Worksheet - Describing people's appearances and characteristics - Mandarin Chinese.Quick View

Worksheet - Describing people's appearances and characteristics - Mandarin Chinese.

<p>Worksheet with 3 reading exercises and 2 writing exercises about people’s appearances and characteristics.</p> <p>Could be used for homework/revision or a few exercises can be selected as a starter to a lesson. Answers are on the last page and a vocabulary bank is added at the beginning of the worksheet (but could be removed for students with higher prior attainment).</p> <p>This worksheet is useful as an addition to Jin Bu 2 Chapter 2.1 aimed at Year 8 and/or Year 9 students.</p>
Beginner - German - Adjective endings - Suitable for A1.Quick View

Beginner - German - Adjective endings - Suitable for A1.

<p>A PPT presentation about adjective endings for the Nominativ, Dativ and Akkusativ in German.</p> <p>The adjectives presented follow:<br /> - the definite article ‘der’+‘dieser/jener/jeder/welcher’.<br /> - the indefinite article ‘ein’+‘mein/dein/sein/ihr/unser/euer/Ihr/ihr’.<br /> - adjectives with no determiner in front of it.</p> <p>Suitable for A1/A2 learners.</p> <p>Includes extension activities (stretch it) and answers on the slides.</p> <p>Exercises are taken from Stimmt Edexcel GCSE (9-1) German Grammar &amp; Translation Workbook - Jon Meier - Pearson - 2016 - pages 26-27.</p>
German - Stimmt! 3 Rot Kapitel 2: Musik - Powerpoints & ResourcesQuick View

German - Stimmt! 3 Rot Kapitel 2: Musik - Powerpoints & Resources

<p>Powerpoints and resources for chapter 2 (Musik) for Stimmt! 3 Rot, used for teaching in the classroom.</p> <p>Each week has on average 3 lessons (covering the pages of the textbook). The powerpoints cover the pages 28-27 of Stimmt! 3 Rot textbook. Used for Year 9, Key Stage 3.</p> <p>To get an idea how I’ve build up the powerpoints/resources, please look at the free resource also here on Tes: Stimmt! 2 Kapitel 1 - p.8-9 (Innsbruck - früher und heute) - <a href=""></a></p>
German - Stimmt! 1 Kapitel 1: Meine Welt und ich - Powerpoints & ResourcesQuick View

German - Stimmt! 1 Kapitel 1: Meine Welt und ich - Powerpoints & Resources

<p>Powerpoints and resources for chapter 1 (Meine Welt und ich) for Stimmt! 1, used for teaching in the classroom.</p> <p>Each week has on average 2 lessons (1 lesson covering the pages of the textbook and 1 lesson as extra grammar/buffer). The powerpoints cover the pages 8-17 of Stimmt! 1 textbook. Used for Year 7, Key Stage 3.</p> <p>To get an idea how the powerpoints/resources have been built up, please look at the free resource also here on Tes: Stimmt! 2 Kapitel 1 - p.8-9 (Innsbruck - früher und heute) - <a href=""></a></p>
German - Stimmt! 2 Kapitel 3: Bleib gesund!- Powerpoints & ResourcesQuick View

German - Stimmt! 2 Kapitel 3: Bleib gesund!- Powerpoints & Resources

<p>Powerpoints and resources for chapter 3 (Bist du ein Medienfan?) for Stimmt! 2, used for teaching in the classroom.</p> <p>Each week has on average 3 lessons (2 lessons covering the pages of the textbook and 1 lesson as extra grammar/buffer). The powerpoints cover the pages 52-61 of Stimmt! 2 textbook. Used for Year 8, Key Stage 3.</p> <p>To get an idea how I’ve build up the powerpoints/resources, please look at the free resource also here on Tes: Stimmt! 2 Kapitel 1 - p.8-9 (Innsbruck - früher und heute) - <a href=""></a></p>
German - Stimmt! 2 Kapitel 1: Ich liebe Ferien! - Powerpoints & ResourcesQuick View

