GCSE 2026 - Identity and Relationships with others - RP/RA/PC tasksQuick View

GCSE 2026 - Identity and Relationships with others - RP/RA/PC tasks

A booklet to practice role-plays, reading aloud and photo card tasks on Unit 1 of Theme 1. I have adapted the tasks from the sample published on AQA so that they cover the topics of Unit 1 (Ma personalité, Mon futur moi, Les familles de nos jours and Mes amis, c’est ma vie). There is space for students to note down their answers. There are 2 Foundation RP + 2 Higher RP, 2 Foundation Reading aloud tasks with possible follow-up questions, 2 higher Reading aloud with possible follow-up questions, 2 Foundation Photo card tasks and 2 Higher Photo card tasks.
GCSE 2026 - U1 Identity and lifestyle conversation questionsQuick View

GCSE 2026 - U1 Identity and lifestyle conversation questions

A booklet which covers Unit 1 of the new specifications. The conversation questions have some suggestions on how to start answers but not full answers. There is space to add questions or notes. The questions can be used to revise/practice for the the follow-up questions after the reading aloud task and after the photo card task. We use the UOP textbook.
L'annee en FranceQuick View

L'annee en France

A powerpoint presentation with some related vocab, videos of La galette des rois, a song for mother's day and asong forChristmas
Pyramid Translation: Moi et la technologieQuick View

Pyramid Translation: Moi et la technologie

Suitable for GCSE students. Students work In groups of three where one person is referee and the other 2 play against one another. Person A goes first and starts translating section number 1, if person A translates correctly, they move onto number 2 and so on. When a mistake is made player B has a go, starting from the top. Whenever a player resumes their turn, they start from the beginning. The referee has the answers and will guide the 2 players and decide whose turn is next. I have included a French to English version and an English to French one.
Describing a photo in FrenchQuick View

Describing a photo in French

I prepared this for my year 8 but it could be used for other year groups. I have used the PALMw acronym (People, action,location, mood, What else) and I have created various activities to help students to practice describing a photo. Activities included are: Identify the photo from reading sentences Drawing on a background from listening. Looking at a photo for 15 seconds and then deciding which statements are true or false. Looking at a photo with 4 short sentences and improving the sentences Translation Mini-whiteboards will be useful for some activities.
Qu'est-ce que tu vas faire à Paris?Quick View

Qu'est-ce que tu vas faire à Paris?

A lesson to practice the near Future in the context of a visit to Paris. Fits with Dynamo 1. It starts with presenting the main sites and memorising their spellings. Slide 24 was designed when we were teaching remotely in lock down. Slide 25 is the listening from Dynamo 1 p114 The second part focuses on the near future.There’s a sentence builder using je vais + visiter/aller/acheter, some pronunciation practice, a battleship, some bad translation, some sentence to re-write into the correct order. Then we move onto expressing opinions, there’s a jigsaw translation and a delayed copying task. The final task is a paragraph to write.
Entre les murs - Monsieur MarinQuick View

Entre les murs - Monsieur Marin

A ppt to study the character of M. Marin which contains some background information and then some activities based on scenes extracts. As the videos are from Youtube, there is always the possibility that they have beed deleted, however, the scene chosen can be found on youtube or from your version of the film.
Les mal-connectésQuick View

Les mal-connectés

A few activities to exploit a video from the French news. Comprehension, vocab with Flippity and Quizlet, discussion questions and a Blooket game based on a France 3 report. Fits with Kerboodle.
Homelessness - controversial statements and photosQuick View

Homelessness - controversial statements and photos

A worksheet designed using controversial statements and photos about homelessness. It consists of : A vocabulary matching activity, a comprehension where students need to decide whether the statements are measures in favor or against the homeless. *There are 2 short grammar exercises (put sentences in the negative form and gap-fill with verbs) A speaking task where students choose 2 statements to discuss. A second speaking task where students pick a photo to discuss. A research and write tasks on homelessness.
Tu t'entends bien avec...?Quick View

Tu t'entends bien avec...?

