task on modern fairytale included.</p>
Drama WordsearchQuick View

Drama Wordsearch

<p>A nice activity to close a drama lesson and explore students understanding of key terms.</p>
Letter writingQuick View

Letter writing

<p>Introductory lesson to letter writing. Guide for formal and informal letter writing. Homework assignment also included</p>
Surveys & QuestionnaireQuick View

Surveys & Questionnaire

<p>Powerpoint detailing the features and collection of research in surveys &amp; questionnaires for students.</p>
Poetic techniquesQuick View

Poetic techniques

<p>A creative way of revising keywords that are encountered during poetry lessons. teacher answer key included</p>
Junior Cert Animal FarmQuick View

Junior Cert Animal Farm

<p>6 Animal Farm resources detailing the features of dystopian literature. Pairwork task for students examining their understanding of characters and key moments. Walking debate prompts for classroom activity.</p>