German - Stimmt! 2 Kapitel 1: Ich liebe Ferien! - Powerpoints & Resources

<p>Powerpoints and resources for chapter 1 (Ich liebe Ferien) for Stimmt! 2, used for teaching in the classroom.</p> <p>Each week has on average 3 lessons (2 lessons covering the pages of the textbook and 1 lesson as extra grammar/buffer). The powerpoints cover the pages 6-21 of Stimmt! 2 textbook. Used for Year 8, Key Stage 3.</p> <p>To get an idea how I’ve build up the powerpoints/resources, please look at the free resource also here on Tes: Stimmt! 2 Kapitel 1 - p.8-9 (Innsbruck - früher und heute) - <a href=""></a></p>
German - Stimmt! 1 Kapitel 2: Familie und Tiere - Powerpoints & ResourcesQuick View

German - Stimmt! 1 Kapitel 2: Familie und Tiere - Powerpoints & Resources

<p>Powerpoints and resources for chapter 2 (Familie und Tiere) for Stimmt! 1, used for teaching in the classroom.</p> <p>Each week has on average 2 lessons (1 lesson covering the pages of the textbook and 1 lesson as extra grammar/buffer). The powerpoints cover the pages 28-39 of Stimmt! 1 textbook. Used for Year 7, Key Stage 3.</p> <p>To get an idea how I’ve build up the powerpoints/resources, please look at the free resource also here on Tes: Stimmt! 2 Kapitel 1 - p.8-9 (Innsbruck - früher und heute) - <a href=""></a></p>
German - Stimmt! 2 Kapitel 2: Bist du ein Medienfan? - Powerpoints & ResourcesQuick View

German - Stimmt! 2 Kapitel 2: Bist du ein Medienfan? - Powerpoints & Resources

<p>Powerpoints and resources for chapter 2 (Bist du ein Medienfan?) for Stimmt! 2, used for teaching in the classroom.</p> <p>Each week has on average 3 lessons (2 lessons covering the pages of the textbook and 1 lesson as extra grammar/buffer). The powerpoints cover the pages 28-37 of Stimmt! 2 textbook. Used for Year 8, Key Stage 3.</p> <p>To get an idea how I’ve build up the powerpoints/resources, please look at the free resource also here on Tes: Stimmt! 2 Kapitel 1 - p.8-9 (Innsbruck - früher und heute) - <a href=""></a></p>
German - Stimmt! 1 Kapitel 3: Freizeit juhu - Powerpoints & ResourcesQuick View

German - Stimmt! 1 Kapitel 3: Freizeit juhu - Powerpoints & Resources

<p>Powerpoints and resources for chapter 3 (Freizeit - juhu!) for Stimmt! 1, used for teaching in the classroom.</p> <p>Each week has on average 2 lessons (1 lesson covering the pages of the textbook and 1 lesson as extra grammar/buffer). The powerpoints cover the pages 54-61 of Stimmt! 1 textbook. Used for Year 7, Key Stage 3.</p> <p>To get an idea how I’ve build up the powerpoints/resources, please look at the free resource also here on Tes: Stimmt! 2 Kapitel 1 - p.8-9 (Innsbruck - früher und heute) - <a href=""></a></p>
PPT German: Das Perfekt/The Perfect TenseQuick View

PPT German: Das Perfekt/The Perfect Tense

<p>This powerpoint introduces students to the Perfect Tense in German with both ‘haben’ (for regular and irregular verbs) and ‘sein’. It includes some explanation-slides and grammar-exercises and can be combined with the method of Stimmt! Textbook 2 Kapitel 1, but can also be used separately.</p> <p>The following verbs are included in the presentation:</p> <p>wohnen (to live) – ich habe gewohnt<br /> machen (to do) – ich habe gemacht<br /> schneien (to snow) – es hat geschneit<br /> regnen (to rain) – es hat geregnet<br /> arbeiten (to work) – du hast gearbeitet</p> <p>essen (to eat) – ich habe gegessen<br /> sehen (to see) – ich habe gesehen<br /> finden (to find) – ich habe gefunden<br /> nehmen (to take) – ich habe genommen<br /> vergessen (to forget) – wir haben vergessen</p> <p>fahren (to drive) – ich bin gefahren<br /> fliegen (to fly) – ich bin geflogen<br /> gehen (to go) – ich bin gegangen<br /> schwimmen (to swim) – ich bin geschwommen<br /> bleiben (to stay) – ihr seid geblieben</p>
German - Stimmt! 1 Kapitel 4: Schule ist klasse! - Powerpoints & ResourcesQuick View

