Talk For Writing Persuasive UnitQuick View

Talk For Writing Persuasive Unit

<p>This talk for writing unit includes two texts to support you in teaching the imitation,innovation and independent stages of writing.The texts are supplemented with other supporting resourses.The unit aims in the final independent phase, to deliver a persuasive writing outcome selling a Viking long-house.<br /> The first text is based around selling a Roman Villa and it’s features.There is a picture map to accompany this text and a grammar hunt sheet to follow with answers! The grammar is differentiated-highlighted grammar is suitable for upper key stage 2 whilst the plain type is grammar content that should be covered in lower KS2.<br /> There is an overview of planning but not a breakdown week by week.<br /> There are supporting powerpoints and a wordmat</p>
Talk For Writing Narrative Unit-The Greeks PerseusQuick View

Talk For Writing Narrative Unit-The Greeks Perseus

<p>A bundle of resourses to teach the Greek myth of Perseus. An week by week overview of planning is included with the pack. The pack includes a picture map and a text which the children will internalise. There is a powerpoint with paintings of the Perseus quest to encourage dram activities where children can use speaking and listening skills ,and stand in the shoes of the main Perseus characters.A grammar hunt based on the text is included which is differentIated for lower and upper KS2. There are planning mats to help support childrens’ thinking when planning out the structure and main characters based on a Perseus plot.</p>
Viking saga talk for writing unitQuick View

Viking saga talk for writing unit

<p>This is a pack of literacy materials for a mixed KS2 class for a Viking talk for writing unit. There are two model texts-easier and harder texts,a picture map for learning actions and memorising the text.Differentiated worksheets unpick grammar features children need to consider using in their final outcome.There is a power point to unpick together grammar features of the text .<br /> Visual worksheets help to innovate ideas together and write a shared innovation<br /> There is a planning grid after innovation is completed, to plan out an independent saga based on original language patterns.<br /> I’ve included a planning overview-the unit is approx 6 weeks long .I have not included week by week planning, as every class is different and will go through the stages at their own pace to get to a quality outcome</p>
KS1 DT Moving mechanisms-Rainforest creaturesQuick View

KS1 DT Moving mechanisms-Rainforest creatures

<p>A five/six week unit linked to rainforests.Each week is a different creature from rainforest. Each week a different moving mechanism. Lesson by lesson on powerpoint with examples and lists of resources needed . Also a book let with success criteria for each week and higher challenges if needed.</p>
Mastery lesson based around one is snail and ten is crab.Quick View

Mastery lesson based around one is snail and ten is crab.

Pitched at year 3/4 -children have to use reasoning and apply knowledge of time intervals and units of length to work out a trail. Could be used as a collaborative lesson in teams or used individually. This PowerPoint has answers! I have also included suggestions for higher challenge tasks around the trail
Historical narrative Unit planning and resources KS2Quick View

Historical narrative Unit planning and resources KS2

<p>Historical narrative planning and resources around Victorian theme.Model text based on Tay Bridge disaster 1879,teaching structure and grammar features. Grammar to include inverted commas, prepositional phrases to orientate the reader and figurative language to build up setting and atmosphere.Setting and character lessons built up in a sequence. Children use research and previous knowledge on Victorian mining dangers to plan a historical narrative with the same shape structure as the Tay Bridge disaster story.</p>
Guided reading sheets for the book Clockwork by Phillip PullmanQuick View

Guided reading sheets for the book Clockwork by Phillip Pullman

<p>Eighteen clearly paged lesson sheets to match the book Clockwork.Lessons focus on different reading skills . They provide an opportunity for children to respond to the text in a variety of ways.Good evidence for reading journals.Lesson sheets include a lower level activity with added pictures s,larger font ,less questions or more scaffolding.</p>