Stock Market Trading Game (stocks, shares, probability, money)Quick View

Stock Market Trading Game (stocks, shares, probability, money)

*NOW UPDATED WITH NEWS* This is a stock market trading game I have made to simulate trading on the stock market. There are 10 companies listed which the pupils can buy shares in. Each pupil starts with £400 and each stock is work £100 to start with. The prices rise and fall over a 6 day period. At the end of each day the pupils must decide what to buy and sell and calculate, using their trading sheets, how much money they have made and have to make high level decisions about how to invest their money. I have a 6 o'clock news each day with headlines which may affect the stocks the next day. You can ad lib here, there are several construction based companies so a fire or building collapse etc could change the price of shares in a company for example. You can have fun with this bit. Include some red herrings! I have just made this so I'm sure there will be loads of teething problems. I have also included the raw data I used. Each share has a different risk factor assigned to it so if you can make sense of my spreadsheet you can have some fun with it. Hopefully it will serve as a fun and challenging activity to have a go at trading and seeing the risks and rewards involved with the stock market! I am a maths teacher so apologies if this is all total nonsense economically. I have over simplified it and really it's just to get pupils handling accounts. Cheers then. Tom
First job after University, (take home pay, budgeting, calculating tax and NI, financial planning)Quick View

First job after University, (take home pay, budgeting, calculating tax and NI, financial planning)

Pupils are told they have just left University and secured their first job, they will be randomly assigned a job and a city to live in as well as a method of transport from the random excel generator (you may need to get on google maps if your geography isn't great!) There are three tasks, the first is to calculate monthly take home pay after tax, NI and student loan. In task two they must then take into account rent and living costs and task three incorporate the cost of travel to and from work. Finally there are some questions to think about and extend, you can add your own in here, for example re-calculating after a pay rise or how long until funds run out if they lose their job. *Some of the jobs on the excel spreadsheet aren't very applicable to the graduate starting salary field but you can discuss and estimate with the students for this. You could even have a chat about how not everyone follows their degree field into their career. Also I made an average salary of £21500 for anyone who was in a job like hairdressing or a fireman etc to save argument. The aim is to be able to calculate the deductions from pay and instill the idea of financial responsibility whilst having a bit of fun. There is no sheet to fill in as I wanted my groups to create this themselves and structure their workings out without much scaffolding. Have fun, any comments or criticisms are welcome.
Instantaneous rate of change (tangent to a line)Quick View

Instantaneous rate of change (tangent to a line)

Worksheet including finding instantaneous rate of change and the rate of change between two points on a line in line with new GCSE syllabus. . No differentiating required . You can decide on the ranges for the gradient answer for each point.
A- Level Mechanics Edexcel - Inclined Plane, Incline PlaneQuick View

A- Level Mechanics Edexcel - Inclined Plane, Incline Plane

Introduction to incline plane and worksheet to develop idea of force, acceleration and setting up diagrams. Lots of questions and more real life ideas to get stuck in to. There is a video with worked solutions but answers are also provided. Edexcel A-level mechanics.
A- Level Mechanics Edexcel - VectorsQuick View

A- Level Mechanics Edexcel - Vectors

Video lesson and workbook on vectors, resolving force vectors and using suvats in conjunction with vectors. Video link is here Answers are provided on the workbook.
GCSE Higher Ratio Question WorksheetQuick View

GCSE Higher Ratio Question Worksheet

Worksheet incorporating higher level ratio questions which builds into problem solving and wordy style questions, many of which are modelled on past 9-1 GCSE questions. Answers are provided.