German - Stimmt! 1 Kapitel 4: Schule ist klasse! - Powerpoints & Resources

<p>Powerpoints and resources for chapter 4 (Schule ist klasse!) for Stimmt! 1, used for teaching in the classroom.</p> <p>Each week has on average 2 lessons (1 lesson covering the pages of the textbook and 1 lesson as extra grammar/buffer). The powerpoints cover the pages 74-83 of Stimmt! 1 textbook. Used for Year 7, Key Stage 3.</p> <p>To get an idea how I’ve build up the powerpoints/resources, please look at the free resource also here on Tes: Stimmt! 2 Kapitel 1 - p.8-9 (Innsbruck - früher und heute) - <a href=""></a></p>
German - Stimmt! 1 Kapitel 5: Gute Reise! - Powerpoints & ResourcesQuick View

German - Stimmt! 1 Kapitel 5: Gute Reise! - Powerpoints & Resources

<p>Powerpoints and resources for chapter 5 (Gute Reise!) for Stimmt! 1, used for teaching in the classroom.</p> <p>Each week has on average 2 lessons (1 lesson covering the pages of the textbook and 1 lesson as extra grammar/buffer). The powerpoints cover the pages 96-105 of Stimmt! 1 textbook. Used for Year 7, Key Stage 3.</p> <p>To get an idea how I’ve build up the powerpoints/resources, please look at the free resource also here on Tes: Stimmt! 2 Kapitel 1 - p.8-9 (Innsbruck - früher und heute) - <a href=""></a></p>
German - Stimmt! 2 Kapitel 4: Klassenreisen machen Spaß - Powerpoints & ResourcesQuick View

German - Stimmt! 2 Kapitel 4: Klassenreisen machen Spaß - Powerpoints & Resources

<p>Powerpoints and resources for chapter 4 (Klassenreisen machen Spaß?) for Stimmt! 2, used for teaching in the classroom.</p> <p>Each week has on average 2 lessons (covering the pages of the textbook). The powerpoints cover the pages 74-83 of Stimmt! 2 textbook. Used for Year 8, Key Stage 3.</p> <p>To get an idea how I’ve build up the powerpoints/resources, please look at the free resource also here on Tes: Stimmt! 2 Kapitel 1 - p.8-9 (Innsbruck - früher und heute) - <a href=""></a></p>
PPT: Say how you are and your age - French.Quick View

PPT: Say how you are and your age - French.

<p>A powerpoint with vocabulary in French to say who one is doing and one’s age. Suitable for Year 7 or Beginner.</p> <p>The following vocabulary is included:<br /> Comment ça va?<br /> Ça va très bien.<br /> Ça va bien, merci.<br /> Comme ci comme ça.<br /> Ça va mal.<br /> Non, pas très bien.<br /> Quel âge as-tu?<br /> J’ai onze/douze ans.<br /> C’est combien?<br /> Quel âge a-t’il/elle?</p>
Beginner - German - Nominativ and Akkusativ - Suitable for A1.Quick View

Beginner - German - Nominativ and Akkusativ - Suitable for A1.

<p>A PPT presentation about the definite article ‘the’ and indefinite article ‘a/an’ for the Nominativ and Akkusativ in German. Suitable for A1 learners.</p> <p>Includes extension activities (stretch it) and answers on the slides.</p> <p>Exercises are taken from Stimmt Edexcel GCSE (9-1) German Grammar &amp; Translation Workbook - Jon Meier - Pearson - 2016 - pages 4,5, 8,9.</p>
PPT German: Possessive pronouns/possessive adjectives with the nominative and accusative case.Quick View

PPT German: Possessive pronouns/possessive adjectives with the nominative and accusative case.

