<p>Worksheet linked to an objective from Year 5 Science Living Things and Habitats with the aim to compare the metamorphosis aspect of a butterfly and frog’s life cycles.</p>
<p>Medium Term Science Planning based on the Year 5 Topic: Living Things and Habitats, including PPT slides, SMART slides and End of Topic Assessment</p>
<p>Lesson Focuses:</p>
<li>To investigate whether the larger seed, the larger the plant.</li>
<li>To compare the life cycles of a mammal and a bird.</li>
<li>To understand what metamorphosis is</li>
<li>To understand the differences between asexual and sexual reproduction</li>
<li>To write a detailed conclusion</li>
<p>Medium Term Science planning linked to the Animals inc. Humans topic in Year 5. It includes PPT slides, SMART slides and the End of Topic Assessment used.</p>
<p>Lessons cover:</p>
<li>timeline of the stages of human development</li>
<li>understand how babies develop in their first year.</li>
<li>describe the changes as humans develop to old age.</li>
<li>to understand how different animals have different gestation periods.</li>
<li>to understand what life expectancy is.</li>
<li>to understand who Jean Piaget is.</li>
<p>Science Medium Term Planning for the Year 5 topic of Space including PPT slides and SMART slides, as well as an end of topic assessment linked to each curriculum objective.</p>
<p>Differentiated worksheets for the objective of naming main buildings in a town in French.<br />
Both have the word bank of names and the SEN just has missing letters to fill in.</p>
<p>Two sheets with the aim for children to translate a short paragraph describing a viking. Children to use the translation to draw a picture of the viking that has been described.</p>
<p>Differentiated as SEN one has the word bank below to support direct translations.</p>
<p>A worksheet used to plot the data of the distance of the planets from the sun with questions to extend knowledge.</p>
<p>Linked to the curriculum objectives in Y5 Science to plot data.</p>
<p>A whole series of resources for a scientific write up about whether ‘The bigger seed produces the bigger plant’. It includes some differentiated aspects.</p>
<p>This worksheet is linked to the Living Things and Habitats Year 5 Science Topic. The aim is to compare the advantages and disadvantages of both asexual and sexual reproduction.</p>
<p>Differentiated Worksheets with the aim of plotting data given about the height of babies as they grow. Linked to the Y5 Science objective of plotting data.</p>
<p>Medium term French planning, including PPT slides and SMART slides linked to travelling and directions.</p>
<p>Brief overview:</p>
<li>Name European countries in French</li>
<li>Name different buildings in a town in French</li>
<li>Give simple directions in French</li>