Food Sculpture UnitQuick View

Food Sculpture Unit

A unit of work (5-7 lessons) which explores the work of Claes Oldenburg. Students will make large scale sculptures out of cardboard, Mod-Roc, Papier-mâché and Acrylic paint. The unit includes a tracking sheet and a range of self and peer assessment tasks.
Richard Long Land Art Composition lessonQuick View

Richard Long Land Art Composition lesson

The lesson resources includes group questioning, collaborative group work using paper shapes, a main task which develops knowledge of composition within land art and a selection of peer and self assessments.
Doodle Art Line and ShapeQuick View

Doodle Art Line and Shape

The lesson introduces students to the basic drawing formal elements of line and shape within the context of doodle art. Students are required to complete a starter task describing a Jon Burgerman painting and deciding upon a descriptive work as a group. Students then complete three line drawings of characters in the style of Jon Burgerman before completing a peer assessment. Students can the complete a larger final drawing in their sketchbooks / on paper.
Land Art - Clay PaintingQuick View

Land Art - Clay Painting

A whole lesson which analyses the work of Richard Long. Students then create a composition using a mixture of clay and water (slip). Resources include peer and self assessment.
Natural form sculpture design sheetQuick View

Natural form sculpture design sheet

A worksheet that helps students design a natural form sculpture (soap sculpture, clay ect). The sheet includes areas to display photographs and self assessments.
Photoshop ChallengeQuick View

Photoshop Challenge

A great way to teach Photoshop for a Photography class to a variety of abilities. Students must complete the tasks to move up to be promoted to the next league. This can then be tracked on a whiteboard with student photos or names.
Land ArtQuick View

Land Art

5 Resources
A range of different resources to cover a term long project looking at Land Art. Resources include artist research, clay painting, composition understanding and formal elements.
T.S Abe information and Mandala LessonQuick View

T.S Abe information and Mandala Lesson

A whole lesson resource which begins with group interaction task which requires students to discover the missing pieces of information about T.S Abe (artist) and Mandalas from each other. The main task requires students to create a mandala with exemplar images.
Van Gogh Art Analysis Tasks - Art DealerQuick View

Van Gogh Art Analysis Tasks - Art Dealer

Lesson Objectives <br /> I will discuss and debate the purpose and value of art.<br /> I will use this knowledge to create a persuasive piece of writing about a Van Gogh painting.<br /> <br /> Students will discuss the purpose of art and its worth.They will then create a persuasive piece of writing imagining they are an art dealer selling Van Gogh's Starry Night. Lesson objectives, exemplar and peer assessment included.
Photography - Professional Practice - Aperture and Depth of fieldQuick View

Photography - Professional Practice - Aperture and Depth of field

A professional practice unit which requires students to create a series of advertising photographs for Lego using their understanding of aperture and depth of field. Included are a range of historic and contemporary photographers, a student planning worksheet and lesson objectives
Doodle art watercolour lessonQuick View

Doodle art watercolour lesson

A continuation of both the line and shape and tone and texture doodle art lessons previously uploaded. This lesson requires students to add watercolour to their doodle art character. Their are also differentiated exemplar sheets
Doodle Art Tone and TextureQuick View

Doodle Art Tone and Texture

A follow on from the previous line and shape lesson. This resources has a range of short differentiated tasks to encourage engagement and develop knowledge of creating texture and tone. Students then will create a doodle art character and demonstrate this knowledge within it.
Photography - Professional Practice - Creating PhotogramsQuick View

Photography - Professional Practice - Creating Photograms

A professional practice unit which requires students to create a series of photograms (dark room needed) for the inclusion of an exhibition. Included are a range of historic and contemporary photographers who use photograms, a student planning worksheet and lesson objectives