<p>German lesson for year 10/11 GCSE students or adult learners on possessive pronouns/possessive adjectives in German. Can be used in combination with Stimmt! Grammar &amp; Translation Workbook, Pearson. Includes speaking, listening, reading and writing exercises.</p> <p>Possessive pronouns/possessive adjectives in the presentation:<br /> mein(e)/n<br /> dein(e)/n<br /> sein(e)/n<br /> ihr(e)/n<br /> sein(e)/n<br /> unser(e)/n<br /> euer(e)/n<br /> Ihr(e)/n<br /> ihr(e)/n</p> <p>Students will learn the usage of these pronouns in the nominative case and accusative case along side favourite things (Lieblingssachen) as vocabulary.</p>
Introduction and Greetings in GermanQuick View

Introduction and Greetings in German

<p>German for Absolute Beginners or Year 7.</p> <p>This Powerpoint show includes speaking activities and a few reading activities on the vocabulary listed below. It also includes the grammar point of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd person singular of the regular verbs ‘heißen’ and ‘wohnen’.</p> <p>The following vocabulary is included:<br /> - Guten Tag - Hello/good day.<br /> - Hallo - Hello.<br /> - Ich heiße - My name is<br /> - Wie heißt du? - What is your name (informal)?<br /> - Wie heißen Sie? - What is your name (formal)?<br /> - Wie geht’s? - How are you?<br /> - Nicht schlecht - not bad.<br /> - Und dir? - And you? (informal)<br /> - Und Ihnen? - And you? (formal)<br /> - Gut, danke. - Fine, thank you.<br /> - Tschüss - Bye.<br /> - Auf Wiedersehen - Goodbye.</p> <p>Pictures have been taken from Clipart where possible.</p>
Moderne Ehen, Scheidungen und Lebenspartnerschaften im deutschsprachigen Raum.Quick View

Moderne Ehen, Scheidungen und Lebenspartnerschaften im deutschsprachigen Raum.

<p>Lesson with reading/writing/speaking-exercises for A-level students about modern marriages, divorces and civil partnerships in the German-speaking world. Can be used for 1.3 Familie im Wandel, AQA A-level German Hodder.</p> <p>LO: Sie können über moderne Ehen, Scheidungen und Lebenspartnerschaften im deutschsprachigen Raum sprechen.</p> <p>Alle: Sie kennen 17 Wörter zu Ehe und Lebenspartnerschaft. (DE-EN, EN-DE)</p> <p>Einige: Sie können Ihre Meinung zu Ehen, Scheidungen und Lebenspartnerschaften äußern.</p> <p>Wenige: Sie können 2-3 Hauptgründe beschreiben warum Menschen Ehen, Scheidungen und Lebenspartnerschaften eingehen.</p> <p>The following vocabulary is included:<br /> Heiraten – to marry + Akk (schwach)<br /> Befürworten – to support + Akk (schwach)<br /> Geschieden - divorced<br /> Geschieden werden – to get divorced + (die Ehe) (stark)<br /> Sich schieden lassen – to get divorced (stark)<br /> Gleichgeschlechtlich – same-sex<br /> Die Ehe(n) – the marriage<br /> Das Ehejahr(e) – the year of marriage<br /> Das Ehepaar(e) – the married couple<br /> Das Paar(e) – the couple<br /> Der Ehepartner(-) – the spouse<br /> Der Lebenspartner(-) - the civil partner<br /> Die Lebenspartnerschaft(en) – the civil partnership<br /> Die eingetragene(n) Lebenspartnerschaft(en) – the civil partnership<br /> Die Scheidung(en) – the divorce<br /> Das Scheidungsjahr(e) – the year of divorce<br /> Die Scheidungsrate(n) – divorce rate</p>