A powerpoint to introduce family relationships and reasons for getting on/not getting on with various family members. It first focuses on “Tu t’endends bien avec…?” and Oui, je m’entends bien/Non, je ne m’entends pas. Then it introduces various reasons using reflexive verbs. Il m’aide/me comprends/m’écoute etc etc with some pictures for students to try and work out the meanings. I then introduce a sentence builder and we work on pronunciation by marking the silent letters (I can’t remember whether I designed this SB or used/modified someone else’s so if it’s yours, please let me know and I’ll credit you - Thank you) This is followed by a mind-reader activity, a sentence stealer and a delayed copying - Many thaks to DR Conti). The full sentence builder is there for extansion or future work)
Mon régime alimentaireQuick View

Mon régime alimentaire

la santé, healthy living, healthy eating. A presentation with vocab revision and key sentences and a worksheet with a matching activity. The questions and answers which match are written in the same font. It is based on the text from AQA French Higher, p18
Les pires et meilleurs métiers 2013Quick View

Les pires et meilleurs métiers 2013

An activity that I have designed with my top set yr11 in mind to discuss advantages and disadvantages of various jobs. It is using an authentic document in the form of a survey.
Mon collegeQuick View

Mon college

Just a list of useful phrases to talk or write about your school. Hopefully, the mistakes are corrected now. :-)
Mathieu Kassovitz: Techniques cinématographiquesQuick View

Mathieu Kassovitz: Techniques cinématographiques

Used for A-level French. It covers sound, camera movements, use of black and white and reference to American blockbusters in La Haine, Métisse,L’ordre et la Morale, Les Rivières Pourpres and also 2 of his short films.
Studio 2 conversation: Aimes-tu la musique?Quick View

Studio 2 conversation: Aimes-tu la musique?

I made this for my yr8 class, it fits in with Studio 2. They had to cut up the section on page 2 and find the correct order of the conversation. I then asked them to practice the conversation in pairs, changing the sections highlighted. They had to practice their conversations in a certain style. I asked them for suggestions and they came up with 'in the style of Match of the day', 'a game show', 'A musical', ' A soap opera' and several more. They had great fun.
Tu aimes faire ça?Quick View

Tu aimes faire ça?

A ppt to introduce likes and dislikes with online activities. Fits with Dynamo 1 - Module 3 - Unit 4
Qu'est-ce que tu lis en ce momentQuick View

Qu'est-ce que tu lis en ce moment

Some speaking mat/sentence builders to fit with Studio 2 Rouge and help students produce more complex sentences. I have used them to practice conversations, guess the secret sentences, to play trapdoor, to do simulteneous translations and some dictations.
Des prisons pas comme les autres.Quick View

Des prisons pas comme les autres.

4 activities to go with a video report on the topic of prison and rehabilitation.(Authentic document from France 24) The video presents 4 different prisons with different initiatives to help the inmates and the worksheet has a different activity linked to each section. Activity 1 is about the figures mentioned in the first section of the video. As a starter, the students can be given cards cut up and they should guess which figures corresponds to which fact. Activity 2 is a gap -fill with words provided in the box. Activity 3 is a T?F?NM Activity 4 is a summary from listening. Answers are provided for the first 3 sections and possible answers are given for section 4.
Cybersociété : L'impact de la technologie sur la santéQuick View

Cybersociété : L'impact de la technologie sur la santé

An introduction to the effect of technology on health which consists of 21 slides covering the following aspects: pains and aches (wrist/neck/back), their causes and remedies Sleep disturbances, their causes and a discussion on what to do. Vision troubles Addiction to mobile phone, Internet and games. There are some vocabulary tasks, some tangled translation, some reading comprehension and discussion. There is also an AI generated worksheet on the effect that too much time spent in front of a screen can have on children with comprehension questions and open ended questions.